
15 guides
  1. 7
    • Giant Crown
    • Miniature Crown
    • Miniature Crown Collector
    • Giant Crown Collector
    • Miniature Crown Master
    • Giant Crown Master
    • True Miniature Crown Collector
    • True Large Crown Collector

    Monsters in Monster Hunter: World spawn in varying sizes. Killing or capturing a monster above a certain size threshold will grant you a "large gold crown" in your hunting log. Likewise, killing or capturing a monster below a certain threshold will grant you a "miniature crown."
    In total, there are 60 monsters capable of granting crowns in the game. 4 of those are excluded from achievement requirements. They are: Stygian Zinogre, Rajang, Furious Rajang and Frostfang Barioth.

    The method to farm crowns is different depending on the crown. Use CTRL+F to find the monster you're looking for, or use the spreadsheet at the end.

    The following quests are guaranteed to grant you the corresponding crown:

    ★3 USJ: Gold Star Treatment: Miniature Great Jagras and Giant Great Jagras
    ★3 Down the Dark, Muddy Path: Giant Barroth
    ★6 Egg Lovers United: Giant Kulu-Ya-Ku
    ★7 A Rush of Blood: Miniature Odogaron
    ★7 USJ: Blazing Azure Stars: Giant Dodogama and Miniature Azure Rathalos
    ★8 The Blazing Sun: Giant Teostra
    ★9 The Greatest Jagras: Giant Great Jagras and Miniature Deviljho
    ★9 The Name's Lavasioth!: Giant Lavasioth
    M★2 Kadachi Twins: Miniature Tobi-Kadachi and Giant Viper Tobi-Kadachi
    M★2 Paolumu Lullabies: Miniature Nightshade Paolumu
    M★3 Seeing is Believing: Giant Tigrex
    M★6 Don't Forget The Earplugs!: Miniature Yian Garuga
    M★6 A Farewell to Zinogre: Either Miniature Zinogre or Giant Zinogre (50/50)
    M★6 Brand New Brute: Either Miniature Brute Tigrex or Giant Brute Tigrex (50/50)
    M★6 Mighty Muscle Monkey Madness: Giant Furious Rajang
    M★6 Monkey Business: Miniature Furious Rajang

    Following those, the quests below have a relatively high chance to grant crowns (12% small/12% large) for any of the monsters in them:

    ★7 Deep Green Blues: Great Jagras, Pukei-Pukei, Tobi-Kadachi, Anjanath and Rathalos
    ★7 Wildspire Bolero: Kulu-Ya-Ku, Barroth, Jyuratodus, Rathian and Diablos
    ★7 Coral Waltz: Tzitzi-Ya-Ku, Paolumu, Pink Rathian and Legiana
    ★7 Effluvial Opera: Great Girros, Radobaan, Odogaron and Bazelgeuse
    ★7 Rock N' Roll Recess: Dodogama, Uragaan, Lavasioth and Azure Rathalos
    M★6 Yodeling in the Forest: Anjanath, Rathalos, Nargacuga, Yian Garuga and Rajang
    M★6 Heavy Metal in the Waste: Jyuratodus, Nightshade Paolumu, Glavenus, Black Diablos and Savage Deviljho
    M★6 Symphony of the Coral: Paolumu, Legiana, Coral Pukei-Pukei, Ebony Odogaron and Zinogre
    M★6 Rotten Canzone: Great Girros, Odogaron, Tigrex, Fulgur Anjanath and Acidic Glavenus
    M★6 Alt Rock Recess: Uragaan, Azure Rathalos, Banbaro, Brachydios and Seething Bazelgeuse
    M★6 Ballad of the Hoarfrost: Beotodus, Viper Tobi-Kadachi, Barioth, Shrieking Legiana and Stygian Zinogre

    This leaves the following monsters, that can be farmed either in investigations, or in the Guiding Lands:

    Deviljho: Does not appear in Master Rank, look for him in High Rank investigations.
    Nergigante: Does not appear in Master Rank, look for him in High Rank investigations.
    Vaal Hazak: Does not appear in Master Rank, look for him in High Rank investigations.
    Kirin: Guiding Lands, High Rank and Master Rank investigations.
    Kushala Daora: Guiding Lands, High Rank and Master Rank investigations.
    Teostra: Guiding Lands, High Rank and Master Rank investigations.
    Lunastra: Guiding Lands, High Rank and Master Rank investigations.
    Velkhana: Guiding Lands and Master Rank investigations.
    Blackveil Vaal Hazak: Guiding Lands and Master Rank investigations.
    Ruiner Nergigante: Guiding Lands and Master Rank investigations.
    Namielle: Guiding Lands and Master Rank investigations.
    Scarred Yian Garuga: Guiding Lands (lvl6 or 7 Forest Region only!) and Master Rank tempered investigations.
    Gold Rathian: Guiding Lands and Master Rank investigations.
    Silver Rathalos: Guiding Lands and Master Rank investigations.

    To farm investigations, use your Tailraider Safari. Every safari grants you 5 investigations depending on the location where you sent your palicos. As an example, to get Nergigante investigations, send your palicos to High Rank Elder's Recess. To get Vaal Hazak investigations, send them to High Rank Rotten Vale. The Guiding Lands are a good destination to get investigations for many end game monsters. The odds of monsters having crowns depend on the number of reward boxes the investigation has. Those odds apply to all monsters in the quest, even those that are not the target. In general, you should look for investigations with at least 1 gold and one silver box. Monsters in those will have a 3% chance to grant a large crown, and a 6% chance to grant a miniature crown. For tempered investigations, 3 purple boxes are required.

