
255 achievements
  1. AI War 2 21 Dec '19

    139 base game achievements worth 23,953
    1. Research Grant

      Hack an Advanced Research Station to grant a new ship line.

      75.2 %

    2. Lots Of Energy

      Have 1 million energy.

      73.4 %

    3. Give a Man a Fish...

      Spend science to mark up a single Command Station or Battlestation.

      64.7 %

    4. Lots Of Metal

      Have 5 million metal.

      57.3 %

    5. Off to the Dire Graveyard

      Destroy a Dire Guardian.

      56.0 %

    6. Miffed

      AI Tech Level reached 3.

      52.1 %

    7. Kills: Warrior

      Kill 30,000 ships in a game.

      40 %

    8. Teach a Man to Fish...

      Raise a ship type to Tier VII.

      38.2 %

    9. Tech Tree

      Hack a Technology Vault to unlock a new technology.

      37.3 %

    10. Getting Into This: 5 Hour Campaign

      Reach a game time of 5 hours in a single game.

      33.9 %

    11. Win On 80 Planet Map

      Beat the game on an 80 planet map.

      30.4 %

    12. Kills: Merciless

      Kill 75,000 ships in a game.

      29.1 %

    13. Abandon All Cookies Ye Who Enter Here

      Keep hacking random mysterious homing beacons until something REALLY bad happens.

      28.2 %

    14. The Way Home

      Claim a Lost Spire Frigate.

      27.3 %

    15. Control 25

      Control 25 planets simultaneously in a single game.

      26.9 %

    16. A Terminal Problem (Bronze)

      Hack the superterminal to reduce at least 30 AIP.

      26.9 %

    17. Take A Look At My Friends

      Beat the game with Human Resistance Fighters enabled.

      26.5 %

    18. Angry

      AI Tech Level reached 5.

      26.5 %

    19. Library of Alexandria

      Hack a Spire Archive to extract science.

      26.5 %

    20. 26.0 %

    21. FOR SCIENCE!

      Retrieve spent science so that you can re-spec part of your fleet in response to a changing situation.

      23.4 %


      Claim a Botnet Golem.

      20.4 %

    23. A Terminal Problem (Silver)

      Hack the superterminal to reduce at least 50 AIP.

      20.4 %

    24. That's No Moon

      Beat the game with the Devourer Golem enabled.

      17.3 %

    25. Fully Arrayed

      Beat the Full Ensemble AI on any difficulty.

      15.6 %

    26. Losses: For The Greater Good

      Lose 75,000 ships in a game.

      13.9 %

    27. Knowledge is Power

      Hack an Advanced Research Station to reroll the ship lines it can provide.

      13.9 %

    28. A Terminal Problem (Gold)

      Hack the superterminal to reduce at least 80 AIP.

      13.9 %

    29. RAAAGH!

      AI Tech Level reached 7.

      13.4 %

    30. Allies After All

      Beat the game with friendly Marauders enabled.

      13.4 %

    31. Weren't We On The Same Side

      Beat the game with Hostile to All Marauders with intensity >= 4 enabled.

      13.0 %

    32. Kills: Xenocidal

      Kill 200,000 ships in a game.

      12.1 %

    33. Lots Of Hacking

      Have 1 thousand Hacking points.

      11.3 %

    34. Nearing The End? 10 Hour Campaign

      Reach a game time of 10 hours in a single game.

      11.3 %

    35. Control 50

      Control 50 planets simultaneously in a single game.

      10.4 %

    36. The Power Of The Sun In My Hand

      Beat the game with the Dyson Sphere enabled.

      10.4 %

    37. Nanobots Are No Fun

      Beat the game with Hostile to All Nanocaust with intensity >= 4 enabled.

      10 %

    38. The Real Bloodbath

      Lose and kill 100,000 ships in a game.

      9.56 %

    39. Discounts Not Accepted

      Beat the game with the Zenith Trader enabled.

      9.13 %

    40. We Didn't Start The Fire

      Beat at least 2 AIs in Civil War mode.

      8.26 %

    41. Counter Counter Strike!

      Beat the Reconquista AI on any difficulty.

      7.39 %

    42. Snap Out of It!

      Destroy a Dyson Antagonizer.

