- When mountains fall
This boss has a trick to it, he will be invincible during the fight, that is, you canot damage him directly with any kinds of weapons.
To kill him, you must wait for him to create a ball of molten rock and throw it at you, the ball will be fast and as you damage it, it will slow down, keep shooting at it and damaging it and it will start going back towards the boss and hit him.Do that 5 or 6 times and you will win.
You need a weapon that hits hard so you can slow down the ball as fast as possible.
It doesnt matter wyere on the ball you hit it, the damage you do to it its what matters, the more damage you do, the faster it will slow down and return. I used a special sniper rifle that did around 20 damage a shot and that helped slow it down enough for my team to shoot it too and help.Use the 2AP maintain weapons to improve damage, if you have someone with the weaponsmith ability, even better.
0- Solo tu (small)
- Solo tu (medium)
- Solo tu (large)
These achievements do not stack with other map types, so you need to at least win a small, medium and large map with this challenge on.
You can activate multiple challenges at once and get the achievements for them if you win.of note, the Solo Tu challenge says you need to complete the map with ONLY your main survivor but its not true, you CAN get extra survivors by exploring and getting them randomly, although, the RECRUIT option will be disabled, so exploring is the only way to get extra survivors, you can also summon a mercenary without disabling the achievement/challenge.
0- Please stand in line
I am very happy to report you can get this achievement on AUTO mode, just make sure the AI is set to target weakpoints. I started with the bonus of having a unique crossbow and pumped my crossbow level to 5 to use it, after an hour or so of battles while grinding kills for the 150K kill achievement, this one popped up, so yeah, IF you have skill you could do it easier while having a few zombies banging on the barricade clumped together but since I suck at aiming, Im very glad it popped while grinding the other ones.
Since I wasnt paying attention while waiting for the autobattle to be over, I couldnt tell if my MAIN character did the triple kill or one of the other 2 crossbowmen on my team, but Im fairly sure the optimal way to go about this is to have 2 or 3 crowwbowmen on your team to increase your chances.
I also didnt setup any defenses on my run as to fight all battles against the most zombies until I lost the run. Hope this info helps!
0- Annoying
- Threatening
- Undead scourge
Just grinded it out, took me a week doing around 150,000 zombie kills per fight.. so yeah, had to do around 1000 fights!
I hated this achievement, if it wasnt for the AUTO feature which let me watch youtube videos and movies while I setup the fights and then waited, I would have gone insane.
Some of my notes:
As mentioned before, kills done by defenses do not count, so its best to balance defenses so a lot of enemies can come through without endangering your team by losing fights too much.I used a big map and left 5 border sectors alone so they could spawn enemies, I noticed only border sectors spawn new enemies, so you have to be careful not to conquer all border sectors or you'll eventually run out of zombies to kill.
Since you will eventually research everything and will spend hundreds of turns in the map grinding, resources will eventually be plentiful, so avoid picking bonuses that will be useless in the longrun.
I really liked the Commando class, i was around level 55 when I finished the grind so I had +55% damage bonuses on all of my 4 commandos by the end, I had 3 machine guns, one for fast enemeis, two for armored (Steins zombies were very dangerous) and a sniper for ranged enemies. As for weapons mods, I opted to have reload and fire rate mods on all of them.
Every turn, I used maintain weapons and summon mercenary for the extra firepower.
Agile trait was crucial, I didnt want my commandos to die after a defeat.
Weaponsmith was very useful as it multiplied my damaged a ton followed by Eagle Eye to give me time to kill enemies as they approached. Leadership was also super useful. Ranged enemies and Steins were the most dangerous enemies I had at the endgame, Steins are armored so the Piercer trait also helped a lot.Repair items were essential to avoid losing a sector and giving the game a chance to kill my team, using summon merchant helped me have 5 repair items on hand most battles.
On a big map, My improvements were mostly barricade reinforcements, I had around 330 barricade toughness/HP, the rest were training centers. As mentioned before, i only left 5 border sectors unoccupied for enemy respawn.
The max weapon level is 20, you can get your skill above 20 but the shops or the crystal upgrade action wont give you weapons past level 20. Getting your skill past 20 will still give you small bonuses.
Unique items like mods or gear wont appear in shops if you already bought them in that run or have them stored in your profile, so make sure you dont keep a very useful equipment (like the 10% faster reload for everyone) stored away in your profile.
That;s it, Im glad I got through this after all these years, time to uninstall the game and move on. Good luck everyone!