
34 achievements
  1. Safety First! 8 Sep '16

    34 achievements worth 15,349
    1. Head Up

      Commit suicide for the first time

      81.5 %

    2. Wise choice

      Use a gamepad so you actually have a chance at this game

      75.9 %

    3. Dark soul

      This achievement is hidden. Retry a level 10 times in a row

      61.0 %

    4. Cheater

      Skip a level for the first time

      42.8 %

    5. Rocket boots

      Beat 20 levels of Classic campaign

      38.2 %

    6. Devoid of hope

      Commit suicide 23 times

      32.4 %

    7. Close call

      This achievement is hidden. Loose a limb shortly after winning

      32.0 %

    8. Self improvement

      Beat your own best time

      31.7 %

    9. That wasn't fair

      Win the totally unfair Trampoline 2 level

      29.0 %

    10. Idle gamer

      Be idle in a level for 2 minutes

      23.8 %

    11. Fix a mistake

      Beat a level that you skipped before

      23.0 %

    12. Footwork

      Beat Tutorial 2 without using up all your Magical Yellow Repair Liquid

      21.9 %

    13. Flying electrician

      Beat all levels of Classic campaign

      17.7 %

    14. Economical

      This achievement is hidden. Beat Garbage Compactor without using up all your Magical Yellow Repair Liquid

      14.6 %

    15. Ears of steel

      This achievement is hidden. Endure the full credits soundtrack

      14.6 %

    16. haxx0r

      This achievement is hidden. Tamper with the savegame

      12.7 %

    17. Pro gamer

      Beat 50 levels

      10.8 %

    18. Obsessive self improvement

      Beat your own best time 30 times

      10.6 %

    19. Sticky feet

      Beat 20 levels of Advanced campaign

      10.4 %

    20. Astronaut

      Beat 3 levels of Space campaign

      10.0 %

    21. Speedrunner

      Beat 30 levels in PEP mode

      9.41 %

    22. Drunkard

      Beat 30 levels in DRNK mode

      9.20 %

    23. Schsse!

      Beat all levels of Classic campaign in DRNK mode

      9.20 %

    24. Everything got faster

      Beat all levels of Classic campaign in PEP mode

      8.78 %

    25. Ambitioned

      Beat all levels of Advanced campaign

      8.15 %

    26. Spaaaaace!

      Beat all levels of Space campaign

      7.94 %

    27. Completionist

      Beat all levels of all campaigns

      7.32 %

    28. Lightspeed

      Beat all levels of Space campaign in PEP mode

      6.90 %

    29. Motion sickness

      Beat all levels of Space campaign in DRNK mode

      6.90 %

    30. Speed addict

      Beat all levels of Advanced campaign in PEP mode

      6.69 %

    31. Speed freak

      Beat all levels of all campaigns in PEP mode

      6.48 %

    32. Is this even possible?

      Beat all levels of Advanced campaign in DRNK mode

      6.27 %

    33. Drunken master

      Beat all levels of all campaigns in DRNK mode

      6.27 %

    34. This game is too easy

      Beat all levels of all campaigns in all modes

      6.06 %