
16 guides
  1. 11
    • Golden Ticket

    While playing on the Beginner map Candy Falls, you'll need to click on specific hidden Monkey Oompa Loompa spots in order within a small timeframe, so familiarize yourself with their locations and hitboxes first.

    In order click:

    Trees in the top right
    Gingerbread House Door
    Chocolate Waterfall
    Egg behind the Blue Tree in the top left
    Far right of the Bottom Bridge
    Trees in the bottom right
    The Water Wheel on the Gingerbread House
    Trees in the bottom left

    If done correctly, the Oompa Loompa song from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory will play through as you click each spot.
    If done incorrectly, the horn will make a "womp womp" sound, and you'll need to start over from the beginning.

  2. 4
    • Big Bloons

    You need to unlock Pat Fusty (costs 3.000 Monkey Money) as it is required for this achievement.

    This achievement can be unlocked by completing 10 games with Pat Fusty as your hero.
    You must place him down on the map for the game to count and it must end in a victory.

    Unlocking the achievement will reward you with Big Bloon Option, which you can enable in Settings > Extras.

  3. 3
    • Invigoration

    This achievement is easily completed on the One Two Tree easy map (introduced in the same patch as this achievement). This map can squeeze three/four towers on each block, each block also coming with an added buff. Fill these up in the early game and then fill the added spaces with 0-0-0 Dart Monkeys and one 0-4-0 Dart Monkey. Should be easily achievable by round 50 on easy mode.

  4. 2
    • Stubborn Strategy

    One of the hidden achievements. Clear 100 maps with removeable objects, without removing the objects. Technically one of the easiest ways to grind this is to play Skates on easy, and keep replaying it, however if you're aware of not removing objects, it might unlock naturally.

  5. 2
    • Student Loans
    1. Go to the map End of the Road
    2. Spam around 30-40 banks on the map (Note for damage I had Adora with a village 2-3-0 then sacrificed a lot of towers to get her to level 20 fast)
    3. Spam the loan ability, when you reach -$400 000 you have done it.

  6. 2
    • Sapper

    Sapper is a grind. It is widely regarded as the most difficult achievement in Bloons TD6, and for good reason. One of the main problems with it is that you don't typically see many fortified bloons in regular gameplay. There are only 380 fortified bloons in a casual game of hard mode, which is a far cry off from the 5 million you're tasked with popping. If you want Sapper, freeplay is a must.

    -Since the achievement measures pops, not damage, a fortified BAD will only grant you 186 fortified bloons when completly popped.
    -Avoid Instakills and Fort-Strippers whenever possible (Most notably Navarch of the Seas and Shattering Shells).
    -Playing until round 140 yields 21,510 fortified bloons. That's 232 rounds of hard mode freeplay.
    -Playing further is reccomended, though stop the game when rounds take 10+ minutes each due to lag.
    -Playing the weekly boss event helps progress the achievement (Albeit not very much) without the feeling of grinding.

    Check the AC every day. Every once in a blue moon, the daily Advanced Challenge will be round 163. This is THE BEST thing that can happen to you, as round 163 contains huge waves of fortified ceramic and lead bloons. By replaying the challenge over and over again, you can pop massive amounts of fortified bloons. (I got 12% in only a few hours!) Unfortunately the advanced challenge exploit has been patched in a recent update.

  7. 2
    • You've Got The Power
    • Power User
    • Empowered

    These achievements aren't terribly hard to get, however, I would like to share a method to obtain them without having to spend powers from your inventory by abusing the Contested Territory gamemode.

    In this gamemode, players cannot use their own powers, instead they can either fund certain relics from the Team Store or capture relic tiles to obtain the ability to use a certain amount of powers per game. Using powers this way doesn't drain your personal power inventory.

    First, you have to be a member of a Team, otherwise you won't have access to Contested Territory. Once you are in a Team, you have to wait until a Contested Territory event is active. Contested Territory is active every other week. When a Contested Territory event starts, you can attempt to capture tiles and see if you have any power-related relics available already, if not, you will have to either head to the Team Store and see if any relics that grant powers are available to purchase as a daily power or as an Event Relic 1, Event Relic 2 or Event Relic 3, and fund one using Team Trophies so you can use it to unlock the achievement. Another option is to simply capture a relic tile with a power-related relic on it that your team can reach. Do bear in mind that you can't see what relic a relic tile contains unless you control a tile adjacent to it.

    Once you have access to a power relic, all you have to do is head to any capturable tile that isn't a race tile (since those don't allow the use of powers), start a new game with the relic equipped, use up all the powers, quit the tile level and repeat until you obtain the achievements. Note that restarting the level and then using the powers again doesn't seem to count, you have to quit and re-enter the tile for it to count as different instances. Leaving the level without completing it does not cost any personal or team tickets, so this can be done repeatedly.

    P.S.: Odysseys don't work this way, since those consume both your pool of powers per-Odyssey and your actual inventory of powers.

  8. 1
    • Monkey Philanthropist
    • Bill Greates

    Easier than you think. Just need one other person.

    The goal is to save up to 2.5 million so that you can send 500k at once. It sounds like a lot but it's quite shocking how fast the money comes in following this strategy. The strategy is to build as many 024 farms and xx4 buccaneers as possible on Easy Lotus Island. Everyone should bring Benjamin to help out with early game money generation.

