
65 achievements
  1. This Merchant Life 25 Aug '19

    60 base game achievements worth 31,201
    1. Hire Emblem

      Hire a fighter

      100 %

    2. Expansion Pack

      Upgrade your cart

      83.9 %

    3. Merchant: Evolved

      Unlock any skill

      74.0 %

    4. I Wanted a Mission

      Complete 10 missions (excluding donate missions)

      50.6 %

    5. This Merchant Life

      This achievement is hidden. Pay off your starting debt

      46.9 %

    6. Fraternal Sonata

      This achievement is hidden. Find out who sent you that stupid message

      44.4 %

    7. I Need a Hero

      Hire a hero

      29.6 %

    8. And for My Sins

      Complete 50 missions (excluding donate missions)

      24.6 %

    9. He Aims to Misbehave

      This achievement is hidden. Protect your brother and make a plan

      23.4 %

    10. Cart Hardly Wait

      Apply 10 upgrades to your cart

      22.2 %

    11. They Gave Me One Hundred

      Complete 100 missions (excluding donate missions)

      19.7 %

    12. Wolves, Lower

      Defeat an attack by wolves

      18.5 %

    13. Guilded House

      Build a guild house

      17.2 %

    14. Supply Drop

      This achievement is hidden. Rescue your trouble magnet of a brother

      17.2 %

    15. 17.2 %

    16. Model Merchant

      Reach reputation of 100 in any settlement

      16.0 %

    17. No Difference Between Fame and Obscurity

      Reach a global reputation of 500

      16.0 %

    18. 14.8 %

    19. She's Got It Where It Counts

      Apply 20 upgrades to your cart

      12.3 %

    20. Who Watches the Watch?

      This achievement is hidden. Defeat the first conspirator

      11.1 %

    21. Mace of Spades

      Sell 400 weapons

      11.1 %

    22. Hidesing to Nothing

      Sell 800 hides

      11.1 %

    23. A Merchant of Some Renown

      Reach a global reputation of 1000

      9.87 %

    24. National Pottery

      Sell 400 pottery

      9.87 %

    25. Overworld Map

      Visit all settlements

      8.64 %

    26. Hostile Takeover

      This achievement is hidden. Gather the coin for a takeover bid

      7.40 %

    27. Industrial Espionage

      This achievement is hidden. Defeat the second conspirator

      7.40 %

    28. Low Hanging Flute

      Sell 800 fruit

      7.40 %

    29. Automaton for the People

      This achievement is hidden. Put the grey bards out of commission

      7.40 %

    30. Where Is the Ambassador?

      This achievement is hidden. Capture the third conspirator

      7.40 %

    31. Sherlocked It

      This achievement is hidden. Recover a clue to the identity of the conspiracy leader

      7.40 %

    32. I've Added Some Special Modifications Myself

      Have one cart part fitted in each slot

      7.40 %

    33. Wood You Kindly?

      Sell 800 timber

      7.40 %

    34. Dye Hard

      Sell 200 dyes

      7.40 %

    35. Epic Ale

      Sell 800 ale

      6.17 %

    36. Kingdom: Basically Saved

      This achievement is hidden. Complete the story campaign

      6.17 %

    37. Asclepius' Revenge

      Sell 400 medicine

      6.17 %

    38. A Name That Carries

      Reach a global reputation of 1500

      6.17 %

    39. Magic Rocks

      Sell 200 gems

      6.17 %

    40. Fields of Gold

      Sell 200 gold

      6.17 %

    41. All the Wine

      Sell 400 wine

      4.93 %

    42. Clothesline!

      Sell 400 cloth

      4.93 %

    43. 4.93 %

    44. Rosemary & Thyme

      Sell 800 herbs

      4.93 %

    45. Silver for Monsters

      Sell 200 silver

      4.93 %

    46. Textile Adventure

      Sell 800 wool

      4.93 %

    47. Do You Spice?

      Sell 200 spices

      4.93 %

    48. Merchant of Venison

      Sell 800 meat

      4.93 %

    49. Isn't It Ironic?

      Sell 800 iron

      4.93 %

    50. Paper Tiger

      Sell 200 books

      4.93 %

    51. It's Payback Time

      Make your first payment in payback mode

      3.70 %

    52. She Is the Greatest Riddle of All

      Correctly answer a dozen riddles in one playthrough

      3.70 %

    53. Guards, Guards!

      Hire 100 fighters

      3.70 %

    54. Grainful Employment

      Sell 800 grain

      3.70 %

    55. It's Still Payback Time

      Make 5 payments in payback mode

      2.46 %

    56. I Actually Need a Dozen Heroes

      Hire all heroes across a single playthrough

      2.46 %

    57. Friendship Is Magic

      Meet all potential friends

      1.23 %

    58. Hard to Remember a Time Before Payback Time

      Make 12 payments in payback mode

      1.23 %

    59. Payback Time No Longer

      Make all payments in payback mode

      1.23 %

  2. This Merchant Life — Update #1 7 Apr '20

    5 additional achievements worth 8,848
    1. House Hunter

      Purchase a town house

      7.93 %

    2. Almost Famous

      The band reach 500 popularity

      1.58 %

    3. No Direction Home

      The band reach 1000 popularity

      0 %

    4. You Had to Be There

      The band complete a performance of the highest level

      0 %

    5. World Tour

      The band perform in every settlement in Peregrine

      0 %