
17 achievements
  1. Never Stop Sneakin' 26 Feb '18

    17 achievements worth 5,050
    1. Tools of the Trade

      You unlocked your very first perk.

      100 %

    2. The Department of Sneakin'!

      You successfully completed the agency training program.

      100 %

    3. From the Ground Up

      You established a strategic foothold on Amadeus Island.

      100 %

    4. What's in the Box?

      Hacked into your first strongbox and pilfered the contents within.

      100 %

    5. Shiny New Sidearm

      You unlocked a new weapon skin for your pistol and sneakblade.

      100 %

    6. By the Book

      You completed your first official mission for the Department of Sneakin'!

      100 %

    7. New Recruit

      You recruited a new agent to help foil Guildenstern's evil plan!

      100 %

    8. Smart People with Glasses and Mustaches

      Your base is coming along, and you've hired some smart people.

      81.2 %

    9. Freight. It's Great!

      Your base is getting bigger! With this elevator, you can get a ping pong table down there.

      50 %

    10. Hide and Seek

      Your base is expanding nicely, and that high-tech camouflage facility will make Guildenstern jealous for sure.

      43.7 %

    11. Safety First

      Your base is not only expanding, but you're taking safety into account. That's worth an achievement.

      43.7 %

    12. Space Jaunt

      You're nearly ready to take your sneakin' antics into outer space! You've come a long way from that teeny tent!

      31.2 %

    13. All Perked Up

      You unlocked every single perk Amadeus had hidden away in his base.

      31.2 %

    14. Wait, What Was That About Sarasota?

      Not even time itself is safe from the Department of Sneakin'!

      31.2 %

    15. Never Stop Sneakin'

      You activated the time machine, stopped Guildenstern, and saved all the presidents!

      31.2 %

    16. The Full Armory

      You found every single weapon skin in every eventuality within Amadeus Island. That's a lot of guns.

      31.2 %

    17. Deep Bench

      You recruited a brand new generation of spies and sneakin' agents to take the fight to the evil Executive Branch!

      25 %