Carving a Path
Made It
A True Descender
The Golden Run
What A Legend
Go The Extra Mile
RageSquid Pro Tour
There is an infinite life glitch in the game, this glitch will make the hardest achievements much easier to obtain. It was originally found on Playstation but the methods are not usable for the Steam version. There is a way to trigger it on Steam by following these steps:
- Create a new multiplayer session
- Change the settings, select either one of 2 options:
2.1 Select Bikeout or any other bike park to setup a run where you only have to complete 1 level without crashing to obtain "The Golden Run" (and 10k REP)
2.2 Select a Casual session to setup a full run with infinite lifes, this is what you want to get most of the achievements - Now wait till someone joins your game, this can be sped up if you have a friend playing this game
- When a player joined your game you have to perform the following 2 steps in rapid succession
- Leave the game you created
5.1 If you have a friend that joined your game, they should not close the message that appears when you leave the game - INSTANTLY refresh the list of available games with a press of a button
- Now you should see your own name in the list of available games
7.1 If this didn't work, repeat from step 1 - Join your own game
- The glitch should be active now, back out the to the main menu and start a singleplayer run
- You can tell the glitched worked by having "Waiting for players" constantly on your screen
A benefit to this glitch is that you get a guaranteed 10,000 REP.
Pull My Finger
The Whoopee Cushion is an extraordinary item. To get an extraordinary item you'll need to complete a run with over 50k REP to have a 20% chance of dropping one. You'll have a 100% chance by completing a run with over 250k REP. There are ~68 extraordinary items in this game so this all comes down to luck and successful/failed runs over 50k REP. Extraordinary items can also be obtained by claiming the reward for a challenge from either The Liquicity Pro Tour or The RageSquid Pro Tour.
After RNGesus finally awards you this item you'll have to honk 200 times to get the achievement.
Get Some Gear
It's Getting Cluttered in Here
Quite a Collection
Items are unlocked after a successful or failed run, as long as you have earned 1,000 REP minimum.
You can easily get the item achievements by using the code "NATIONS" in the main menu by selecting "Extras" → "Redeem Code". This code will unlock 76 items which will count for the achievement.