
114 achievements
  1. Prismata 8 Dec '16

    98 base game achievements worth 35,542
    1. Outbreak Complete

      Complete campaign Episode 1: Outbreak on Normal difficulty.

      61.2 %

    2. Defender

      Buy 50 Walls.

      59.2 %

    3. Optimal Blocking

      Complete the Scrap and Scrutiny mission without losing any Hellhounds on Normal difficulty.

      54.1 %

    4. Super Spectator

      Observe a top live game from the main menu.

      47.3 %

    5. So Much Defense

      Block with at least 60 health worth of units on one turn.

      37.4 %

    6. Beginner Scenarios Complete

      Complete all the Beginner Scenarios in Combat Scenario mode.

      31.1 %

    7. Flair Up

      Equip 3 Badges.

      28.6 %

    8. Architect

      Discover 50 Blueprints.

      24.3 %

    9. Honorable Victory

      Win a Ranked Play, Casual Match, or Master Bot game.

      24.0 %

    10. Stream In My Sights

      View a live Twitch stream from within Prismata.

      23.5 %

    11. New Contender

      Unlock Ranked Play.

      20 %

    12. You Are Not Alone

      Become mutual friends with another player.

      19.2 %

    13. Second Look

      Watch one of your own replays.

      18.7 %

    14. Rhino Perfection

      Deal 20 damage with Rhinos in one game.

      18.2 %

    15. Intermediate Scenarios Complete

      Complete all the Intermediate Scenarios in Combat Scenario mode.

      16.9 %

    16. Fully Synced

      Attack with 10 Iso Kronuses on the same turn.

      14.4 %

    17. Daily Dose

      Obtain all three Daily Bonuses rewards in one day.

      14.1 %

    18. Omnipotence

      Obtain an Omnipower Core.

      13.9 %

    19. Mysterious Card

      Obtain a certain dark-colored rectangular object.

      13.9 %

    20. Quick Dispatch

      Clear the second phase of the Squarewave mission in at most 9 turns on Normal difficulty.

      13.4 %

    21. 10 Honorable Victories

      Win 10 Ranked Play, Casual Match, or Master Bot games.

      12.4 %

    22. No Time To Waste

      In The Solar Fields mission, breach the enemy defenses by the end of turn 9 on Normal difficulty.

      11.6 %

    23. Advanced Scenarios Complete

      Complete all the Advanced Scenarios in Combat Scenario mode.

      11.1 %

    24. Friendly Gamer

      Finish a friendly game with another player.

      10.6 %

    25. The Code Is The Key

      Watch another player's replay by entering a replay code.

      9.11 %

    26. Neophyte

      Reach Tier II in Ranked Play.

      8.35 %

    27. Loonark Pls

      Have a score of exactly 99 in the Armory after opening a Power Core.

      7.84 %

    28. 20 Honorable Victories

      Win 20 Ranked Play, Casual Match, or Master Bot games.

      7.59 %

    29. Deadeye Ranger

      Snipe 10 or more Drones using Deadeye Operatives in one game.

      6.58 %

    30. Cadet

      Reach Tier III in Ranked Play.

      6.07 %

    31. Maximum Amporilla

      Attack with at least four Amporillas and ten Tarsiers on one turn.

      6.07 %

    32. Expert Scenarios Complete

      Complete all the Expert Scenarios in Combat Scenario mode.

      5.82 %

    33. Snowstorm

      Freeze 20 or more health worth of units in one turn.

      5.82 %

    34. Secret Fan

      Follow another player and observe them playing a game.

      5.56 %

    35. I Want It All

      Flip over at least ten cards in a single Armory session.

      5.31 %

    36. Crush Those Casuals

      Win 25 Casual Match games.

      5.31 %

    37. 50 Honorable Victories

      Win 50 Ranked Play, Casual Match, or Master Bot games.

      5.06 %

    38. Apprentice

      Reach Tier IV in Ranked Play.

      5.06 %

    39. But... How?

      Lose to Pacifist Bot.

      5.06 %

    40. Armory Jackpot

      Bring a Power Core to the Armory and reveal four red cards in your first five flips.

      4.55 %

    41. Platinum Player

      Start a Platinum Ticket in Ranked Play.

