
16 achievements
  1. Newfound Courage 23 Mar '19

    6 base game achievements worth 728
    1. Apple picker

      This achievement is hidden. Fed Jake and Alex some apples.

      90.2 %

    2. The full story

      Complete Newfound Courage.

      90.2 %

    3. Neat freak

      This achievement is hidden. Clean up the last book the Blank Sending throws.

      78.0 %

    4. Sugar addict

      This achievement is hidden. Make Alex eat sweets till he gets a stomach ache.

      63.4 %

    5. Loremaster

      Complete the Lorebook.

      60.9 %

    6. Thrill seeker

      This achievement is hidden. Make Alex jump off Deadworld too many times.

      56.0 %

  2. Newfound Courage — Update #1 30 Jun '22

    9 additional achievements worth 2,047
    1. Trainee Mechamancer

      This achievement is hidden. Defeat your first Sending

      88.8 %

    2. Deus Ex Machina

      This achievement is hidden. Weaken Rememberance for Jake.

      77.7 %

    3. Master Mechamancer

      This achievement is hidden. Defeat three elite Sendings at once.

      77.7 %

    4. Scaredy Cat

      This achievement is hidden. Let Alex scream more than a hundred times.

      50 %

    5. Hunger Sated

      This achievement is hidden. Defeat Eat!

      50 %

    6. Returned To Otherwhere

      Complete the entire Return to Otherwhere DLC.

      50 %

    7. Hear Jarrow out

      This achievement is hidden. Listen to Jarrow explain why he hurt Alex.

      50 %

    8. Ban All Birds

      This achievement is hidden. Let birds steal the nests from Alex five times.

      38.8 %

    9. Be Nicer

      This achievement is hidden. Hit The Speaker more times than what seems appropriate.

      38.8 %

  3. Newfound Courage — Update #2 4 Aug '22

    1 additional achievements worth 291
    1. Fight in the Arena

      Fight to the death in the Silverpine Arena.

      47.0 %