
100 achievements
  1. Choice of Magics 10 Aug '18

    100 achievements worth 10,861
    1. 86.6 %

    2. A Complete Story

      Reach the resolution of a Chapter 8 climax.

      71.6 %

    3. School's Out Forever

      Free the student from the Cathedral dungeon.

      70 %

    4. Lord of the Rings

      Get the dead actor's rings.

      63.3 %

    5. More Cowbell

      Contribute musically to the town celebration.

      61.6 %

    6. Triumph

      Survive the resolution of a Chapter 8 climax.

      60 %

    7. Around the Back

      Visit the laboratory, arena, or auditorium from the other direction.

      60 %

    8. Unfamiliar Familiar

      Get a weird pet.

      60 %

    9. A Bright Future In Magic

      Teach Seer Marie real magic.

      56.6 %

    10. Pilot

      Pilot an airship.

      55 %

    11. Inquisitor Tutor

      Teach Sam magic.

      55 %

    12. Certere, Dominex

      Get a golem servant.

      53.3 %

    13. I Want to Be Ledgerman

      Play Cos's board game.

      53.3 %

    14. Guardian Angel

      Use divination to save an individual from the death cloud.

      51.6 %

    15. Saint

      Become a Saint.

      51.6 %

    16. It's a Girl!

      Hatch a baby dragon.

      51.6 %

    17. Classic Look

      Wear a pointy wizard hat.

      51.6 %

    18. Professor V

      Your student acquaintance starts a magic academy.

      50 %

    19. A Kind of Magic

      Comfort the Neighbor.

      50 %

    20. Slow and Steady

      Turn someone into a tortoise.

      48.3 %

    21. How About a Key to the City?

      Free Cos from the Cathedral.

      48.3 %

    22. Blessed Advisor

      Become the queen's Blessed Advisor.

      48.3 %

    23. Peace in the Magisterian East

      Prevent the war with the Magisterians from starting.

      46.6 %

    24. Tourist

      See an interesting landmark with Cos.

      46.6 %

    25. Not On My Watch

      Stop the death cloud from ravaging Akriton.

      45 %

    26. Subtle Thiefcatcher

      Stop the thief in the market without being noticed.

      43.3 %

    27. Perfectly Safe

      Harness the power of the dark sun.

      41.6 %

    28. Definitely Honor Roll

      A student project helps avert an environmental catastrophe.

      40 %

    29. Liberized

      Free the specter.

      38.3 %

    30. Dragonrider

      Ride a dragon.

      38.3 %

    31. Lifelong Dream

      Sam became a Saint.

      38.3 %

    32. Scout

      Your reconaissance mission is a success.

      38.3 %

    33. Student Project

      Help a student create a working magical item.

      38.3 %

    34. Hell and Back

      Survive the Hell room of the Cathedral dungeon.

      38.3 %

    35. The Statue

      Find the secret room in the Cathedral.

      36.6 %

    36. Who Watches the Watcher?

      Defeat the Watcher.

      36.6 %

    37. Sweet Hat

      Wear one of the milliner's finest creations.

      36.6 %

    38. 35 %

    39. Damned Torpedos

      Use maximally destructive negation weapons.

      35 %

    40. Glamor Queen

      Convince the queen to use glamor magic.

      35 %

    41. The Queen's Riddle

      Correctly guess the ending to the queen's story.

      33.3 %

    42. The Spy

      Turn in the Magisterian spy.

      33.3 %

    43. Cos for Mayor

      Help Cos win re-election.

      33.3 %

    44. Reprise

      Akriton celebrates the end of the Negative Sea.

      33.3 %

    45. National Anthem

      Convince the Magisterians to halt your execution.

      31.6 %

    46. Choice of Magics

      Seer Marie hints at magics greater than the five schools.

      31.6 %

    47. Historian

      Decipher all passages in the ancient history book.

      31.6 %

    48. What Is Faith Without Love?

      Disobey the voice.

      31.6 %

    49. Blue Skies

      Clear the eternal clouds above the world.

      30 %

    50. Destiny

      Obey the voice.