      6.95 %

    43. Control 75

      Control 75 planets simultaneously in a single game.

      6.52 %

    44. So We're the Bad Guys Now?

      Antagonize a Dyson Sphere through hacking.

      6.52 %

    45. Yet Divided

      Beat the Full Ensemble AI on difficulty >= 7.

      6.08 %

    46. This Will Definitely Make Things Better And Not Worse

      Deliberately provoke the Dark Spire through hacking.

      6.08 %

    47. Derailment

      Beat the game with Astro Trains with intensity >= 4 enabled.

      5.65 %

    48. Hey, That Was Mine!

      Beat the Reconquista AI on difficulty >= 7.

      5.65 %

    49. Win On 120 Planet Map

      Beat the game on a 120 planet map.

      5.65 %

    50. Our Shields Were Too Strong!

      Beat the Shield Hater AI on any difficulty.

      5.65 %

    51. Bullshark Slayer

      Win with 'Shark B' enabled.

      5.65 %

    52. Long One: 15 Hour Campaign

      Reach a game time of 15 hours in a single game.

      5.21 %

    53. Two Can Play At Disproportionate Response!

      Beat the Overreactive AI on any difficulty.

      5.21 %

    54. Viva La Revolution

      Beat the Royal AI on any difficulty.

      5.21 %

    55. Megalodon Hunter

      Win with 'Shark A' enabled.

      5.21 %

    56. Get The Bug Spray

      Beat the game with Hostile to All Macrophage Infestation with intensity >= 4 enabled.

      4.78 %

    57. You're Cut Off!

      Beat the Barfighter AI on any difficulty.

      4.78 %

    58. The Powers Of Two Were Not Enough

      Beat the Quadratic AI on any difficulty.

      4.78 %

    59. Tide Turner!

      Beat the Tsunami AI on any difficulty.

      4.78 %

    60. The Fire Rises

      Beat at least 3 AIs in Civil War mode.

      4.78 %

    61. Losses: What Have We Done

      Lose 200,000 ships in a game.

      4.34 %

    62. Shellcracker!

      Beat the Turtle AI on ANY difficulty.

      4.34 %

    63. Yarr Harr!

      Beat the game with Hostile to All Marauders with intensity >= 7 enabled.

      4.34 %

    64. I'll Be Waiting For You On The Other Side

      Beat the Wormhole Master AI on any difficulty.

      4.34 %

    65. End of the Line

      Beat the game with Astro Trains with intensity >= 7 enabled.

      4.34 %

    66. Vandals At The Gates

      Beat the game with Hostile to All Marauders with intensity = 10 enabled.

      4.34 %

    67. Last Stop

      Beat the game with Astro Trains with intensity = 10 enabled.

      4.34 %

    68. Uprising

      Beat the Royal AI on difficulty >= 7.

      4.34 %

    69. The Flames Consume

      Beat at least 4 AIs in Civil War mode.

      4.34 %

    70. Risk It for the Biscuit

      Beat the game with Risk Analyzers with intensity >= 4 enabled.

      3.91 %

    71. Man Down!

      Beat the Special Forces Master AI on any difficulty.

      3.91 %

    72. Cataclysm Averted

      Beat the game with Hostile to All Nanocaust with intensity >= 7 enabled.

      3.91 %

    73. Control 100

      Control 100 planets simultaneously in a single game.

      3.91 %

    74. Risky Business

      Beat the game with Risk Analyzers with intensity >= 7 enabled.

      3.91 %

    75. Don't Open That Door

      Beat the One Way Doormaster AI on any difficulty.

      3.91 %

    76. Your Math Is Off

      Beat the Quadratic AI on difficulty >= 7.

      3.91 %

    77. I Hate Camping!

      Beat the Sniper AI on any difficulty.

      3.91 %

    78. Shields Still At Full, Captain

      Beat the Shield Hater AI on difficulty >= 7.

      3.91 %

    79. The Bigger They Are

      Beat the Golemite AI on any difficulty.

      3.91 %

    80. Intergalactic Insurance Agency

      Beat the game with Risk Analyzers with intensity = 10 enabled.

