
8 guides
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    • Beast Mode

    Beast Mode Achievement Guide

    The more Lions the Better
    Achievement: Beast Mode
    Description: Kill 5 gladiators with a lion

    To obtain lions, use my guide below for the King of the Jungle achievement. From my experience you can have a max of three lions in your Ludus at one time, and you will want to have atleast two in case one dies. I provided a picture below of two of the three lions I used for this achievement. I would suggest doing this in Endless mode just to make things a little easier. Once you have more than one lion, you will want to make sure your gladiators do not have a high level. The difficulty of gladiators you will be matched against will be based on the level of your gladiators. So I suggest selling or freeing all of your high level gladiators and only having low level gladiators with few or no victories. I found the fighting pits gave me easier fights with greater odds. Wait for a fight where you can use two or more lions against a low level gladiator with one victory or less then unleash your lions. The lions are quite deadly especially in numbers. They can take on a few low level gladiators, but they will get injured and might die. Better be safe and use them smart because the lions cannot regenerate health. If you need more lions use the guide below again to get more. Do this until you have killed five gladiators with lions and the achievement is yours.

    King of the Jungle Achievement Guide

  2. 1
    • King of the Jungle

    King of the Jungle Achievement Guide

    Event Skip
    Achievement: King of the Jungle
    Description: Obtain a Lion to Fight in the Arena

    One important note is that you must have atleast several open spots in your Ludus to house the lion (to be safe I had atleast 6 spaces open but the more the better), if not it will eat one of your men and run away. You can do this in either mode. The quickest and easiest way to obtaining a lion to fight in the arena, is by waiting until a red event box pops up into the middle of the screen that gives you a series of choices. You are looking for a particular event, one that says "Your guards have found a caged lion." If this event does not come up, hit escape and quit to menu. Then reload your game and you will be taken right back before a new event. Keep doing this until you find the caged lion event and select the answer choice "Train the lion in the gladitorial arts. It will make an impressive show in the arena." Once you do this you will have a new pet lion and also the King of the Jungle achievement.

  3. 0
    • King of the Jungle

    You can get lions two ways:

    The first is through a random event where you find caged lions, if lucky, you will have the option to take it home to train.
    Be ware, if you dont have enough spaces (I think you need 4), the lion will eat one of your men and run away.

    The second is to check the slave market when sometimes, lions can be sold.

  4. 0
    • Dominator

    To get this, in story mode, make sure to free at least six great gladiators before the end.

    Of course, you will need a good group of gladiators for the final arena battle, so dont free your best men right before the end, instead, because the game pits you against enemies that averages your own gladiator's level, between day 300 and day 100, free all good gladiators that reach lvl 200.

    Once you get to 100 days left, train one or two lvl 200 gladiators and keep them.

    To train then quickly, use pit fights as often as possible as its the quickest way to level.

    If by Day 0, you havent freed more than 6 lvl 200, try and free some mid level guys.

  5. 0
    • Gimme Shelter

    This is purely luck based.

    Behemoths can be found in the regional championships and you have a small chance to make it surrender instead of killing him as you gain victory.

    There is really no true "method" (as in, like.. whittling his HP and then throwing a net at him or something), surrender is pure luck based.

    You can press ESC and then reload after winning the battle and before the results are over so you can try again.

  6. 0
    • A Mighty Wind

    Took me like half an hour to figure this one out.

    First of all, its easier with a Retiarius (The Net dude) since his weapon flies more cleanly in an arc.

    Second, you need to be able to control your gladiator by having researched Mind Control and having Thrown Weapon researched too with your Doctare.

    Third, you need to practice running and throwing. This is where its tricky. You need to put some distance between you and your enemy so when you throw your weapon, the enemy is between 30% and 80% of the throw, too far, you will miss but also too close! ←- Being too close was my mistake!

    The weapon will fly towards the general direction of your mouse cursor (which looks like a sword)

    You can slow down time to 50% with the minus keyboard key. Although I dont recommend it, somehow it was harder for me.

    Make sure to have the enemy less than 60HP since a thrown weapon does between 40 and 70 DMG.

    You can run while holding the shift button, then turn around really quick and press F to throw your net, THEN quickly press F again and throw your weapon.

    Its tricky but not impossible and Im sure people with better coordination than I can pull this off quickly.


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    • Gravitas

    First of all, you need to capture a Behemoth regional champion, good luck with that, its pretty random.

    Then train the dude a bit and free your best slaves to bring down the level of your opponent, you need your behemoth vs a weak dude.

    You need to be able to control the Behemoth with Mind Control researched.

    Next, get into a fight and hit the enemy once or twice so its HP is down to less than 30%.

    Using the F keyboard button while closing on your enemy, start throwing the dude until its dead.

  8. 0
    • Juggernaut

    Another luck-based achievement, took me like 1 hour to get this one.

    I had to make the Legate and Magistrate angry (by arranging exhibition matches and rejecting the terms) so the fights they organized were more unfair and finally got one.. BUT... one of the slaves in the fight surrendered to me and that made the battle invalid and it just... if I had a controller I would have thrown it across the room.

    After a few more dozen of minutes, The Legate arranged a 7 vs 1 fight with chained lions. To my surprise, killing the 2 lions on my side and the 7 gladiators unlocked this achievement for me, the last one and I finally got the 100%.

    So yeah, this needs patience and the tip I can give you is to make the fight organizers angry at you for the chained lions Obstacle mode.

    Also, I had 1 gladiator at max level and the other 14 were slaves below lvl 20, Im pretty sure this worked in my favor to fight against mid level gladiators vs my God one.
