0- O'Briens Conservation Society
A week or so after building a material multiplier, an event might occur when a cadet named O'Brien has an accident and falls into the multiplier.
To get this achievement, you must try to Multiply O'Brien [3rd option] and clone him successfully, you can fail this event and the achievement will be gone.
I suggest that when you see this achievement, load a previous autosave and make a permanent save there so you can reload if the event fails.
[Im not sure if the result is locked once the event happens and you get to choose or if the result is rolled at the day the event resolves]
As you successfully clone O'Brien, the achievement will unlock!
0- There Will Be No Peace
To get this hidden achievement, you must refuse all 3 pirate offers of alliance.
Dont worry, eventually, someone will tell you where the pirate boss is, even if you decide to ignore all other pirates.
The achievement will unlock once you defeat the pirate boss.
0- No Place Like Home
To get this hidden achievement, when you get the mission to scout New Terra, you will be given the option to fight the Chrull or get back.
Fighting the Chrull on New Terra gets harder and harder as you need to fight and defeat 3 waves of enemy ships.
The first wave contains only Tier 1 ships, its easy.
The second wave has Tier 2 ships and its a medium fight.
The third wave has a Tier 3 ship that does wicked damage and heals other ships by a lot.
Finishing all 3 waves will reward you with a new officer and this achievement.
You shouldnt try this fight unless you have an all T2 tier ships with good attack synergies and enough healing consumable drones to equip them with.
The mission does not have a time limit, the Chrulls inside wont level up, although the Chrull outside will still get stronger and stronger as they invade from portals.
Hope this info helps!
0- Debt Inheritance
To get this hidden achievement, you must choose to take on the old federation debt in an event triggered by the Yabblings.
You can choose to ignore them, do a trial by combat to get rid of the debt or pay a daily material fee until all the material owed is paid.
To unlock this achievement, choose to pay the material in monthly installments.
You can reload an autosave once this pops up and go with the more efficient route of trial by combat.
0- The Importance of Being Wormest
- Embrace the Suck
This is a missable achievement.
After defeating the Chimera, you will enter the mid-game.
A new race will appear and after a few days, they will attack.
When they attack, you must engage them in defense of your colony but then retreat.
Attack them once again and then retreat again.
This second time, they will open dialog with you.
That time they tried to speak to me, they are funny guys.
They will give you an offer, accept and you will get the achievement Embrace the Suck
Refuse and you will get the other one.If you dont talk to them, you will miss both achievements.
0- Growth Industry
During normal gameplay, you can recruit up to 8 officers through the Academy's recruitment task.
The other 2 officers must be recruited through special events.
The first event is the rescue of an officer from New Terra.
During the mission to scout New Terra, you will be asked if you want to fight the Chrull there.
You will have to fight 3 Chrull waves, each Chrull wave harder than the last, in between fights, you have the option to retreat.
If you succeed in winning all 3 waves, you get a legendary officer.
The other officer is stranded somewhere in a system, you get this mission after you start the mid-game, after defeating the Chimera.
The transmission will be garbled, but if you pay attention, you will get a clue as to which planetary system, this last officer is stranded on.
You can toggle on the planetary system names to find one that matches the message, send an officer, at least level 10 to that planetary system and you will find her along with some enemies. Win this fight and the officer is yours. If you cannot find her, use a Lvl 13 or above officer to search. You dont have to view the planetary system details, just get there.
Once you unlock the lvl 13 required last officer from the academy or get the above mentioned legendary officer, the achievement will unlock.
*Note: During the Chimera fight, the pirates will lend you an officer if you allied with them, if you already have all 8 officers from the academy plus the one from New Terra, this achievement might unlock but im not sure, since I had this unlocked already when I noticed this, its just my speculation.
*Note #2: Before the final boss, each allied race (diplomacy 75+) will also give you an officer, still dont know if these count, but maybe?
Hope the info helps!
0- Ruler of the 'Verse
For a full guide on how to beat Emperor difficulty, please read my full guide here:
Beating Emperor difficulty will unlock all other difficulty achievements.
0- Savior of the Stars
There was a lot of speculation on how to unlock these colony rescue achievements, some ppl suggested it must be done in a single playthrough, must be done on different colonies and is granted at the end of the game.
But SyfonMK in that thread mentioned he did it by saving the very first raided colony and reloading.
I can confirm that works.
Just create a new game, build a small fleet, wait for the first colony to get attacked and save right before you enter the battle.
Win, reload, grind it out.
You can get this in under 30 mins of grinding.
0- Moby Dick
Similarly to Savior of the Stars, this achievement is tricky in the sense that people are not sure what counts as a baby behemoth for the counter.
However, people have noted that the very first baby behemoth you encounter, does count across all save games and games.
So, the grindy way to get this is to battle that first, single baby behemoth fight 100 times.
Once you build the Precursor Hangar, the baby behemoth will show up at your doorstep.
Save here to prepare for your grind.
You can do a full round of killing the baby behemoth, accept the rewards and reload every minute or so, so you should be done with this grind in little over an hour.
Happy grinding!