- A Nest on High
You can find Featherfall in Stonegarden on top of the mausoleum. You can walk towards it without provoking any combat (the units in the area are level 11).
To tame Featherfall, the crow/raven, you need the talent Pet Pall, talk to the crow eating its master. If you have high enough persuasion (just respec everything into persuasion) you can get it to become its master and the achievement will unlock. This will grant you a summoner skill.
1- Existential Crisis
Crispin is found in a grave in stonegarden. Once you dig him up you get the quest existential crisis. Once you defeat him in a battle of wits this achievement will unlock.
There are two ways to go about this:Be an undead character and pick all the undead options in the dialogue
Read the 3 books: Essence of Existence in Rykers mansion. This will unlock new dialogue options in the conversation, take notes since it does not become obvious which ones are the correct picks to avoid your untimely demise.
IMPORTANT: Don't try this if you are not undead/have not read the books. Each character gets one shot, if you fail you die and need a resurrection scroll to be revived.
0- Iniquity Forgiven
- Furious Rebuke
You will meet Gareth again during ACT II while he's burying his parents, after interacting with him and bringing him Jonathan's gloves which can be found a bit further ahead there will be 2 options.
- If you have ther required persuasion you can send him on a path of reconciliation.
- The path of vengeance is a bit more difficult since you will also need to kill Jonathan, which is hanging Hannag's apprentice in the blackpits. This combat can be challenging due to the extreme amount of enemies. You may want to try and save this idiot for Hannag so bring healing, fortify, magic armour buffs for him
0- Favoured Son
You'll find Alexander on the Nameless isle in the elf tree, if you sent Gareth on the Vengeance path he'll also be there and you'll have to kill him.
To get this achievement you will have to kill the sallow man and succeed on a persuasion 5 check later on to convince Alexander to help you.
The Sallow man can be found in the cave guarded by a troll, you have to use the cowl alexander gives you on the wall past the alter to reveal the lair of the sallow man.
0- Royalty
- Regicide
While following the Beast storyline you will enter a sewer, after a small maze you will enter a room where Justinia is present. Isbeil will capture you and throw you in a pit, after a combat you will be able to pass through a wall where Justinia will approach. Save before saying anyhting.
If you confront Justinia with her choices it will give finally give you 3 choices.
3d choice will give you the Royalty achievement.
Load the save.
2nd save gives you the Regicide achievement and a combat against Justinia.
Now you can load the save again and pick which you find most fitting.
0- The Back Door
If you rescue Arrhu he will send you on the way to meet the Toymaker Saunders, he will give you some steps to follow:
Fill an amulet with source (use the same vial in the arrhu room for easy source)
Get a scroll from his top floor (toys keep attacking me, you can go around the house and climb some vines to avoid the ground floor)
Then enter the cathedral there is a button that opens a hatch. Once you enter it you will get the achievement.
0- The Adventure Begins...
- Eternal Salvation
These are both choices presented to you when you can claim divinity (in addition to the 3 standard choices presented). I suggest making a save on this screen and going through each option once to enjoy the story and its possible endings and claming both achievements.
0- Gladiator
In the centre of the ghetto of the "joy festivals" there is a trapdoor to the secret battle arena. If you go downstairs, you can start a fight with the arena leader, in which you can compete alone, with your group or with all group members including co-op partners. As soon as you have defeated the four opponents, the trophy is unlocked. You should have at least level 4 for the fight.
Small note: Co-op partners must refuse to fight with you or otherwise you will be fighting with your friend until one loses to another. And the winner will get this achievement (Either you or co-op partner)
0- Andabata
The Untertaverne is located in the cellar of the "Treibholz" inn. In the back of the tavern at the waypoint is the arena. You have to talk to Murga on the left side of the arena and in the following conversation agree to fight blindfolded. With the arena leader Arran you have to start the fight blindfolded. You can fight alone, with your group or with all group members including co-op partners. Once you have defeated the opponents, you must then win against Murga and then against a "Void Awakened Creature". After you have successfully fought the battle, the trophy is unlocked.
If you decide to fight the first battle without a blindfold, Murga will turn you away. Now you have to kill her and talk to the arena master Arran. You have to persuade him (at least persuasion level 3) to let you fight the "Void Awakened Creature". If you kill it, you also get the trophy. You should have at least level 11 for the fight. -
0- Doctor: Heal Thyself
- Risen
- An Apple a Day
- Deal with the Devil
- Demon's Embrace
- Angel and Demon
Below are spoilers for Questline of Lohse
All of those achievements are achievable only in Act 4 (The Arx). (Possibly some choices in questline of Lohse can lock you out from deal with doctor
To obtain "Deal with the Devil" and "Angel and Demon" achievements you obviously need to make a deal with a devil (Doctor), in which you need to do a blood contract, after that just go to final battle (Alone (Because after a fight your companions will be against you)) with a boss (Braccus Rex), or you could pursuade him to surrender, after the battle ends, or him being pursuaded, comes doctor and kills Dallis. After that just claim a divinity with doctor, and there will be a fight with all the rest of people that survived inside.
"An Apple a Day" and "Doctor: Heal Thyself" are claimed after killing doctor in his house (You must enter to fight through a dialogue, otherwise "An Apple a Day" won't unlock). In order to make doctor weak you could blow the candles inside the "Demon's Realm" which Malady sents you to before you enter the house where Doctor is. (If you decide to blow candles This will kill Jahan)
"Demon's Embrace" If you don't go to "Demon's Realm" with Malady, then speak to doctor so he will fight you. Unlocks after 2 turns on a battle with
doctor, so you just need to survive that long to get achievement. After 2 turns Adramahlihk will speak to you with no choice but to obey him (All choices lead to same result). -
0- A Sheep in Wolf's Clothing
Basically this achievement is easy to do when you either have gloves (From "Fort Joy"), that allow you to teleport people or scroll of teleportation, to teleport Saheila out from "Lone Wolves" hideout.
But in order to even have a chance to save Saheila you need to go to second floor of their hideout, where you will find her as well as 4 enemies and 1 guy torturing Saheila. When you talk to him be ready for a fight because even persuade he will enter into the fight phase beacuse of Saheila's words about you being "Godwoken".
When you're in fight try to insta kill them otherwise some enemies will focus either on you or Saheila (Basically trying to kill her), to prevent that you can use either healing spells on her and still fight, or you can teleport her away from enemies so they won't attack her but you instead. After the fight is done talk to Saheila, she will join you as a 5th (depends on how much companions you have with you) companion. Go downstairs and instantly try to drop saheila away from hideout with gloves or scroll (Near the main quest of Red Prince (Sadha's carriage)). After that teleport yourself to her and you need to talk to her where you dropped her and achievement should pop.
0- Curse Thine Enemies
- The Promise
The easiest way of getting this achievement is selecting Fane as your Main Character.
This achievement is obtainable after ACT 2 (Driftwood), when you go to Nameless Isle, you need to go to main enterance of Academy (It's the one with a riddle to solve about Moon and Sun gods), then you need to speak to Lizard as Fane. Choose the lines about joining covenant. Then after you join the covenant it will automatically replace your blessing skill to curse. Use that skill and you will get your another achievement.
There is another way of getting "Curse Thine Enemies" achievement. It requires you to craft "Curse scroll". In order to do that you just need to craft it by using:
- Sheet of paper
- Alien tormented soul or High quality tormented soul
- Any void-tainted fish
After it is crafted use it using any character and you should get this achievement.