
15 achievements
  1. Not Tonight 18 Aug '18

    5 base game achievements worth 1,911
    1. Chapter 1 Complete

      Completed Chapter 1

      73.2 %

    2. Chapter 2 Complete

      Completed Chapter 2

      42.6 %

    3. Chapter 3 Complete

      Completed Chapter 3

      30.1 %

    4. Beat the Game

      Reached the End Credits

      29.5 %

    5. Helped the Resistance

      You sided with the Resistance

      28.2 %

  2. Not Tonight — Update #1 3 Oct '18

    10 additional achievements worth 3,867
    1. None of that Froggy Lip

      This achievement is hidden. Deny entry to two people from banned countries in a row

      82.1 %

    2. One of us!

      This achievement is hidden. Buy a community poster

      79.5 %

    3. Causes memory loss, and other things I can't remember

      This achievement is hidden. Make £1000 from selling super-candies

      47.6 %

    4. A Better Beach Hut

      This achievement is hidden. Side with Jonesy

      41.9 %

    5. Mummy's Favourite

      This achievement is hidden. Side with Bonesy

      40.1 %

    6. It's just food, man

      This achievement is hidden. Sell one of all the super-candies

      35.0 %

    7. Not Tonight, Dave

      This achievement is hidden. Tried to kick Dave from his own pub

      31.9 %

    8. You Absolute Croissant

      This achievement is hidden. Get deported

      31.4 %

    9. Record Collection

      This achievement is hidden. Pick up each of the CDs

      25.9 %

    10. Now that's what I call music!

      This achievement is hidden. Give all the CDs away to a good home

      21.7 %