      3.91 %

    81. Hey, Lighten Up!

      Beat the game with Dark Spire with intensity >= 4 enabled.

      3.47 %

    82. Broken Sledge

      Beat the Sledgehammer AI on any difficulty.

      3.47 %

    83. Win On 160 Planet Map

      Beat the game on a 160 planet map.

      3.47 %

    84. Withstood The Tide

      Beat the Tsunami AI on difficulty >= 7.

      3.47 %

    85. Resistance Was Not Futile

      Beat the game with Hostile to All Nanocaust with intensity = 10 enabled.

      3.47 %

    86. Attempted Burglary

      Beat the Thief AI on any difficulty.

      3.47 %

    87. Outbreak

      Beat the Zombifyier AI on any difficulty.

      3.47 %

    88. No Bridge Explosions For Once

      Beat the Shield Hater AI on difficulty >= 9.

      3.47 %

    89. Dethroned

      Beat the Royal AI on difficulty >= 9.

      3.47 %

    90. Someone Call The Exterminator

      Beat the game with Hostile to All Macrophage Infestation with intensity >= 7 enabled.

      3.04 %

    91. Fall Back!

      Beat the Special Forces Master AI on difficulty >= 7.

      3.04 %

    92. A Warm Welcome

      Beat the Wormhole Master AI on difficulty >= 7.

      3.04 %

    93. You're Outta Here Buddy!

      Beat the Barfighter AI on difficulty >= 7.

      3.04 %

    94. Fumigated

      Beat the game with Hostile to All Macrophage Infestation with intensity = 10 enabled.

      3.04 %

    95. Okay, Who Woke Them Up?

      Beat the game with Dark Spire with intensity >= 7 enabled.

      3.04 %

    96. Kites Get Struck By Lightning, You Know

      Beat the game with a 'Kite Master' Hunter Fleet with intensity >= 4 enabled.

      3.04 %

    97. Diplomacy Is Overrated

      Beat the Peace Maker AI on any difficulty.

      3.04 %

    98. I Hate Spiders!

      Beat the Ensnarer AI on any difficulty.

      3.04 %

    99. And Conquered

      Beat the Full Ensemble AI on difficulty >= 9.

      3.04 %

    100. Calm In The Storm

      Beat the Tsunami AI on difficulty >= 9.

      3.04 %

    101. Backdoor Closed

      Beat the Wormhole Master AI on difficulty >= 9.

      3.04 %

    102. Critical Mission Failure!

      Beat the Special Forces Master AI on difficulty >= 9.

      3.04 %

    103. Hey, Get Over Here!

      Beat the Sniper AI on difficulty >= 7.

      3.04 %

    104. Better Not Come Back!

      Beat the Barfighter AI on difficulty >= 9.

      3.04 %

    105. The Harder They Fall

      Beat the Golemite AI on difficulty >= 7.

      3.04 %

    106. How The Mighty Have Fallen

      Beat the Golemite AI on difficulty >= 9.

      3.04 %

    107. Darkness Overpowering

      Beat the game with Dark Spire with intensity = 10 enabled.

      3.04 %

    108. Face To Face

      Beat the Sniper AI on difficulty >= 9.

      3.04 %

    109. Fort Buster

      Beat the Fortress Baron AI on any difficulty.

      2.60 %

    110. Turtle Soup!

      Beat the Turtle AI on difficulty >= 7.

      2.60 %

    111. A Rather Extreme Reaction

      Beat the Overreactive AI on difficulty >= 7.

      2.60 %

    112. Ghostbusters!

      Beat the Ghost AI on any difficulty.

      2.60 %

    113. Splash Damage

      Beat the Swarmer AI on any difficulty.

      2.60 %

    114. Caught Red Handed

      Beat the Thief AI on difficulty >= 7.

      2.60 %

    115. Containment

      Beat the Zombifyier AI on difficulty >= 7.

      2.60 %

    116. Divided By Zero

      Beat the Quadratic AI on difficulty >= 9.

      2.60 %

    117. Delicate Delicacy

      Beat the Turtle AI on difficulty >= 9.

      2.60 %

    118. Rabid Defender

      Beat the Vicious Raider AI on any difficulty.

