
56 achievements

    56 achievements worth 20,545
    1. All for One

      Have five allies participate in a United Attack.

      96.1 %

    2. A New Ally

      Have someone join your retinue for the first time.

      57.6 %

    3. Chain Reaction

      Perform three United Attacks in a single round.

      51.2 %

    4. Rout the Louts

      Claim victory in one round.

      44.8 %

    5. United We Stand

      Perform 100 United Attacks.

      37.1 %

    6. A Legend in Your Own Right

      Emerge victorious from 100 battles.

      34.6 %

    7. Ironclad

      This achievement is hidden. Acquire 50 types of armor.

      34.6 %

    8. Arms Race

      This achievement is hidden. Acquire 50 types of weapons.

      32.0 %

    9. Wait Your Turn!

      Successfully perform fifty interrupts.

      29.4 %

    10. Seasoned Champion

      This achievement is hidden. Fight against 100 types of foes.

      28.2 %

    11. Double Trouble

      This achievement is hidden. Have Urpina learn to dual wield.

      26.9 %

    12. One among Many

      This achievement is hidden. Have one tech reach max rank.

      23.0 %

    13. Iron Stomach

      This achievement is hidden. Eat five wild strawberries.

      23.0 %

    14. Where to Next?

      This achievement is hidden. Visit all places the world has to offer.

      21.7 %

    15. The Floor Is Lava

      This achievement is hidden. The volcano has erupted!

      20.5 %

    16. Fire and Brimstone

      This achievement is hidden. Acquire the elemental weapon of ignis.

      20.5 %

    17. Maturity

      Complete the game as Urpina.

      19.2 %

    18. Scorched Earth

      This achievement is hidden. Acquire the elemental weapon of terra.

      19.2 %

    19. On Wings of Wax

      This achievement is hidden. Fly in the air.

      17.9 %

    20. Wet Behind the Ears

      This achievement is hidden. Acquire the elemental weapon of unda.

      17.9 %

    21. The Movable Object

      This achievement is hidden. Imhokiel Dam has been destroyed!

      17.9 %

    22. To the Victor Go the Spoils

      This achievement is hidden. Beat all challengers in the arena.

      17.9 %

    23. Flux Hunter

      This achievement is hidden. Have one incantation reach max rank.

      16.6 %

    24. A New Mage Rises

      This achievement is hidden. Best Macha.

      16.6 %

    25. Shoddy Construction

      This achievement is hidden. The tower has collapsed!

      16.6 %

    26. Good Fortune, Witch Hunters!

      This achievement is hidden. Have Camelia (also known as Tsubaki) join your retinue.

      15.3 %

    27. Nature vs. Nurture

      This achievement is hidden. Acquire the elemental weapon of natura.

      15.3 %

    28. Always in Our Thoughts

      This achievement is hidden. Antonius has passed on.

      15.3 %

    29. To Catch the Prey

      This achievement is hidden. You caught the fabled tatzelwurm!

      14.1 %

    30. Quenching Flames

      This achievement is hidden. Best the Firebringer.

      14.1 %

    31. Heavy Metal

      This achievement is hidden. Acquire the elemental weapon of aes.

      12.8 %

    32. Providence

      Receive benisons 100 times.

      12.8 %

    33. R&D

      This achievement is hidden. Develop all items.

      12.8 %

    34. Journey

      Complete the game as Leonard.

      11.5 %

    35. A New Warrior Rises

      This achievement is hidden. Best Marigan.

      11.5 %

    36. Sellsword

      This achievement is hidden. Perform tasks at all Mercenaries' Guilds within a single playthrough.

      11.5 %

    37. Armaments for All!

      This achievement is hidden. Have Sabit join your retinue.

      11.5 %

    38. A Second Fall

      This achievement is hidden. The Grand Empress Dowager has passed on.

      11.5 %

    39. Revelation

      Complete the game as Taria.

      10.2 %

    40. Marriage, Schmarriage

      This achievement is hidden. Complete Elisabeth's event.

      10.2 %

    41. Float like a Butterfly...

      Successfully perform fifty counterattacks.

      10.2 %

    42. Protecting House Julanius

      This achievement is hidden. Complete Mondo's event and have him join your retinue.

      8.97 %

    43. Behind the Scenes

      This achievement is hidden. Complete Arthur's event and have him join your retinue.

      8.97 %

    44. Wait. HOW Many?

      This achievement is hidden. Collect 30 items from gathering events within a single playthrough.

      8.97 %

    45. Conviction

      Complete the game as Balmaint.

      7.69 %

    46. Genghis Kahn

      This achievement is hidden. Complete Kahn's event and have him join your retinue.

      7.69 %

    47. Favored by the Celestials

      Receive all benisons.

      7.69 %

    48. Scarlet Ambitions

      This achievement is hidden. Collect all the inferna quintstones.

      7.69 %

    49. Trading Partners

      This achievement is hidden. Exchange items at all towns within a single playthrough.

      7.69 %

    50. Four People, Four Paths

      Complete the game as all four protagonists.

      6.41 %

    51. ...We're Going Home

      Use all incantations.

      6.41 %

    52. Tactics SaGa

      Emerge victorious with all formations.

      6.41 %

    53. Can Never Have Too Many Friends

      Have all possible allies join your retinue.

      5.12 %

    54. Pack It Up...

      Use all techs.

      3.84 %

    55. Scarlet Fever

      This achievement is hidden. Collect all the celesta quintstones.

      3.84 %

    56. Trial by Fire

      This achievement is hidden. Best the Firebringer in his ultimate form.

      3.84 %