
  1. 0
    • Completionist (NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_1_2)

    I wrote this script to go over the first level over and over again.
    Made in AutoHotKey v2

    #Requires AutoHotkey v2.0

    ; The application should be launched and main menu should be shown to work this scrept correctly
    ; I set mouse coordinates for resolution 1280x720, other resolutions will not work
    ; after loading the script, press Ctrl + 1 to start it
    ; Press F1 to stop the script

    ; due to the loading of the game, the script seems to not finish the level every 3 rounds. it will self correct itself the next round.
    ; The script also seemed to start misbehaving after 70ish attemps.
    ; I stopped it, restarted it and it worked fine for awhile

    ; i know i should be able to send multiple commands in the same line but i was having issues getting it to work hence the loops

    WinActivate("GooCubelets: OCD")
    ;AutoItSetOption("SendKeyDelay", 400)
    ;AutoItSetOption("MouseCoordMode", 0)

    Loop 375
        ; Click "New game" in Main menu to start/return to the level 01
        MouseClick "left", 500, 340
        ;Wait for new game startup animation
        ; Excecute scenario to beat level 01
        Loop 5
            Send "{Up}"
        Loop 2
            Send "{Left}"
        Loop 2
            Send "{Up}"
        Send "{Right}"
        Loop 2
            Send "{Up}"
        ; Call "Pause" menu by Esc key and click on "Main menu" to start new game again
        Send "{Esc}"
        MouseClick "left", 640, 360


    F1::ExitApp ; Exit script with Escape key