
17 guides
  1. 0
    • It's a classic!

    You can find an armed explosive at Bunker 317, in a locker in the bottom floor after you open the elevator by using the computer [If elevator closed, open]

    You could also craft it (Dynamite+Wires+Clock+Battery) [Its a very hard craft and you will need around 50 or 60 tinkering to have a decent chance of success]

    You will need around 40 pickpocket and 30 stealth to pull it off easier.

    Remember to set the explosive timer, 30 seconds will do, by clicking and pressing down on the explosive in your inventory and choosing "Use"

    If you dont want to spend points in these skills, you can find a hat that gives you +10 stealth.

    Save your skill points for two levels, save, dump them in the skills, go get this achievement then reload.


  2. 0
    • Savant

    I read other guides on the internet and it said you need Intelligence at 11 and another stat at 1.

    I did the above and it unlocked for me, so if it doesnt unlock for you, just having a stat at 11, try the above.

  3. 0
    • Grave Robber

    In the first town (Otradnoye), you will find an old farmer/hunter that will give you a quest to gather/harvest corn, at the back of his house, around that area you will find the shovel.

    Put the shovel in Slot 1 and go outside town, there will be 6 graves, loot them all.

    In Bunker 317, another grave will be at the back, at the surface level, once you loot that grave, you will have 7 looted graves and this should unlock.

    Other places with graves:

    Old Bridge - 5 graves
    Abandoned Factory - 1 grave
    Stalker Base (Dead City) - 5 graves

  4. 0
    • Tourist Korallov

    You can read the guide below for this achievement, I also wanted to add some of my personal notes:

    You can recruit Alyonka, the Personality check is 8. You can boost your personality using perfume and joints, twice each for a +4.

    Stores reset every day around noon, I think, if you are having difficulties finding gunpowder, you can rest for 24 hours if you have enough food to spare.

    Save before giving the ring to Borislav, you need to avoid comforting Borislav, even if it breaks your heart. He needs to be in despair. Be mean to him.

    Excerpt from

    Tourist Korallov
    Tourist Korallov is a legend among the people of wastes. Dude is a forced casanova, that is to say he is cursed () with seducing any female human being he meets. Your goal is to find if the legend has any truth in it.

    For this, you need to complete three independent quests in Safe Journey Farm.

    Alyonka will greet you as soon as you set foot on the farm. She is the foster daughter of Bronislav. She says they need a merchant in the farm and demands 20 units of gunpowder from you. Before giving her the gunpowder, search one of the dressers in the hut to find an ATOM passport.
    After completing her quest, you need to ask if she needs anything else and pass a 'personality' or 'rifles and shotguns' check. After she tells you that she wants to know her past, show her the ATOM passport, welcome her to ATOM and make her leave for either the main base or Red Fighter.

    WARNING: This is a one time dialogue, meaning there won't be a second chance to ask her about it. So make sure you pass the requirements for her dialogue.

    Ella (Electra) is the younger daughter of Bronislav. Like a typical zoomer teenager, she detests the idea of parenthood and wants to indulge in self-harm.
    Knowing this, when she asks you about the world outside, tell her it's all fun and games with all the booze, cigs and parties. She jumps onto the bandwagon and wants you to provide some cigs and alcohol. Be a true hero and say yes to her requests. She says she will be waiting for you at midnight.

    WARNING: You need to meet her behind the haysack on the same day you take the quest, so don't be late. If you come later, you will fail the quest and she won't talk to you again.

    Bronislav is the owner of the farm. When you ask him about needing a merchant, he opens up. He suspects that his blonde bomb of a wife is committing infidelity. For proving that, he asks you to search his wife's nightstand for a Plastic ring. Just left of Bronislav is the private room of his wife. Picklock the nightstand that has a candle on it and get the ring. There are multiple ways to go with this quest after finding the ring but you probably figured out that our goal is to make this poor sob as miserable as we can for the achievement. So, show the ring to Bronislav.

    Quests can be completed in any order. Next time you visit the farm (timing doesn't matter, you can exit and re-enter the farm), you see someone and get the achievement.

