
44 achievements
  1. Bombinator 6 May '17

    44 achievements worth 0
    1. Steam Community linkTrue leader

      earn 'lieutenant general' rank

      0 %

    2. 0 %

    3. 0 %

    4. Steam Community linkSupreme Leader

      earn 'general of armies' rank

      0 %

    5. Steam Community linkHere you go, have some sugar!

      win over 12 games during Children Day!

      0 %

    6. Steam Community linkBest wishes for You

      win over 12 games during New Year's Eve

      0 %

    7. Steam Community linkYour not that yellow any more

      spend over 24h playing Bombinator

      0 %

    8. Steam Community linkFor my grannie

      win over 18 games with grannie during Grandparents day

      0 %

    9. Steam Community linkFor my grandpa

      kill over 44 oponents with grandpa during Grandparents day

      0 %

    10. Steam Community linkShare love not war

      finnish with draw over 2048 times

      0 %

    11. Steam Community linkAre you afraid of sun?

      play over 4k games during summer

      0 %

    12. Steam Community linkAll that matter is wining the game

      win 10k games with win-ratio over 24%

      0 %

    13. Steam Community link168 hours together, thanks

      spend over a week playing Bombinator

      0 %

    14. Steam Community link720 hours of great time together

      spend over a month playing Bombinator

      0 %

    15. Steam Community linkKeep you pockets full for others

      give away 2M gold coins without refund for over 30 days

      0 %

    16. Steam Community linkSeems that others like you

      win at least 3 games a day for 48 days along while you have 48 friends

      0 %

    17. Steam Community linkGreat to have you onboard

      for only 50 days win 16 games each day

      0 %

    18. Steam Community linkYou are among best players

      sustain win-ratio over 50% for 10 active days with total games won over 1K

      0 %

    19. Steam Community linkUse the force within your self

      win 50 ranked games in row, with win-ratio over 30%

      0 %

    20. Steam Community linkYou never break the law

      play over 2,5k games and maintain suicide-rate bellow 0.5%

      0 %

    21. Steam Community linkPerfectly playing with fire

      win over 2k games with win-rate over 50%

      0 %

    22. Steam Community linkGenerous donor

      acquire 'Fill to the full' DLC

      0 %

    23. Steam Community linkGenerous donor

      acquire 'Faithful to the end' DLC

      0 %

    24. Steam Community linkGenerous donor

      acquire 'Hands full of fire' DLC

      0 %

    25. Steam Community linkGenerous donor

      acquire 'Year of loyal service' DLC

      0 %

    26. 0 %

    27. Steam Community linkYou are lame

      play over 1k games with win-rate bellow 5%

      0 %


Bombinator (early access - under construction) is an extremely dynamic 3d action game based on cool concepts proven in legends like Bomberman, Dyna Blaster or MegaBlast. Players choose one of many available appearances in game and start to compete with each other on beautiful and challenging arenas trying to score higher and higher rank...

Mostly Negative
SteamDB Rating
Release Date
Steam Deck Compatibility


Free to Play 27 votes
Action 23 votes
Early Access 23 votes
Indie 22 votes




Online PvP
Online Co-op
Cross-Platform Multiplayer
Steam Achievements
Partial Controller Support


Solid Patterns 1


Solid Patterns 1