    I ended up making about 100k a round as the merchantmen were able to pull in about 1.4k each and I had like 60-70 of them in the water. At the latest you should be able to get to 2.5 million around round 85.

    Some tips:

    • Do not be afraid to use powers and insta-monkeys (what else were you going to use them for anyway?).
    • Play on a slow speed as I found playing on fast forward would lag the game quite a bit with all the towers on the map, risking a desync with your partner(s).
    • My partner was pretty paranoid and built snipers but with so many buccaneers you don't need any support. Just focus on building marketplaces and merchantmen.
    • You may as well go for other co-op achievements like 100 emotes, 100 powers, 5 insta-monkeys, etc.

  9. 1
    • Alchermistman and Bloonacleboy
    • Bloon Master Populous

    Alchermistman and Bloonacleboy: The goal is to get Bloon Master Alchemist's damage up to 900,000+ damage in one game.

    1. Focus on farming in the first rounds and place the Alchemist in the front of the map with the most possible coverage (this is so you start farming damage on the alchemist as early as possible, if you are struggling to get the achievement).
    2. Upgrade the Alchemist on the way (bottom path).
    3. When the Alchemist is fully upgraded do think about buffing the Alchemist for the most possible damage (Village, Alchemist, etc.).
    4. Hopefully you have gotten the achievement by this point, either way you need the Alchemist a bit more for the next achievement...

    Bloon Master Populous: Just do a total of 1 billion damage across all games with Bloon Master Alchemist.

    1. Do the guide above
    2. Repeat....

  10. 1
    • Bloontona 500

    Every 50 days in the daily reward, you should receive a race pass. Once you have it, all you need to do is enter a race, press 'Esc' to open the menu, and then press 'Race Again'. This action counts as entering a race. Therefore, you only need to spam this button for a relatively short time to complete the achievement.

  11. 0
    • Instant Gratification

    This achievement is easily obtainable by grinding during chest events. One of the best ways to unlock a Tier 5 monkey is to open diamond chests.

    Using an example of the current event as of writing, the Easter event: You gain eggs from completing maps (certain maps have bonus eggs). Gathering 1000 eggs allows you to open diamond crates at 70 eggs per. There is a small chance each diamond crate will contain a Tier 5. This also helps on the 200 insta monkeys achievement. Higher difficulty maps award more eggs, and higher difficulties such as Impoppable and Chimps award even more.

    Another option to get this achievement is by completing the achievement I'm the Boss which is to defeat a Tier 5 Elite Boss. It is pretty difficult, but it does guarantee you getting two Tier 5 monkeys. I highly recommend looking up a guide for the specific boss for tips and tricks on how to defeat them easily.

    You can also do the achievement The Daily Reid which is by completing 365 unique daily challenges. It does take a hefty amount of time, but if you are not in a rush then this is also a good option.

  12. 0
    • Modysseus Rises
    • Modysseus Forever

    Modysseus Rises/Forever are some of Bloons TD6's most tedious achievements. To get it, you have to complete 50 or 100 of the weekly Odyssey events. Each Odyssey you complete counts towards the achievement, regardless of difficulty or completion status for that week.

    • I'd personally recommend playing all 3 difficulties every week, only grinding when the easy Odyssey is shorter than ususal. This stretches the task over many weeks (Which shouldn't be a problem if you're also going for A Year in The Making and The Daily Reid), while maximizing your Monkey Money to limit burnout.

    • If you hate Odysseys, then I'd recommend playing the easy one 3 times every week. This takes less time, but is more repetitive and dull.

  13. 0
    • The greatest challenge

    I figured out while trying to earn this achievement that just selecting any challenge from the content browser, then repeatedly starting a new game, inmediately quitting and then strating a new game in a loop counts as playing a challenge each time you start a new game. You can repeat this over and over to farm this achievement very quickly.
    I recommend using a challenge on easy-standard, medium-standard, or any other mode that doesn't generate a window when starting, since if you use an easy-deflation challenge, for example, you have to close the deflation tutorial window every time you create a new game, slowing down the whole process considerably.

  14. 0
    • Inflated

    You can complete this achievement using insta monkeys, so you can basically spend money to get it, but if you are also doing other achivements you had to participate in at least one collection event so you should have enought instans to do this easilly.

  15. 0
    • Moving House

    This achievement is tedious but doable.
    Farm until you have ~5 Support Chinooks. If you find yourself waiting for cooldowns to end, buy more.
    You do not need to sell towers after you move them. If you move the same tower multiple times, it'll still count as multiple.
    After I had enough Chinooks I spammed the ability with a group of Dart Monkeys that I'd move around. Do this 1000 times in however many games you want to. Logs is the easiest map and Easy is the easiest difficulty to buy the upgrades etc, so that's what I used (then went to Freeplay)

  16. 0
    • Chunky Monkeys

    Beat 10 games on medium+ difficulty and any mode, only placing down the following towers which have a 'large footprint':
    Heroes - Captain Churchill/Pat Fusty
    Military - Heli Pilot, Monkey Ace, Monkey Buccaneer, Mortar Monkey
    Support - Banana Farm, Spike Factory, Monkey Village
    Magic - Super Monkey, Mermonkey
    'Item' Class - Cave Monkey