
32 achievements
  1. Candice DeBébé's Incredibly Trick Lifestyle 22 Mar '16

    32 achievements worth 5,357
    1. Bad Beetle Bullet

      Defeated your first boss! What a babe xx

      100 %

    2. Don't u worry Brandz!!!

      Resolved to go on an adventure to save the world... or at least a TanVan.

      90.1 %

    3. Sharp

      Completed a sidequest for dear old Sean. Aren't you a good girl?

      78.4 %

    4. It isn't a myth...

      Had relations with a mermaid.

      62.7 %

    5. Three Bulletz r better than 1

      Completed Merytl's sidequest.

      52.9 %

    6. Digital S... I, uh, mean Hex!

      Had relations with a tech wizard.

      50.9 %

    7. Mystical Medical Suppliez

      Been on a... magical... trip.

      50.9 %

    8. 49.0 %

    9. We never were the same again...

      Won a weapon from Digital Vicki

      49.0 %

    10. Why is she shooting out giant 1s!?

      Won a weapon from the digital beetle.

      47.0 %

    11. For 20

      Reached Level 20.

      47.0 %

    12. Have you been listening this whole time!?

      Saved a dear friend from an evil pop diva.

      45.0 %

    13. Tremendous Chat!

      Had relations with a blingy king.

      45.0 %

    14. The HD Mushroom

      Gone on another life-affirming trip.

      41.1 %

    15. I'm holding my breath innit!?

      Engaged in mer-rescue.

      39.2 %

    16. Ohh Megaz...

      Witnessed your first Opera

      39.2 %

    17. Flirty at Thirty

      Reached Level 30.

      37.2 %

    18. But I... I'm afraid of fire!

      Gained a new power. Bless that Natalia, what a babe xx

      37.2 %

    19. R r r r r respect your nan

      Destiny has taken place. Definitely.

      35.2 %

    20. Naughty at Forty

      Reached Level 40.

      35.2 %

    21. Let the Good Times Go Bad

      Successfully taken over a concert.

      35.2 %

    22. Nifty at Fifty

      Reached Level 50.

      35.2 %

    23. Challenge Yourself!

      Completed the Plantical Hex Sidequest. Bless that Shandi xx!

      33.3 %

    24. Bounce Until the End

      Saved the world from true evil.

      31.3 %

    25. Love

      Got a lovely new weapon.

      27.4 %

    26. Teeth


      27.4 %

    27. Megaz Flare

      Fought the memory of a psychedelic friend, and received a mesmerising power.

      27.4 %

    28. Spooky!

      Completed Natalia's boaty request without ever talking to Natalia.

      27.4 %

    29. Mertail Combat

      Fought the memory of an old, fishy friend, and received a meraculous power.

      25.4 %

    30. The mer you know!

      Learned more about Xtobel's past.

      25.4 %

    31. Supernatural

      Learned the truth about sexy ghosts.

      23.5 %

    32. You're my Hex Bomb

      Caught a technical wizard in an embarrassing act.

      23.5 %