    To farm the Guiding Lands, use lures and banishing balls to quickly summon and dismiss monsters until you get one of the desired size. Both of those can be made at the Elder Melder.

    You do not necessarily need to kill monsters every time in order to farm their crown. You can place your character next to the monster and take screenshots to keep a frame of reference, or simply one of many Youtube guides to know what visual clues to look for. If you realize that the monster isn't the right size, you can simply skip the fight altogether. I find this to be tedious, however, and I would recommend against it in the 12% chance quests unless you're down to just one crown you need.

    Returning from a quest does not make you lose your crowns. You can end a quest immediately after killing/capturing the monster you wanted. Select Return from quest, not Abandon quest.

    Finally, here is a link to my personal spreadsheet, which contains all of this info and then some, as well as a crown checklist you can use to keep track.

  2. 1

  3. 1
    • Fledgling Collector
    • Veteran Collector
    • Ultimate Collector

    Just follow this videoguides:

    Ancient Forest:

    Wildspire Waste:

    Coral Highlands:

    Rotten Vale:

    Elder's Recess:

    Hoarfrost Reach:

  4. 1
    • The Art of Camouflage
    • Welcome to the New World
    • Nothing Stops This Commission
    • Defender of Astera
    • Into the Deep
    • Death Begets Life
    • The Empress of the Highlands
    • One Shall Stand, One Shall Fall
    • The Sapphire Star

    This achievements are unlocked just playing the base game history. Not missable.

  5. 0
    • Monster Master

    You need to research max lvl in every NO DLC Monster.
    -All the Base game monsters.
    -Lunastra (to unlock master rank, you need to reach lvl5+ in guiding lands for wildspire waste and find one)
    -Viper Tobi-Kadachi
    -Nightshade Paolumu
    -Coral Pukei-Pukei
    -Shrieking Legiana
    -Fulgur Anjanath
    -Acidic Glavenus
    -Ebony Odogaron
    -Seething Bazelgeuse
    -Blackveil Vaal Hazak
    -Savage Deviljho
    -Ruiner Nergigante
    -Yian Garuga
    -Silver Rathalos
    -Gold Rathian
    -Brute Tigrex

  6. 0
    • Fate's Conclusion

    When you reach MR99 you will unlock a new quest where you need to kill Ruiner Nergigante. After defeat him, you will unlock the MR cap and the achievement pop up.

  7. 0
    • Celestial Illusion

    You can find in Hoarfrost Reach (Area 14, At the mountain top) when it is night and clear weather.

  8. 0
    • Clutch Claw Neophyte

    You need to do a quest found in low rank 1 star. Follow the tutorial and you will earn the achievement.

  9. 0
    • The Beginning of a New Expedition
    • The True Hunt Begins
    • Time to Get Serious
    • The Elusive Elder Dragon
    • Indomitable Spirit
    • The Old Everwyrm
    • An End and a Beginning

    Iceborne DLC history related achievements. Not missable

  10. 0
    • Evolving Ecology

    Requires the MR 99 assignment to be completed. Focus on a region, because when you raise a region, the other regions bring down their lvl.

  11. 0
    • I Am the Reinforcements
    • Helpful Hunter

    Just a general tip if you want to 100% the game as fast as possible. Wait with the SOS missions until you are in master rank (Iceborne DLC), then you can complete both of these achievement at the same time.

  12. 0
    • A Living Fossil
    • Bristles for All

    These two can be found in the same area. So Im grouping them up together.

    A living Fossil:

    In the Rotten Vale you will want to fast travel to "Central Camp (11)" then go to Area 15.

    It is a little cave with bright blue ponds. at the end of that cave there are a few Plunderers, and at the very end there is a bright blue pond.

    On the left side there are fish, and there is a slim chance that the Petricanth spawns there. It is a dark fish with bright blue dots on it, very hard to miss.

    Once you find it, you will have to fish it with at least a Baitbug. Once you are reeling it in, a minigame will start. You will have to mash different buttons.

    After all that is done you have gotten a new achievement!

    Bristles for All:

    The Bristly Crake can be found in two areas, in the same cave as you went to look after the Petricanth. Also in a cave on the left side after going to the "Southeast Camp (1)".

    It will only spawn on top of a Mosswine, sometimes. It is also very scarce, so you should leave your Palico behind and use a Ghillie Mantle.

    Once you find it, capture it with the Capture Net, then celebrate!

  13. 0
    • Snuggles for All

    Snuggles for All:

    These can be found in both Ancient Forest and Wildspire Waste. They sometimes spawn on top of the back of the Aptonoth and Apceros, so check your map to see where on the map you can find these the easiest.

    Leave your Palico behind and put on your Ghillie Mantle, because they will run away if they see you.

    When you eventually find them, bring out your Capture Net and capture them.

    Congratulations on your new achievement!

  14. 0
    • Friendly Pointer

    This pointy guy spawns when there is an upsurge in an area that contains a unique canteen ingredient. He is usually found near the ingredient and points towards it.

    For example he can be found in area 10 of the Rotten Vale when there is an upsurge of crimson fruit (for Heavenberry). Or near Radobaans arena up top when there is an upsurge of ancient fossils (for Wicked Fossil). I've also found one in Coral Highlands on the way to Violet Abalone.

    Rotten Vale:

    Ancient Forest:

  15. -1
    • True Miniature Crown Collector
    • True Large Crown Collector

    The best way to farm crowns is on event quest that requires kill 5 monsters. In this quest are 20% chances that every monster have crown.