      2.60 %

    119. What Was Rightfully Mine

      Beat the Reconquista AI on difficulty >= 9.

      2.60 %

    120. Yet Still Not Enough

      Beat the Overreactive AI on difficulty >= 9.

      2.60 %

    121. Eradication

      Beat the Zombifyier AI on difficulty >= 9.

      2.60 %

    122. Wrong Tool

      Beat the Sledgehammer AI on difficulty >= 7.

      2.17 %

    123. Why Was I Ever Afraid?

      Beat the Ensnarer AI on difficulty >= 7.

      2.17 %

    124. Violent Negotiations

      Beat the Peace Maker AI on difficulty >= 7.

      2.17 %

    125. Lockpicked

      Beat the One Way Doormaster AI on difficulty >= 7.

      2.17 %

    126. Too Tough A Nail

      Beat the Sledgehammer AI on difficulty >= 9.

      2.17 %

    127. Peace Through Superior Firepower

      Beat the Peace Maker AI on difficulty >= 9.

      2.17 %

    128. Open Sesame

      Beat the One Way Doormaster AI on difficulty >= 9.

      2.17 %

    129. Sentenced To Defeat

      Beat the Thief AI on difficulty >= 9.

      2.17 %

    130. Crush the Castle!

      Beat the Fortress Baron AI on difficulty >= 7.

      1.73 %

    131. I Can See You, You Know

      Beat the Ghost AI on difficulty >= 7.

      1.73 %

    132. Raid Fail

      Beat the Vicious Raider AI on difficulty >= 7.

      1.73 %

    133. Picking On The Little Guys

      Beat the Swarmer AI on difficulty >= 7.

      1.73 %

    134. Walls Tumbling Down

      Beat the Fortress Baron AI on difficulty >= 9.

      1.73 %

    135. Dispelled Apparition

      Beat the Ghost AI on difficulty >= 9.

      1.73 %

    136. Hit A Brick Wall

      Beat the Vicious Raider AI on difficulty >= 9.

      1.73 %

    137. Wasn't Enough Of Them

      Beat the Swarmer AI on difficulty >= 9.

      1.73 %

    138. Arach No

      Beat the Ensnarer AI on difficulty >= 9.

      1.73 %

    139. Fighting a Shadow

      Destroy the Ravenous Shadow.

      1.30 %

  2. AI War 2 — Update #1 16 Jan '20

    15 additional achievements worth 3,310
    1. Slot Machine

      Beat the Adaptive Easier AI on any difficulty.

      6.14 %

    2. Wheel of Misfortune

      Beat the Adaptive Moderate AI on any difficulty.

      3.50 %

    3. Cobra Eyes

      Beat the Adaptive Hard AI on any difficulty.

      3.07 %

    4. Wheel of Doom

      Beat the Adaptive Moderate AI on difficulty >= 7.

      2.63 %

    5. Betting on Black

      Beat the Adaptive Easier AI on difficulty >= 7.

      2.63 %

    6. Brutal Mutator

      Beat the Adaptive Brutal AI on any difficulty.

      2.63 %

    7. Erratic Command

      Beat the Adaptive Full AI on any difficulty.

      2.63 %

    8. Vegas Victory

      Beat the Adaptive Easier AI on difficulty >= 9.

      2.63 %

    9. Wheel of Torture

      Beat the Adaptive Moderate AI on difficulty >= 9.

      2.19 %

    10. Viper Eyes

      Beat the Adaptive Hard AI on difficulty >= 7.

      2.19 %

    11. Taipan Eyes

      Beat the Adaptive Hard AI on difficulty >= 9.

      2.19 %

    12. Brutal Metamorphoser

      Beat the Adaptive Brutal AI on difficulty >= 7.

      1.75 %

    13. Volatile Personality Core

      Beat the Adaptive Full AI on difficulty >= 7.

      1.75 %

    14. Mercurial Mind

      Beat the Adaptive Full AI on difficulty >= 9.

      1.75 %

    15. Brutal Transmuter

      Beat the Adaptive Brutal AI on difficulty >= 9.

