- Destroyer
This achievement requires you to destroy every object including the ice spikes. You can not destroy them in a single move so you would like to do it on the very first level where there are no enemies to bug you. Also your starting health won't be high enough to take all the actions before you die with your default health so you need some food available to collect but you don't always have enough on the first level.
You have to keep restarting the first level until you have good amount of food generated within the level (levels are randomly generated). The biggest resource is meat which provides +20 health so if you could generate the level with a couple of meat pieces, that should be enough. Cheese and mushroom is always a good support with +10 too.
Once you are confident you have enough food generated, destroy everything one by one while using the least movement possible. Collect the food only when you are close to them, don't perform additional moves to get them faster.