- Without A Paddle
This achievent can be earned solo. Launch a solo extermination mission on any hazard with or without Bosco. Either is fine. Find a dreadnought cocoon that you can reach with your pickaxe melee. Make sure to empty all of your ammo for your primary, secondary, tools and grenades. Literally everything you have just to be on the safe side. Once you have used everything, melee the coccon the start the fight and the achivement should pop after a few seconds.
2- What Are These Things?
Alien Artifacts are identified by your scanner as ERR://23¤Y%/ and are colloquially known by the community as Error Cubes. They are rare; rarer than Compressed Gold and Bittergem. You can identify where one is by looking for shimmering spikes on the walls, the artifact itself giving off a red-pink glow.
You will not recieve the artifact in your Space Rig inventory if you fail the mission, but it will still grant you XP and count for the achievement if secured in Molly.
0- Exploring My Options
You can unlock new primary and secondary weapons for a character by leveling it up first and then completing assignments on the assignment board for the new weapons. After completing an assignment for a new weapon, you can buy it in the equipment terminal with some credits and additional material.
Important note: This achievement unlocked for me only after buying all available weapons for a character (2 additional primary and secondary weapons) instead of just one each like the achievement descriptions says. After buying the last weapon I equipped it in the equipment terminal and afterwards the achievement unlocked for me.