      1.75 %

  3. AI War 2 — Update #2 6 Aug '21

    44 additional achievements worth 5,649
    1. Cruise Control

      Claim a Cruiser through hacking a Cruiser Construction Facility or stealing from the Zenith.

      22.2 %

    2. Chicken Little

      Beat the Ragnarok AI on any difficulty.

      6.83 %

    3. Apocalypse Never

      Beat the Ragnarok AI on difficulty >= 7.

      6.83 %

    4. Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?

      Destroy the Jormugandr.

      5.98 %

    5. It's Borrowing, Not Stealing

      Steal Dark Zenith ship designs by hacking the Dark Zenith Library.

      5.98 %

    6. They Don't Appear To Be Friendly

      Beat the game with Dark Zenith with intensity >= 4 enabled.

      5.12 %

    7. We Will Dissimilate You

      Beat the Beast AI on any difficulty.

      5.12 %

    8. Beauty Beats Brawn

      Beat the Beast AI on difficulty >= 7.

      5.12 %

    9. Beast Master

      Beat the Beast AI on difficulty >= 9.

      5.12 %

    10. Last One Standing

      Beat the Gladiator AI on any difficulty.

      4.27 %

    11. Arena Champion

      Beat the Gladiator AI on difficulty >= 7.

      4.27 %

    12. A New Foe Has Appeared

      Beat the game with Dark Zenith with intensity >= 7 enabled.

      4.27 %

    13. Hammer Time

      Beat the Spire Hammer AI on any difficulty.

      4.27 %

    14. Brought A Gun To A Hammer Fight

      Beat the Spire Hammer AI on difficulty >= 7.

      4.27 %

    15. Calm Down

      Beat the Vengeful AI on any difficulty.

      4.27 %

    16. Don't Be So Petty

      Beat the Vengeful AI on difficulty >= 7.

      4.27 %

    17. Ad Astra per Aspera

      Beat the Aedile AI on any difficulty.

      4.27 %

    18. Non Ducor, Duco

      Beat the Aedile AI on difficulty >= 7.

      4.27 %

    19. Sic Semper Tyrannis

      Beat the Praetor AI on any difficulty.

      4.27 %

    20. Et Tu, Brute?

      Beat the Praetor AI on difficulty >= 7.

      4.27 %

    21. Can't Touch This

      Beat the Reservist AI on any difficulty.

      4.27 %

    22. Off The Deep End

      Beat the Reservist AI on difficulty >= 7.

      4.27 %

    23. The Vorpal Blade Went Snicker-Snack

      Beat the Jabberwock AI on any difficulty.

      4.27 %

    24. It's Always Darkest Before the Dawn

      Beat the game with Dark Zenith with intensity = 10 enabled.

      4.27 %

    25. The Spire Must Be Pushovers

      Beat the Spire Hammer AI on difficulty >= 9.

      4.27 %

    26. Why So Serious?

      Beat the Vengeful AI on difficulty >= 9.

      4.27 %

    27. Vincit Qui Se Vincit

      Beat the Aedile AI on difficulty >= 9.

      4.27 %

    28. Veni Vidi Vici

      Beat the Praetor AI on difficulty >= 9.

      4.27 %

    29. Should Have Brought the Kitchen Sink

      Beat the Reservist AI on difficulty >= 9.

      4.27 %

    30. Coup de Grace

      Beat the Gladiator AI on difficulty >= 9.

      4.27 %

    31. The Chosen One

      Beat the Ragnarok AI on difficulty >= 9.

      4.27 %

    32. Thou Hast Slain the Jabberwock

      Beat the Jabberwock AI on difficulty >= 7.

      4.27 %

    33. O Frabjous Day!

      Beat the Jabberwock AI on difficulty >= 9.

      4.27 %

    34. Set Phasers To Stun

      Steal Zenith Architrave ship designs by hacking the Castra.

      3.41 %

    35. We Mine You!

      Destroy a Zenith Miner.

      3.41 %

    36. Phased And Confused

      Beat the game with Hostile to All Zenith Architrave with intensity >= 4 enabled.

      3.41 %

    37. Uneasy Allies

      Make a temporary truce with a Zenith Architrave by hacking their home portal.

      3.41 %

    38. Unmoored

      Use a Zenith Miner to make a planet nomadic.