      4.30 %

    42. Concept Pack Complete

      Complete all puzzles in the Concept Pack in Puzzle mode.

      4.30 %

    43. Outbreak Master

      Earn all the expert medals in Episode 1: Outbreak.

      4.05 %

    44. Trick Shot

      Snipe a Gauss Cannon with Apollo.

      4.05 %

    45. Laser Show

      Deal 25 or more damage with an Antima Comet in one turn.

      4.05 %

    46. Eventful Game

      Win an Event Mode game.

      3.79 %

    47. The Bone Drone Zone

      Create at least 20 Ossified Drones in one game.

      3.79 %

    48. Superior Army Composition

      Control 20 different units on one turn.

      3.79 %

    49. Become Legendary

      Build three 1-supply units on the same turn.

      3.79 %

    50. Swarm Shepherd

      Reach Tier V in Ranked Play.

      3.54 %

    51. 100 Honorable Victories

      Win 100 Ranked Play, Casual Match, or Master Bot games.

      3.54 %

    52. Guardian

      Reach Tier VI in Ranked Play.

      3.54 %

    53. Prismatic Power

      Win a Prismatic reward by uncovering six white keys.

      3.54 %

    54. Master Monster

      Win 5 Honourable games in a row against Master Bot.

      3.29 %

    55. 200 Honorable Victories

      Win 200 Ranked Play, Casual Match, or Master Bot games.

      3.29 %

    56. Exact Vengeance

      Build at least 6 Venge Cannons on the same turn.

      3.29 %

    57. Ampo Shmampo

      Clear the Amporilla Challenge mission in the Concept Pack in Puzzle mode without buying an Amporilla.

      3.29 %

    58. Swarmwielder

      Reach Tier VII in Ranked Play.

      3.03 %

    59. Swift Victory

      Defeat Basic Bot Honorably by destroying all enemy units by turn 10.

      3.03 %

    60. Rush Master

      Defeat Master Bot Honorably by purchasing an Animus or Blastforge on your first turn.

      3.03 %

    61. But There Are Only Ten

      Attack with at least 20 Gauss Cannons on one turn.

      3.03 %

    62. Executioner

      Win a Ranked Play game in which you dealt at least 150 total damage.

      2.78 %

    63. Blitz Wits

      Defeat Master Bot Honorably with the time control set to 12 seconds per turn or less.

      2.78 %

    64. Potent Infusion

      Upgrade an Emote to level 100.

      2.78 %

    65. Dragon Sisters

      Click Tia Thurnax and Vai Mauronax on the same turn.

      2.78 %

    66. Master Scenarios Complete

      Complete all the Master Scenarios in Combat Scenario mode.

      2.53 %

    67. Hot Streak

      Win 5 games in a row in Ranked Play.

      2.53 %

    68. Officer

      Reach Tier VIII in Ranked Play.

      2.53 %

    69. Gaussite Tycoon

      Produce 10,000 Gaussite in Honorable games.

      2.53 %

    70. Metallurgist

      Produce 10,000 Behemium in Honorable games.

      2.53 %

    71. Minister of Energy

      Produce 25,000 Energy in Honorable games.

      2.53 %

    72. Biotechnologist

      Produce 10,000 Replicase in Honorable games.

      2.53 %

    73. Bullet Boldness

      Win a bullet (6 seconds per turn) game in Ranked Play.

      2.53 %

    74. Never Lucky

      Achieve a feat of truly horrible luck.

      2.53 %

    75. But Fear Itself

      Defeat Fearless Bot Honorably without attacking before Turn 10.

      2.53 %

    76. 500 Honorable Victories

      Win 500 Ranked Play, Casual Match, or Master Bot games.

      2.27 %

    77. Captain of the Swarm

      Reach Tier IX in Ranked Play.

      2.27 %

    78. Crank It Up To 11

      Win a Ranked Play game that features 11 random units.

      2.27 %

    79. Check Out These Skins

      Collect every skin in a skin collection and view it in the skin browser.

      2.27 %

    80. Who Needs ABCs

      Defeat Master Bot Honorably without ever buying an Animus, Blastforge, or Conduit.

