
3 guides
  1. 0
    • Completed Episode 0

    It requires you to complete Welcome To... Chichester 0 - Preview, which is delisted from the store.

    But you can still unlock this achievement by playing the DRM-free version:

    After completing it at least one time, open Welcome To... Chichester 2 and it will unlock on a New Game.

  2. 0
    • Good job !

    Under Preferences settings, set the game to Skip Unseen Text, "full" Text Speed, and "full" Auto-Forward Time.

    Play fully through game.

    Now go to Extras from main title screen. Select "Scenes." Click on Chapter 6 "My Senpai !" Skip messages until presented with multiple choices.

    Click "Do you mind if I come with you ?" and skip through remaining text. Good job ! achievement will pop.

    Note that you can only obtain this achievement if it's a Monday, Wednesday, Friday, or Sunday. Otherwise, you'll get "Bad luck"

  3. 0
    • Bad luck !

    You can only get this achievement on a Tuesday, Thursday, or Saturday. You can always change your system clock for this if you don't feel like waiting, but you'll at the most have to just wait two days anyways. Unlocks under the same conditions as "Good job" minus the day of the week.