
84 achievements
  1. Predynastic Egypt 17 Nov '16

    84 achievements worth 14,354
    1. Scout

      Scout any region.

      100 %

    2. New knowledge

      Discover any technology.

      98.9 %

    3. Permanent settlement

      Build the Field of grain.

      98.1 %

    4. 4000 BC

      Reach the 51-th turn, witness the life of the first egyptians.

      94.5 %

    5. Real city

      Build Rectangular houses.

      93.0 %

    6. Settlement

      Create 20 or more workers.

      91.6 %

    7. As at home

      Scout all areas of the city map before the creation of Hierakonpolis chiefdom.

      90.7 %

    8. True warriors

      Discover Primitive army technology.

      90.5 %

    9. Diplomat

      Peacefully unite with any tribe.

      89.9 %

    10. The Grand Nile

      Find Nile.

      89.5 %

    11. Trader

      Start trading with any tribe.

      88.8 %

    12. 3600 BC

      Reach the 101-th turn, witness the rise of the first cities and proto-states.

      88.6 %

    13. Friend of the gods

      Achieve +10 or more authority growth per turn.

      87.0 %

    14. Bronze Falcon

      Get the Bronze victory in The Sanctuary of the Falcon trial.

      86.7 %

    15. The Bronze age

      Discover Metallurgy technology.

      85.7 %

    16. The first temple in Egypt

      Build The Temple Of The Falcon.

      83.8 %

    17. Animated thoughts

      Discover Proto-writing technology.

      83.8 %

    18. 3300 BC

      Reach the 161-th turn, witness the droughts and wars.

      83.6 %

    19. City

      Create 50 or more workers.

      83.2 %

    20. Bronze unifier

      Get the Bronze victory in The Hierakonpolis Chiefdom trial.

      81.9 %

    21. Bronze defender

      Get the Bronze victory in The Ombos Invasion trial.

      81.7 %

    22. Bronze savior

      Get the Bronze victory in The Great drought trial.

      81.5 %

    23. 3060 BC

      Reach the 201-th turn, witness the first kings and civil wars.

      81.3 %

    24. Silver defender

      Get the Silver victory in The Ombos Invasion trial.

      79.6 %

    25. Silver savior

      Get the Silver victory in The Great drought trial.

      78.4 %

    26. Golden defender

      Get the Gold victory in The Ombos Invasion trial.

      78.1 %

    27. Ancient polytheism

      Get access to all cults.

      78.1 %

    28. The beginning of time

      Discover Chronology technology.

      77.1 %

    29. Mountaineer

      Find the highest mountain in Egypt.

      75.8 %

    30. Bronze host

      Get the Bronze victory in The Exodus from the Sahara trial.

      75.8 %

    31. The favorite of the gods

      Achieve +100 or more authority growth per turn.

      74.2 %

    32. Silver unifier

      Get the Silver victory in The Hierakonpolis Chiefdom trial.

      73.5 %

    33. Silver Falcon

      Get the Silver victory in The Sanctuary of the Falcon trial.

      71.2 %

    34. Housing on maximum

      Build the city.

      69.6 %

    35. Great explorer

      Explore the full map of Egypt.

      69.6 %

    36. International trade

      Start trading with Palestine.

      68.3 %

    37. Silver host

      Get the Silver victory in The Exodus from the Sahara trial.

      66.0 %

    38. Golden savior

      Get the Gold victory in The Great drought trial.

      65.6 %

    39. Golden unifier

      Get the Gold victory in The Hierakonpolis Chiefdom trial.

      63.1 %

    40. Bonanza!

      Build gold mines in Nubia.

      60.3 %

    41. Eternal Palace

      Build the Tomb of the Scorpion.

      59.3 %

    42. Tribute to dead kings

      Build the tombs of the Scorpion, Iri-Horus, Ka and Narmer.

      50.7 %

    43. Bronze Pharaoh

      Get the Bronze victory in The Unification of Egypt trial.

      47.7 %

    44. Winner

      Complete the game.