  5. 0
    • The Vitinsky Rifle

    From the town of Fogelevka, southeast from Krasnoznamenny, you can pay a driver to take you to the mountain pass of woe.

    Going to the Mountain Pass costs 5000RP, 3000RP if you can bargain, coming back from the pass costs 1000RP, so make sure you bring your gear with you to the pass when you decide to go, there are not many shops in the Pass.

    The bunker will be revealed after you do some quests in the castle.

    Pick up the bloodied keycard from a skeleton at the entrance (you can pass through the broken window)

    Put the card in an active slot so you can open most doors. It doesnt work if you only have it in your inventory.

    The code for the door is in a picture of a dog you find close to the safe room you want to open, its a room with a boobytrapped desk and a safe.

    This code works both for the door and the safe in the desk room.

    The code for the safe can be figured out by finding Tarot cards around the kitchen/barracks and by a note that tells you the order of the numbers near the safe.

    Look at the end of the guide for the codes if you dont want to figure them out by yourself.

    Alternatively, you can lockpick the door and the safe with 75 or 80 lockpicking skills, you can buy a set of lockpicks in Krasnoznamenny which give +20 to lockpick when active in slot 1. Just keep trying until it unlocks.

    Door code is 1185
    The safe code is 0915


    In case you cant find the way to destroy the vines in the bunker, you can get the herbicide from a safe hidden under the bed in the room next to the vine.

  6. 0
    • No Name, No Slogan

    For this achievement, you should never speak your name to others.

    Others might recognize you and tell you your name, but you must never tell them your name through dialogue options.

    This means you wont be able to do any of Factory's Dan quests or get Fidel as a companion.

    You can however, get other companions who never demand your name, for example, The Dog, Slave or Hexagon.

    Be super careful when asking people their name as a lot of them will ask your name too, if you mess up, just reload a previous save.

    I strongly advise you do this achievement along with Pacifist.

    I couldnt do Pacifist myself, since a guide I read on steam said I couldnt have any companions except dog, so I ran most of the game with only rhe dog.

    But at the end of the run, I decided that since I could do a diplomatic ending without fighting, to recruit companions at the last minute and see if the achievement popped and lo and behold, it did.

    Anyway, so keep this in mind when planning your runs.

    Proof that you can have companions:

  7. 0
    • Superhuman

    Head to the Roaring forest located at western part of the map


    When you go down the hole in the forest, take 2 ropes. One to descend and the other to get across a chasm, this is so you can get two more achievements: Indy and Neanderthal

    The place you are looking for is to the left (west) of where you land after falling down, you will notice a lot of blood around the passage the monster is at.

    The place the serum is has two dangers, the monster and poison, a lot of poison, so bring something that upgrades your toxic resistance.

    The monster has around 60 to 80HP in Expert and you should be prepared by either having a long range super weapon or a burst fire weapon, Armor Penetrating bullets help and criticals can kill the monster super quick.

    The serum can be found in a skeleton inside the poisonous monster lair.

    Another method:
    Dead City:

    You need around 200 (Pickpocket+Stealth) combined to get the Key from Artyom through pickpocket, its super hard and that is why most people say its easier to kill everyone, although getting 30 bottles of diesel is kinda hard too, I remember the bunker in the mountain pass has lots of them.

    The other way to get the key is by killing Artyom is by feeding his smokin addition, 80 ciggys will do, check the video at the end of this guide.

    Remember that you can use Joints and Perfume to boost your Personality to get access to the cube that a guy owns in the surface of the Stalker's base.

    The check is 6 or 7, cant quite remember.

    You can use the joint and perfumes twice for a +4 boost.

    Bring a shovel and a rope, you will need them for other quests, its awful having to repay the fee to get to Dead City only because you forgot those tools back at HQ.

    The cube has 21 on it, and when you click on a side, it clicks a certain number of times, you dont have to click ALL of them.

    If you cant use the serum from the inventory, try putting it in a slot, clicking on it then apply on self.