      3.41 %

    39. Stay Off My Lawn

      Beat the game with Hostile to All Zenith Architrave with intensity >= 7 enabled.

      3.41 %

    40. These Feet Are Made For Roaming

      Win with Nomad Galaxy' enabled.

      3.41 %

    41. Trespassers Will Be Shot

      Beat the game with Hostile to All Zenith Architrave with intensity = 10 enabled.

      3.41 %

    42. Lab Rat

      Beat the Geneticist AI on any difficulty.

      3.41 %

    43. Gene Slicer

      Beat the Geneticist AI on difficulty >= 7.

      3.41 %

    44. Natural Selection

      Beat the Geneticist AI on difficulty >= 9.

      3.41 %

  4. AI War 2 — Update #3 20 Apr '22

    57 additional achievements worth 5,916
    1. Power, Unlimited Power!

      Hack a Templar Rift.

      19.7 %

    2. Creative Destruction

      Claim a Destroyer through hacking a Destroyer Construction Facility.

      16.4 %

    3. Scanning For Intelligent Life

      Scan for a Spire relic.

      16.4 %

    4. The Essence Must Flow

      Kill A Feeble Elderling.

      16.4 %

    5. I Prefer A Real Spire Ship

      Claim a Spire Cruiser Flagship.

      14.2 %

    6. Defense Contractor

      Beat the game with Sappers enabled.

      14.2 %

    7. Treasure Hunter

      Analyze Spire debris.

      13.1 %

    8. Think The AI Won't Notice?

      Upgrade a Spire City to Mark VII.

      10.9 %

    9. Necromancer Win

      Win with the necromancer enabled.

      9.89 %

    10. I Said A Real Spire Ship

      Claim a Spire Battleship Flagship.

      8.79 %

    11. Wherever We May Roam

      Beat the game with Migrant Fleets enabled.

      7.69 %

    12. More Like Passive Aggressive

      Beat the Aggressor AI on any difficulty.

      7.69 %

    13. Long Live The King

      Destroy the Templar Sovereign.

      6.59 %

    14. Viva La Resistance!

      Destroy the Scourge Subjugator.

      6.59 %

    15. All Your Base Are Belong To Us

      Corrupt a Templar Castle.

      6.59 %

    16. Perfection

      Claim a Spire Dreadnought Flagship.

      6.59 %

    17. Sibling Rivalry

      Beat the game with Neinzul Custodians enabled.

      6.59 %

    18. Feel My Vengence

      Destroy the Scourge Nemesis.

      6.59 %

    19. Didn't Mean To Make You Cry

      Destroy a Mothership.

      6.59 %

    20. Let Bygones Be Bygones

      Beat the game with the Splintering Spire enabled.

      6.59 %

    21. Why Don't You Pick On Someone Your Own Size?

      the Aggressor AI on difficulty >= 7.

      6.59 %

    22. Cosmic Omelet

      Destroy an Elderling Egg.

      5.49 %

    23. Howdy Neighbor!

      Beat the game with Spire Sphere enabled.

      5.49 %

    24. The Hubris Before the Fall

      Summon a Transcendent Elderling.

      5.49 %

    25. Should Have Joined Our Federation

      Beat the game with Hostile to All Players Scourge with intensity >= 4 enabled.

      5.49 %

    26. I Would Like To Make A Collect Call

      Build the Spire Transceiver.

      5.49 %

    27. Born To Be Wild

      Beat the game with Neinzul Wild Hives enabled.

      5.49 %

    28. Divide And Conquer

      Beat the game with Hostile to Players Scourge with intensity >= 7 enabled.

      5.49 %

    29. Should Have Diversified

      Beat the Vanguard AI on any difficulty.

      5.49 %

    30. Race Against Time

      Beat the game with Hostile to All Scourge with intensity = 10 enabled.

      5.49 %

    31. Push The Red Button

      Steal a Gray Spire Warhead.

      5.49 %

    32. Leave My Stuff Alone!

      Beat the game with the Chromatic Horror enabled.

      5.49 %

    33. All Bark And No Bite

      Beat the Aggressor AI on difficulty >= 9.