      2.27 %

    81. Comeback King

      Defeat Adept Bot Honorably without clicking any Drones on your first turn.

      2.27 %

    82. Century Club

      Buy 100 Centurions.

      2.27 %

    83. Cerberus Lord

      Buy 500 Hellhounds.

      2.27 %

    84. Final Countdown

      Clear the Countdown mission in the Concept Pack in Puzzle mode without losing any Drones or building a Wall.

      2.27 %

    85. Shouldn't Have Done That

      Get punished for your empathy.

      2.27 %

    86. Prismata Master

      Achieve the title of Master in Ranked Play.

      2.02 %

    87. Dressed For Success

      Have non-default skins equipped for all Random Set units in a Ranked Play game.

      2.02 %

    88. Doomed Economy

      Buy 1000 Doomed Drones.

      2.02 %

    89. Bringer of the Void

      Click Zemora Voidbringer 333 times.

      2.02 %

    90. Close Call

      Win a Ranked Play game with 20 or less health worth of units remaining.

      1.77 %

    91. Unstoppable

      Win 8 games in a row in Ranked Play.

      1.77 %

    92. 1000 Honorable Victories

      Win 1000 Ranked Play, Casual Match, or Master Bot games.

      1.77 %

    93. Warning: This One Is Hard

      Defeat Master Bot Honorably with a handicap of 5 gold.

      1.77 %

    94. The Kappa Challenge

      Win five Honorable Master Bot games with the time control set to 3 seconds per turn or less.

      1.77 %

    95. Tank Commander

      Buy 200 Chieftains.

      1.77 %

    96. Legendary

      Win 10 games in a row in Ranked Play.

      1.51 %

    97. Third Possible Outcome

      Achieve a drawn game in Ranked Play mode.

      1.51 %

    98. Millionaire

      Produce one million Gold in Honorable games.

      1.01 %

  2. Prismata — Eng — Founders Edition 8 Mar '18

    4 additional achievements worth 9,009
    1. Recombination Complete

      Complete campaign Episode 2: Recombination on Normal difficulty.

      4.61 %

    2. Keystone Complete

      Complete campaign Episode 3: Keystone on Normal difficulty.

      2.30 %

    3. Recombination Master

      Earn all the expert medals in Episode 2: Recombination.

      1.53 %

    4. Keystone Master

      Earn all the expert medals in Episode 3: Keystone.

      0.769 %

  3. Prismata — Update #1 6 May '18

    4 additional achievements worth 1,681
    1. Defense Budget Savings

      In the Five-Cycle mission, destroy the enemy Overheat Ray before it fires three times on Normal difficulty.

      3.05 %

    2. They Didn't Stand a Chance

      In the Tandem mission, defeat the entire final wave of enemies in a single turn on Normal difficulty.

      2.22 %

    3. But I Survived

      Use a meat shield to deal with your problems.

      2.22 %

    4. No Thanks

      Decline a free gift.

      1.94 %

  4. Prismata — Update #2 8 Jul '18

    5 additional achievements worth 2,015
    1. Bomb Defused

      In the Guardian Rube mission, destroy the Armored Plasma Bomb before it detonates on Normal difficulty.

      2.83 %

    2. I Didn't Do It

      He did it to himself.

      2.83 %

    3. There's No Escape

      In the AFS Concordia mission, destroy the Xantho Talos before it escapes on Normal difficulty.

      2.42 %

    4. No Thanks, Again

      Accept a free gift, but decline to use it.

      2.42 %

    5. Massive Destruction

      In the Cargo mission, destroy all of the enemy Conduits on Normal difficulty.

      2.02 %

  5. Prismata — Update #3 8 Sep '18

    3 additional achievements worth 3,810
    1. Prismata Miniatures Pack Complete

      Complete all puzzles in the 'Prismata Miniatures' chapter of Challenge Pack 1.

      1.76 %

    2. Overheat Defense Pack Complete

      Complete all puzzles in the 'Overheat Defense' chapter of Challenge Pack 1.

      1.76 %

    3. The Onslaught Pack Complete

      Complete all puzzles in the 'Onslaught' chapter of Challenge Pack 1.

      1.32 %