  8. 0
    • Neanderthal

    This can be found in same place as Indy achievement in Roaring forest cave systems. Find the chasm in the western part of the map. Tie rope on one of the stalagmites and use it to get to the other side (you need to have at least 30 points in throwing weapons). Head to the left tunnel and look for a hidden stash under pile of rocks (press left Alt to hightlight it, scanner from bunker 317 doesn't work). Combine the stone tool in crafting menu with electrical tape and sharpening stone to unlock the achievement.

    You can also unlock Indy achievement by going bit further ahead.

    Personal Notes:
    Just a small reminder to save before trying to craft this since there is a chance you might mess up and lose the stone tool and and miss on the achievement.

    There is only one stone tool in the entire game, dontcha now

    Fun Fact: The Stone Knife gives +70 against cosmic horrors and the monster that spawns from the achievement Cosmic Horror is well, a cosmic horror.

    Have fun!

  9. 0
    • Head Burst

    For a head to explode, you need to critical hit either the head or the eyes.

    Shotguns are good and a good aimed shot with scoped rifles/auto weapons are better.

    You might also get lucky in burst fire and critical the head or the eyes.

    Luck matter a bit in crit chance so here are some ways you can improve your luck stat.


    Participating in the Circus performance will give you a face equipment that gives you +1 Luck

    The Strange Serum in the Forest and another one in Dead City will give you +1 to a stat of your choice, each.

    The sacrifice will give you a permanent +1 Luck (See: Sacrifice)

    The count is 10, you need to burst 10 heads.

    I got it on my 2nd playthrough and oddly enough, I got it on my second burst head so Im not sure if its cumulative across all playthroughs or head bursts from companions count, the thing is I didnt burst 10 heads in a single playthrough by myself but I still got it.

    All in all, its a fairly easy achievo.


  10. 0
    • Wishmaster

    In the first village, Otradnoye, there is a small lake to the northeast of the map, that is where the golden fish lives.

    To catch him, you will need ridiculous luck which, lucky for you, can be gotten from the good ol'drink

    So, to stack Luck until you get 11, you can use:

    2 beers +1 Luck ea

    2 vodkas +1 Luck ea

    2 cognacs +1 Luck ea

    2 gorilkas +1 Luck ea

    Forest Idol +1 Luck

    Clown Nose +1 Luck

    With all of the above active, you can get +10 Luck, making this fishing way easier.

    You can get the Luck bonus from the forest by checking out this guide: Sacrifice

    The clown nose, you can get by participating in the circus performance (I used a Dex check, you should too, we all get 10 in Dex, right?)

    Save before starting to fish, since the booze effect will only last 30 game minutes, that is 2 or 3 fishing attempts.

    Reload if the Drunk state wears off.

    Some people swear you need to do this in the morning and with spider brains as bait.

    I can only tell you what it worked for me: Getting my Luck to 11, 3 Weird Dolls as bait and fishing around 10am.

    I got it on my second try!

    You can make weird doll baits by combining 1 mushroom, 1 corn and 1 box of nails.

    Catching the fish and asking it for a wish will boost a stat of your choice by 1 (except Luck)

    Check out this video of a russian guy explaining how to catch it.

  11. 0
    • M̵̤͈͔͉͐͌̓̚ẙ̷̢͍͓͙̹̥͕͈̥͍̅͂̔͂̇͒͊̏̌̉͘͠s̷̨̱̟̲͙͍̈́́t̴̞̪̻̩̻͖̠̤̻̘͐ͅḯ̷̭̟͐͗̅͗͛͗̒̾̽̓̃̊ç̴̖̰̫͖͎͙̱̹̭̮̃̔̓̽̀́̋̈̀̎̒̕̕̚͜ą̷̛͇̙̠͚̳̥̣̮̐́̍̓͜͝l̵̼̰̭̹͓̮͓̪̄̅̋͛̏͛̀̀̋̈́̉̽͜͝ ̵̧̛̰̺̤̜̘̦̤̙̩̘̝̒͋̓͌̎̔̆͌͆̕̚͘Ȓ̴̘͍̭̰̻̺̅͐̐̎̇̋͊͛͘ę̴̠̮͎̦̩̈l̴̛͚̞̀̔̒͌͂i̷̧̬̦̲̥̘̲̦̻̩̪̙̿̂͆c̶̡̢̡̩̟̹̗͕̤͖̲̘̗͔̟͆̓͗̒͊̍s̸̨̨̼̤̲̖̤̳̲̼̲̊̈́͐̈́ͅͅ