      47.7 %

    45. Wise as a peasant

      Complete the game with at least 7 score points.

      47.5 %

    46. Golden host

      Get the Gold victory in The Exodus from the Sahara trial.

      47.3 %

    47. Wise as a warrior

      Complete the game with at least 10 score points.

      47.3 %

    48. Bronze punisher

      Get the Bronze victory in The Civil war trial.

      47.1 %

    49. Silver punisher

      Get the Silver victory in The Civil war trial.

      45.4 %

    50. Conqueror of the Levant

      Subjugate Palestine before the end of the game.

      45.4 %

    51. Golden Falcon

      Get the Gold victory in The Sanctuary of the Falcon trial.

      44.6 %

    52. Wise as a craftsman

      Complete the game with at least 14 score points.

      42.5 %

    53. Golden punisher

      Get the Gold victory in The Civil war trial.

      39.6 %

    54. Egypt Conqueror

      Conquer all tribes on the map of Egypt before the end of the game.

      33.7 %

    55. Silver Pharaoh

      Get the Silver victory in The Unification of Egypt trial.

      33.1 %

    56. Warlike savage

      Conquer all tribes on the city map before the creation of Hierakonpolis chiefdom.

      32.7 %

    57. Groomie

      Unite with the tribe during the Wedding event.

      32.2 %

    58. Godlike

      Achieve +1000 or more authority growth per turn.

      31.6 %

    59. Megapolis

      Create 80 or more workers.

      28.3 %

    60. Wise as a trader

      Complete the game with at least 18 score points.

      27.0 %

    61. Predynastic blitzkrieg

      Conquer Ombos before it captures Hammamat region.

      22.4 %

    62. Come, we are waiting for you!

      Gather an army 4 times bigger than Ombos during the final battle in The Ombos Invasion trial.

      18.4 %

    63. Golden Pharaoh

      Get the Gold victory in The Unification of Egypt trial.

      17.4 %

    64. Intoxication

      During The Great drought trial, use only incense to strengthen the Horus.

      17.4 %

    65. Follower of Horus

      Honor any incarnation of Horus 100 times during all games.

      16.7 %

    66. Hospitable host

      Do not expel anyone during The Exodus from the Sahara trial.

      16.5 %

    67. The peaceful chiefdom

      Unite all the tribes peacefully during the first turn of The Hierakonpolis Chiefdom trial.

      15.9 %

    68. Obedient descendant

      Win the game with the Sages option in prologue.

      15.3 %

    69. Divine Falcon

      Complete The Sanctuary of the Falcon trial without spending food or production.

      14.8 %

    70. Wise as a Priest of Horus

      Complete the game with at least 22 score points.

      14.0 %

    71. Apostate

      Never honor the cult of the Horus until the end of the game.

      13.6 %

    72. Survivor

      Win the game with the Survival option in prologue.

      13.6 %

    73. Good soul

      Unite peacefully at least 20 tribes before the end the game.

      13.2 %

    74. Schemer

      During The Civil war trial, reduce the rebellion forces below 20 using bribery and concessions.

      11.7 %

    75. Follower of Nut

      Honor Heavenly cow Nut 100 times during all games.

      11.5 %

    76. The master of fate

      Win the game with the Evil spirits option in prologue.

      11.3 %

    77. Unpretentious

      Win the game with the Poor ground option in prologue.

      11.3 %

    78. Admirer of ancestors

      Honor Forefathers 100 times during all games.

      11.3 %

    79. Wise as an aristocrat

      Complete the game with at least 26 score points.

      10.4 %

    80. Wise as a Right Hand of the Horus

      Complete the game with at least 29 score points.

      10.2 %

    81. The Pharaoh-reformer

      Make at least 20 reforms during The Unification of Egypt trial.

      9.43 %

    82. Wise as the incarnation of Horus!

      Complete the game with at least 32 score points.

      9.22 %

    83. Wise as the god Horus himself!

      Complete the game with 33 score points!

      8.59 %

    84. Ancient businessman

      Get 1000000 resources from trade during all games.

      6.70 %