
29 achievements
  1. Castle Clamber 28 Jun '18

    17 base game achievements worth 5,542
    1. First Steps

      Complete all the tutorial tasks

      80 %

    2. The Ol' One Two

      Burst a trapped enemy bubble with a power up

      60 %

    3. King For A Day

      Wear the crown 24 times

      60 %

    4. West Wing

      Complete the west tower

      60 %

    5. Central Tower

      Complete the central tower

      60 %

    6. Two Can Play That Game

      Play a two player game

      40 %

    7. King Of The Castle

      Complete all 3 Towers

      40 %

    8. East Wing

      Complete the east tower

      40 %

    9. Seven Legged Spider

      This achievement is hidden. Spot the deliberate mistake

      20 %

    10. Burning Desire

      Defeat 50 enemies with flame bubbles

      20 %

    11. No Bubble, No Trouble

      Complete a bubble enabled level without using a bubble

      20 %

    12. 0x35F4A

      This achievement is hidden. I stayed until the very end.

      20 %

    13. Prince Among Men

      Complete 50 levels wearing the crown

      0 %

    14. Got A Crush On You

      Get 50 crate kills

      0 %

    15. I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles

      Spawn 5000 bubbles

      0 %

    16. Star Destroyer

      Defeat 50 enemies with Ninja Star Bubbles

      0 %

    17. Queen's Champion

      Kill the Squire 25 times

      0 %

  2. Castle Clamber — Update #1 4 Feb '20

    4 additional achievements worth 656
    1. Jackpot!

      Collect all the Bonus Balls

      50 %

    2. Friends From Afar

      Play with a friend with Remote Play Together

      50 %

    3. Getting Some Squish

      This achievement is hidden. Burst a blue bug and feast on the goo inside

      50 %

    4. Hungry Hungry

      Collect 500 food items

      0 %

  3. Castle Clamber — Update #2 28 Aug '20

    8 additional achievements worth 30
    1. Tequila Sunrise

      Drink a yellow potion

      100 %

    2. Grasshopper

      Drink a green potion

      100 %

    3. Bloody Mary

      Drink a red potion

      100 %

    4. Purple Rain

      Drink a purple potion

      100 %

    5. Blue Lagoon

      Drink a blue potion

      100 %

    6. Highball Heist

      Drink one of each potion

      100 %

    7. Very Very Frightening

      Defeat 150 enemies with thunderbolts

      0 %

    8. Great Balls

      Defeat 250 enemies with fireballs

      0 %