    You need to sell 3 different magic artifacts to the fortune teller woman in Dead City's stalker base.

    There is an artifact, the cold amulet that needs a very specific build to get and is the hardest one to obtain.

    Anyway, the ones I know about are the golden walnut, the jade statue and the cold amulet.

    The Paleolithic Venus LOOKS like an artifact but its not, the buyer wont take it.

    DO NOT sell these artifacts, the buyer will always give you a much better deal for them.

    You might also miss this achievement.

    The golden walnut has an achievement tied to it, read the guide here to get it: Bustin Nuts

    The Jade statue is the reward for helping a sleeping dude in KGZ called Rudolf, he is in the apartments next to the hospital and across the TV studio.

    Read the diary next to him and you will learn that some dude sold him drugs, go to him at the bar in the city of Fogelevka and he will send you to speak to the cute healer lady that lives in that same city, near the truck and she sends you to a guy called Nikita in the bar in the city of Peregon. Take that dudes potion back to KGZ and Rudolph will wake up, giving you the Jade statue.

    The last artifact is the hardest of them all. The Cold Amulet.

    At the end of the month, or maybe just on Wednesday or maybe its completely random, noone knows for sure, a knife lady will appear sitting on a table in the smuggler's den in KGZ catacombs. She will challenge you to a knife game. If you win this game and refuse the reward of a knife and then refuse the reward of a free beer AND then ask her to Speak Up. She will give you this artifact.

    To win the game you need a high stat of DEX, ATT and Melee skills that is why this is hard since you need to dump skill points in Melee to get this.

    WhatIsSol checked the code at the posting of this guide and said in a thread that you need the following stats to successfully pass the test:

    MeleeWeapons >= 73
    DEX >= 6
    ATT >= 6
    INT >= 6
    PER 5

    You can use Joints and Perfumes to boost your PER if you need it.

    If you need a boost to ATT, you can find a miner's helmet in Dead City that will give you a +1

    If you dont find the Knife lady, you can rest inside the bar 12 hours at a time until she shows up.

    I waited in the bar, so I didnt have to go outside the zone and then come back in. She just appeared there after the I rested.

    Once you have the 3 relics, go to Dead City and to the Stalker base, you can find the fortune teller lady here:

  12. 0
    • Ghostbuster

    To get this one you must interact with some "hallucinations" so have a mushroom ready, if you are already in KGZ and cant find one, Foreman in the looter's base has one for sale, he is the dude by the campfire.

    Anyway, once you find the Looter's Base in Dead City by exploring the underground, open the gate using a nearby switch at the eastern portion of the map so you can enter the tunnels once more to find Kievsky station which is to the south of the Looter's Base.

    Once there, proceed to find the two skeletons near a wall, read the diary you find inside the bodies.

    Eat a mushroom

    A ghost will appear nearby, go to her and then talk to her.

    Agree to her wish.

    Go back to the skeletons to bury them, achievement unlocked!

  13. 0
    • Not-so-private Eye

    When you are working for Dan, he will ask you to torture a prisoner.

    Save here, this point will decide either this achievement or Protection racket (See guide there)

    Do nothing during the test and tell Dan it just wasnt right or attempt to shoot him but tell Dan you knew the gun was empty.

    Dan will send you to Maiden Spring Farm on a quest.

    Talk to the wife, learn about the brothers and then convince her with a SpeechCraft check or a Strength check.

    You can buy books in the big city KGZ sold in the bookstore that will greatly improve your speechcraft.

