- Conquest of the World
Easy achivement that has a deciving earn rate.
you can easily get it by: opening the game up, then clicking single player, tutorial, and select the second to last option ('Combat and Conquest').the game will load you in as Alexander and just craft up 3-4 hoplites and two archers and go to the north and take the city.
0- Surviving Ragnarok
Although you don't get the objectives of the scenario (built a wonder in London) you can obtain the achievements being the player with most points at the end of 100 turns. So just focus on conquering all cities you can and ignore conquering London because if you try it, other civs will come too and destroy your units.
0- Samurai Delicatessen
Part of the Samurai Scenario.
I did this along with the Emperor achievement and it took me like 5 hours and it was brutal.
Stupid Manchu, instead of helping me, declared war on me as soon as I conquered Korea so I had to fight the world!@
Korea units will spawn some units in the middle of your territory every 10 turns but its always in the same spot.
Use samurais as they are cheaper than musketman and help you get Generals.
Use Generals to create citadels near these spawn points and put samurais as guards there.
Use your workers to both cut forest to hurry your production/gold and create those fortresses along the coast, they help against ships and the Chinese army that will come from the west, have at least 4 triremes near Mokpo where they can rush you.
You dont need trebuchets to capture cities but help a lot, if you surround a city with 4 or 5 samurais, you can take down a town but you will need a half dozen turns to heal them. When they level up, the medic upgrade will help you get your army back to green health faster.
If Manchu attacks you, try making peace with him every 6 turns or so, It worked for me as I was laying a siege on Beijing.
But your biggest enemy here is unhappiness which reduces your income and army damage.
To counter this, you need to pick the correct social policies that help you manage happiness.
Piety->Organized Religion
Honor->Discipline->Military Caste->Professional Army.
Your next step is making sure you have a unit garrison in every city for the +1 happiness bonus.
Scouts count for this and its only 100gold or a few turns compared to other units.
I read that there is a happiness bug that as long as you dont reload the session, captured cities unhappiness will not happen.
You can check that out.
The chinese will be your 2nd problem, they have unlimited money and throw at you like 12 units every 10 turns, its awful.
If they build Himeji castle, you will have a very bad time trying to capture their cities as your armies mobility is cut by half.
Knights can move 2 hexes if they build it and samurais/trebuchet can only move 1.
Chinese also get cannons after turn 60.. they hurt.
You can spam trimere fires along the coast to help capturing cities but Beijing is too far inside and you need Trebuchets for it, use the gulf to put armies south of the chinese capital and also a couple of knights from the north, your siege units coming from the east. You need to throw everything you got into getting Beijing.
Once you have both cities under your control, end your turns and victory is yours!
0- Junta for Red October
Just a quick reminder that the Coup button must be pressed inside the Spy List, this action will be instantaneous once the Spy is in the City-State.
This button will be disabled if the city-state is either allied with you or not allied with anyone.
This button instead says View when the spy is in a City instead of a city-state.
To better the chances of a successful coup:
Have a Rank 3 Spy in the city-state
Have no enemy spies in the city-state
Have a big influence in the city-state but not as much as your opponent.
0- He Threw a Car at My Head!
I found it particularly frustrating to get this achievement. I set up the world with
- No DLC's
- duel (with a peaceful civ)
- Islands
- no city-states
- Raging barbarians
- Ancient era
When player loads in, try to settle with as many sea tiles as possible. Make sure to select avoid crowth under the citizen management. If there are any barbarian ships, they will attack your city until its low enough for a melee unit to capture. If that doesnt trigger the paramaters, build as many cities as you can and skip turns until the paramaters are met. Took me 30 minutes or so.
-1- The Choson One
I did this in under 5 minutes by playing as Korea, setting the win condition in a 5 turn timer and on settler difficulty.
I won the Korea scenario as Korea but it didnt unlock.
I tried it with Hotseat but It didnt work either.
Then tried a normal game with the settings I mentioned above.
I think its important to disable all DLCs but the Korea one.
Here is a video that might help