      5.49 %

    34. Best Two Out Of Three?

      Beat the Skirmisher AI on any difficulty.

      5.49 %

    35. No Time For Losers

      Beat the Skirmisher AI on difficulty >= 7.

      5.49 %

    36. Tragic Hero

      Beat the Heroic AI on any difficulty.

      5.49 %

    37. Hero's Journey To A Dead End

      Beat the Heroic AI on difficulty >= 7.

      5.49 %

    38. And I Thought Snipers Had Long Range

      Steal a Chromatic Spire Interplanetary Weapon.

      5.49 %

    39. Running In Circles

      Beat the Orbital AI on any difficulty.

      4.39 %

    40. What Goes Around Comes Around

      Beat the Orbital AI on difficulty >= 7.

      4.39 %

    41. Showdown Win

      Win with the showdown device enabled.

      4.39 %

    42. We Are The Champions

      Beat the Skirmisher AI on difficulty >= 9.

      4.39 %

    43. Independence Day

      Beat the Orbital AI on difficulty >= 9.

      4.39 %

    44. Not Quite The Guardians Of The Galaxy

      Beat the Vanguard AI on difficulty >= 7.

      4.39 %

    45. Left The Flanks Wide Open

      Beat the Vanguard AI on difficulty >= 9.

      4.39 %

    46. I Thought I Was The Protagonist

      Beat the Heroic AI on difficulty >= 9.

      4.39 %

    47. Found A Blind Spot

      Beat the Panopticon AI on any difficulty.

      4.39 %

    48. Right Between The Eyes

      Beat the Panopticon AI on difficulty >= 7.

      4.39 %

    49. Tortoise Beats Hare

      Beat the Speedster AI on any difficulty.

      4.39 %

    50. Run Into the Ground

      Beat the Speedster AI on difficulty >= 7.

      4.39 %

    51. Pass the Bug Spray

      Beat the Neinzul Enthusiast AI on any difficulty.

      4.39 %

    52. They Call Me The Exterminator

      Beat the Neinzul Enthusiast AI on difficulty >= 7.

      4.39 %

    53. Curb Your Enthusiasm

      Beat the Neinzul Enthusiast AI on difficulty >= 9.

      4.39 %

    54. You Can't See Me

      Beat the Panopticon AI on difficulty >= 9.

      4.39 %

    55. It's A Marathon Not A Sprint

      Beat the Speedster AI on difficulty >= 9.

      4.39 %

    56. You Did This Without Cheating?

      Destroy the Flenser.

      3.29 %


The most devious and acclaimed artificial intelligence in strategy gaming is better than ever. A grand strategy/RTS hybrid that reverses many conventions of both genres. Take territory without attracting attention, build your empire with care, and adapt to an ever-evolving galactic battleground.

Very Positive
SteamDB Rating
Release Date


4X 476 votes
Grand Strategy 432 votes
Multiplayer 371 votes
Tower Defense 344 votes
Co-op 344 votes
RTS 329 votes
Real Time Tactics 318 votes
Economy 312 votes
Management 306 votes
Military 304 votes
Sci-fi 302 votes
Space 299 votes
War 294 votes
Real-Time 287 votes
Sandbox 277 votes
Strategy 273 votes
Simulation 268 votes
Online Co-Op 264 votes
Tactical 261 votes
Moddable 259 votes
4X 38,830 points
Grand Strategy 36,888 points
Multiplayer 34,947 points
Tower Defense 33,005 points
Co-op 31,064 points
RTS 29,122 points
Real Time Tactics 27,181 points
Economy 25,239 points
Management 23,298 points
Military 21,356 points
Sci-fi 19,415 points
Space 17,473 points
War 15,532 points
Real-Time 13,590 points
Sandbox 11,649 points
Strategy 9,707 points
Simulation 7,766 points
Online Co-Op 5,824 points
Tactical 3,883 points
Moddable 1,941 points




Online Co-op
LAN Co-op
Cross-Platform Multiplayer
Steam Achievements
Steam Trading Cards
Steam Cloud
Family Sharing


Arcen Games, LLC 36


Arcen Games, LLC 29


AI War 5
Arcen Strategy 7
Arcenverse 15