    You can use alcohol to greatly boost your STR for this part of intimidation.

    Once you are done with this, leave, report to Dan and then come back to unlock Comrade Yogi

  14. 0
    • 27 Club

    Read my full guide for this achievement here:

  15. 0
    • Expert

    You should go for this while you are doing playthroughs for No Name, No Slogan or Pacifist

    I read it doesnt work in Survival mode, you need to do this in expert difficulty.

    INT increases XP granted by 1% per point, get High INT if you want.

    The XP requirements after level 20 get bigger and bigger but not impossible, it took me around 10 hours to go from 20 to 30 by farming XP at Dead City.

    Best ways to farm XP:

    1. Do the caravan escort mission from Peregon to KGZ, you must have it unlocked by doing the quest you get at KGZ plant.
    2. Chitin Critters at Mountain of Woes since they summon reinforcements.
    3. Demons at Dead City, they give tons of XP, up to 800 on a good encounter.
    4. Do not get Effective Training, it will mess up your effectiveness to kill quickly and survive bandits attacks, get better perks.
      1. A sniper build with a great rifle like the PTRD or the VER will be great to quickly kill enemies with crits.
    5. Get a full companion party so they can also speed up this process.
    6. You can get extra XP from cooking, buy all the cookables you can if you got the money from it from traders.

    Happy Grinding!

  16. 0
    • Cheeki Breeki

    By several, they mean 4 or 5 and you need to kill the trader for this to count.

    What this means, you can snipe the trader and GTFO out of there by running to the exit zone if you are a bit underpowered to deal with the guards.

    Friendly Scavengers dont count for this, although they might seem like traders because they sell you stuff, they dont.

    After 3 or 4 trader kills an elite headhunting team will come after you, they are savage and have the best gear in the game, and they are 8 of them!

    The fight is long and hard but if you pull it off, you will have powerful endgame gear.

    I dont know if you can just quit the game if you see the bountyhunter encounter and reload a save to avoid the mercs since I killed them on my run and in the next caravan I killed, it popped.

    Anyway, dont try this on Survival difficulty, for the sake of your own sanity.

  17. 0
    • Pacifist

    So, you want to finish the game with a Kill Count of 0, easy right? Well, not quite.

    Getting this achievement will be hard to do along with No Name, No Slogan because you need Fidel in your team ASAP and he invalidates that achievement if he joins.

    You can pass on Fidel and get the Dog instead but it will be harder but eh, its not like you are playing with permadeath, right?

    Crits are going to be your worst enemy, not because they kill you, because they kill THEM.

    Avoid doing lucky/crit based builds on this one, even if you aim for the legs, your enemy might get crit and die from it.

    Never use aimed shots, use low powered weapons with low AP cost to weaken your enemies so your companions can finish them off.

    Needless to say, that will be your first task, getting companions.

    Get Fidel at KGZ tavern, its down south, follow the road south out of the first starting town.

    You can get the dog if your survival is above 40 on a random encounter, make sure his owner dies, get his collar from the corpse and show it to Dog.

    Get Hex by clearing the spider infestation at Red Fighter (NE from KGZ), use hit and run tactics (Quality knuckledusters work great!) and let Fidel finish them off.

    Lastly, get Alexander by building up your HQ and paying an absurd amount of money.

    Read my Survival guide for how to recruit companions and more tips and tricks on the game: 27 Club

    In the character stat screen, to the left, you will see the Statistics button, the Kill Count you see on there must be 0 in order to get this achievement when you finish the game. As long as you, yourself, dont kill anything (not even defenseless pigs or cows), the kill count wont go up. Your companions can kill all they want.

    Save often!

    If you accidentally kill something, reload.

    Check your kill count often just to triple check you havent killed anything, if you did, reload a past save.

    Because of these restrictions, you will want your companions to be equipped with the best gear and level them up often.

    Be aware that your companions only get XP through battle and the occasional skill check if its done by them.

    No xp rewards from quests or speech will apply to them.

    You can finish the game pretty quickly if you already know what to do and know how to get past high speech and PER checks.

