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    • Dauntless

    This can be cheesed somewhat easily. This is how I did it.

    1. I picked Nyx.

    2. I started Capture the Flag with bots online (not a custom game).

    3. I hoped for the newest "The Longest Yard" map modification for Capture the Flag.

    4. I picked the nailgun as a starting weapon.

    5. I jumped to the platform with the railgun and crouched after taking the railgun.

    6. I shot at my feet until I had 1 health (one nail takes 3 health). To prevent suice if you're at 2hp or 3hp, grab armor. our health will reduce by just 1hp each hit with armor.

    7. I patiently sniped the enemy team until I got sniped by a machinegun (you could see the rockets coming at you and you could use the active ability to avoid them, but the nails are too quick, so expect lots of deaths and repeating).

    8. For some reason, it's very hard for the bots to take any of the flags on this map. Just stand your ground and ignore the flags. I ended up with a 0:0 score (which activates "overtime", i.e. endless timer until one team makes a point) until I did around 40 "die hard" medals (because I had around 60 from previous games). It took me about 20-30 minutes in total.