Guides for "Monkey Philanthropist"

  1. 0
    • Monkey Philanthropist
    • Bill Greates

    Easier than you think. Just need one other person.

    The goal is to save up to 2.5 million so that you can send 500k at once. It sounds like a lot but it's quite shocking how fast the money comes in following this strategy. The strategy is to build as many 024 farms and xx4 buccaneers as possible on Easy Lotus Island. Everyone should bring Benjamin to help out with early game money generation.

    I ended up making about 100k a round as the merchantmen were able to pull in about 1.4k each and I had like 60-70 of them in the water. At the latest you should be able to get to 2.5 million around round 85.

    Some tips:

    • Do not be afraid to use powers and insta-monkeys (what else were you going to use them for anyway?).
    • Play on a slow speed as I found playing on fast forward would lag the game quite a bit with all the towers on the map, risking a desync with your partner(s).
    • My partner was pretty paranoid and built snipers but with so many buccaneers you don't need any support. Just focus on building marketplaces and merchantmen.
    • You may as well go for other co-op achievements like 100 emotes, 100 powers, 5 insta-monkeys, etc.