    Here's a quick walkthrough:
    Pick your build, I suggest you play as a man to save some money.

    1. Start at the village, get shovel, corn and hunting rifle from farmer, get +5 Survival with a speech check on old farmer, you need 50 speech and 6 ATT.
    2. Get entomologist from fisherman, do not kill anything even if you are tempted.
    3. Get out of there and save your game, go south to KGZ city to get Fidel.
    4. Give Fidel the Rifle, craft 2 Knuckledusters for you and Fidel.
    5. If you want the Dog, upgrade your Survival you need 40, Fidel has a +5 Survival hat, in Foglebka, there is a Hunter that gives you +10 if you have 6PER (use joints/Perfumes) and you can buy a survival magazine from KGZ bookstore for a +15 Survival Magazine.
    6. Go to Red Fighter, kill the spiders with hit and run tactics, have your companions deal the killing blow, do a bunch of saving.
    7. Get Hex, make him a sniper (if you arent one) so you can get Monster Lore Expert, this way, you can see enemy HP and you can calculate better how much to damage without killing them.
    8. You now need lots of money to get your last companion, Alex.
    9. Go to KGZ's hospital and tell the dude Red Fighter HQ is a go, go to KGZ brothel and accept the quest to do a porno, accept the quest from the guy in the future outside the chamber of commerce.
    10. Go to Red Fighter and fix the pump then the generator, start giving the fixer man money.
    11. Go back to KGZ and seduce the bunker guard's wife (See my survival guide on how), get into the bunker and accept the mission to get rid of the circus.
    12. Go to the circus and get the clown nose from the circus performance, do the bearded lady's quest, do the future's guys quest, convince the people to do the porno, accept killing the mice quest, you can lure the mice to the circus if it gets tough for you to kill them, dont worry if some circus people die.
    13. Go back to KGZ and do the porno, you can sell the tape for a pretty penny later.
    14. Back at the circus convince the old lady to leave, loot everything, nearby cases have 2000rup.
    15. At the CoC, convince the chairman to forgive but also to give you the money, you will get 3000rup.
    16. By now you should have enough money for the Res Area in Red Fighter, go build it and get Alex with a PER 6 check.
    17. If you are level 10 or so, find the guy at the Lenin statue and agree to his quest, go to Old Scrapyard and let them fight.
    18. Loot everything, get the car, gear up your men, go to Peregon to sell everything, gear up some more, get monies by hunting bandits.
    19. Doing caravan escorts after you fix KGZ coal energy problem is a good way to get both money and XP albeit somewhat dangerous.
    20. Go to Dan and do his quests, talking to Dan invalidates No Name, No Slogan
    21. Do Dan's quest until you need to go to Roaring Forest to get the +1LUC from totem, the Serum from the underground go back and continue doing his quests until you get the Keys (+30 lockpicking)
    22. Start doing quests for the cult, when they ask you to kill the pig, use a ciggy on it to kill it, leave the note.
    23. Morlock's weaknesses are shooting them in the eyes or head or with a lot of AP bullets.
    24. Use two RAD-0 to get through Death Tunnel.
    25. Go to Dead City, the bunker is easily gotten to, its out west. use Rad-0's.
    26. Use tech, intelligence and personality checks along with a guide to open the doors without too much troubles.
    27. Get the Hazmat suit if you have the money for it, it costs 7500 at the stalker's base.
    28. Get the tattoos in the Looter's base
    29. Get the serum if you want, the cube is at the stalker's base and the key is with Atryom, you can kill Atryom with ciggys and it wont count against you. See here: Vid
    30. Head back, go to Fogrelavka and head to Mountain Pass.
    31. Fix the romance anyway you can, use the guide to go to the bunker, exterminate the creatures, get the herbicide from a safe under the bed next to vines or use a timed explosive to blow the vines away.
    32. Report back to HQ, go down the elevator, talk your way through everything (Need a lot of speechcraft, you can get boosts from magazines and hats).
    33. End the game, congratulations, you got the achievement!