
50 achievements
  1. Gilded Rails 15 Nov '18

    50 achievements worth 5,050
    1. Grilled

      Survive an interview with an intrepid reporter.

      75 %

    2. What a Friend Is For

      Become engaged to your childhood best friend.

      50 %

    3. President for Life

      Take permanent control of the McKressin Line.

      50 %

    4. Best Friends Forever

      Marry your childhood best friend.

      25 %

    5. More Hammer, Less Sickle

      Receive an invitation to join the Reformists.

      25 %

    6. Like a Three Sisters' Garden

      Offer help and support to the Agricultural Society.

      25 %

    7. Brand Favorite

      Win the love of the McKressin Line customers.

      25 %

    8. Tied to the Dragon

      Become engaged to someone who is definitely not a dragon.

      25 %

    9. Salt of the Earth

      Receive an invitation to join the Agricultural Society.

      25 %

    10. Mighty Good Leader

      Win the love of the McKressin Line employees.

      25 %

    11. Fatherly Pride

      Win your father's approval.

      25 %

    12. Cold Burn

      Get turned down by your best friend.

      0 %

    13. Woops!

      Talk a notable socialite into a fatal decision.

      0 %

    14. The Sculpture Was a Lure

      Have an affair with a bohemian.

      0 %

    15. That's a Mess

      The McKressin Line offices get a hostile makeover.

      0 %

    16. Turning State's Evidence

      Act as an informant aiding a government investigation.

      0 %

    17. White Knight

      Volunteer to be a hero when the rabble is roused.

      0 %

    18. Corruption Is Okay

      Join a conspiracy to engage in unethical business practices.

      0 %

    19. On the Professional Track

      Receive an invitation to join the Railmasters.

      0 %

    20. Engaging Gossip

      Become engaged to the Post's society page reporter.

      0 %

    21. Fashionable by Definition

      Become engaged to the owner of a castle.

      0 %

    22. Unstick the Landing

      Get jilted at the altar.

      0 %

    23. Shark Infested Water Cooler

      Meet a loan shark.

      0 %

    24. In Bed with the Press

      Become engaged to the Post's business page reporter.

      0 %

    25. Serious Workplace Flirt

      Become engaged to your assistant office manager.

      0 %

    26. Married to Your Work Critic

      Marry the Post's business page reporter.

      0 %

    27. Committed Office Romance

      Marry your assistant office manager.

      0 %

    28. Accounting for Approval

      Impress Julius Sanford.

      0 %

    29. Acquiring the Castle

      Marry the owner of a castle.

      0 %

    30. Royal Nod

      Impress Annette Daniels.

      0 %

    31. Fair Play. Sorta

      Sabotage a competitor.

      0 %

    32. Yum!

      The hand pies are magic.

      0 %

    33. Forever Inquisitive

      Marry a government investigator.

      0 %

    34. Like a Dime Novel Romance

      Become engaged to a government investigator.

      0 %

    35. A Lifetime of Social Coverage

      Marry the Post's society page reporter.

      0 %

    36. It's Like a Merger, But Not

      Become engaged to the leader of a rival railroad.

      0 %

    37. Servicing the Customer

      Become engaged to the Agricultural Society's leader.

      0 %

    38. Lateral Transition

      Leave your position at the McKressin Line.

      0 %

    39. Committing to Competition

      Marry the leader of a rival railroad.

      0 %

    40. Definitely Not Spiked

      Marry the possibly homicidal leader of a reform movement.

      0 %

    41. Courting a Pointed Fate

      Become engaged to the possibly homicidal leader of a reform movement.

      0 %

    42. Munchausen Need Not Apply

      Receive an invitation to join the Barony.

      0 %

    43. Royal Consort

      Marry the heir apparent to the social scene.

      0 %

    44. Socially Conscious

      Become engaged to the heir apparent to the social scene.

      0 %

    45. You Ship the Shipper

      Marry the Agricultural Society's leader.

      0 %

    46. Serial Monogamist

      Marry every eligible person.

      0 %

    47. Your Knees Must be Tired

      Form an engagement with every eligible person.

      0 %

    48. The Sunset Calls

      Route 66 doesn't exist yet, but that won't stop you.

      0 %

    49. Strike Out

      McKressin Line employees go on strike.

      0 %

    50. Customers Are Overrated

      McKressin Line customers organize a boycott.

      0 %