      30 %

    51. Little Apprentice

      Have or adopt a child.

      30 %

    52. Not That Different

      Marry your student friend.

      30 %

    53. Pretty Much My Favorite Animal

      Create a great creature.

      30 %

    54. The Giving Tree

      Restore the copper tree of Akriton.

      30 %

    55. Your Majesty

      Become the ruler of Eirinia.

      30 %

    56. Iron and Glass

      Marry Queen Thecla.

      28.3 %

    57. Hierophant Twimsby

      Saint Twimsby becomes Hierophant.

      28.3 %

    58. Uber

      Use divination to send a call for help from the Empire.

      28.3 %

    59. Queen's Knight

      Queen Thecla marries her ideal knight.

      26.6 %

    60. 26.6 %

    61. O Freunde!

      Create empathic bonds between Eirinians and Magisterians.

      26.6 %

    62. See You In Hell

      Slay the executioner golem.

      26.6 %

    63. 26.6 %

    64. Hierophant

      Become Hierophant.

      25 %

    65. Famous Last Words

      Have all your friends gathered around you at your deathbed.

      25 %

    66. You Go First

      Allow yourself to be captured to ensure your Neighbor friend goes free.

      25 %

    67. It's a Wand Now

      Return the remains of the student's staff to the student.

      25 %

    68. A Walk on the Mild Side

      Have a lovely night in the Mild Woods.

      25 %

    69. Trigger Happy

      An ally kills the Hierophant.

      25 %

    70. Guidance Counselor

      Your student friend is becoming a Saint.

      25 %

    71. An Artistic Triumph

      Get Noodles to paint Hell in the Cathedral dungeon.

      25 %

    72. This Very Bed

      Learn of Saint Ann's fate.

      25 %

    73. Winning

      Conquer the Magisterian Empire.

      23.3 %

    74. Lovely Landscapes

      Blessed Jacob gives you some paintings he made.

      23.3 %

    75. An Unusual Ally

      Take control of the executioner golem.

      23.3 %

    76. 23.3 %

    77. Dragonfooding

      Become a great creature.

      21.6 %

    78. Wheel of (Spending a) Fortune

      Buy a fateshaper in Chapter 5.

      21.6 %

    79. Signed, Noodles

      Get Noodles to paint Heaven in the Cathedral dungeon.

      21.6 %

    80. Sky City

      Help the kingdom live above the clouds.

      21.6 %

    81. Immortality

      Become immortal.

      20 %

    82. I'm Sorry, Who?

      Dear nemesis: be more specific.

      20 %

    83. For the Mage Who Has Everything

      Get a fateshaper in Chapter 3.

      20 %

    84. When Pigs Fly

      Make a herd of greathogs fly.

      18.3 %

    85. On the Offensive

      Make inroads into the Magisterian Empire.

      18.3 %

    86. Saint Marie

      Help Seer Marie find a calling as a Saint.

      18.3 %

    87. Cuteification

      Make all Vivomantic creatures tiny.

      16.6 %

    88. Revolution

      The Magisterians revolt.

      16.6 %

    89. Like a Bandit

      Make off with an armful of books from the Cathedral.

      16.6 %

    90. Miracle

      Convince the Magisterians that you have performed a miracle.

      16.6 %

    91. Go Forth, My Horde!

      Your allies appear to have bred like rabbits.

      15 %

    92. Call of the Wild

      Turn into an animal permanently.

      15 %

    93. Atheist

      Dismiss the voice as impossible.

      13.3 %

    94. The Purest Saint

      Become a Saint immune to rot.

      13.3 %

    95. This Tortoise Mercy

      Be nice to the tortoise.

      11.6 %

    96. Energizer

      Store a whole lot of energy.

      11.6 %

    97. Obliterated

      Wipe the Magisterian Empire off the map.

      11.6 %

    98. Loved Ruler

      Become the most well-loved ruler of Eirinia of all time.

      11.6 %

    99. Quiet Reposession

      Get back the things the Magisterians took from you.

      11.6 %

    100. 10 %