
3 guides
  1. 1
    • 3K
    • 25K
    • 30K
    • 50K
    • 5K
    • 100K
    • 150K
    • 300K
    • The madman!
    • Don't waste your life for this
    • 10K
    • 15K
    • 20K

    There is a trick to finish this game very quickly, around 30 minutes.

    • You need 20.000 points on a 4x4 level. You can easily do this by going in circles (pressing W>A>S>D continuously) until you have a high combo. Then; click undo, and redo your last step. This will keep adding points to your score.

    • The same can also be done for 1 million points. Select a big level, try to make a big combo (again; by going in circles). I myself went for a combo of 2048. Keep undoing and redoing your last step. Don't do it too fast as you might accidently do 1 step too far.

  2. 1
    • Beginner
    • Survivor

    The achievement for surviving 5 minutes in survival mode can be easily gotten with the following method: Click Here

  3. 1

    This achievement is for opening options and clicking once on the game logo. Credit : click here