
15 achievements
  1. 祭品的逆襲 The Counterattack OF Sacrifice 29 Apr '19

    15 achievements worth 8,278
    1. 回憶錄(Memoir)

      令人難忘的旅程(Unforgettable journey)

      71.4 %

    2. 彩蛋一:地下城的歷史(Easter Egg One:History of underground cities)

      過去的繁華,如今的煉獄(The prosperity of the past, the purgatory of today)

      71.4 %

    3. 57.1 %

    4. 57.1 %

    5. 57.1 %

    6. 夢境&現實(Dream&Reality)

      似曾相識的景象...(Like a familiar scene......)

      57.1 %

    7. 57.1 %

    8. 彩蛋三:守舊派(Easter Egg Three:Conservative)

      守護逐漸遭到遺忘的一切(Guarding everything that is gradually forgotten)

      14.2 %

    9. 永恆敖翔的大樹(Easter Egg Two:Eternal soar tree)

      靈魂仍伴隨左右...(The soul is still around)

      14.2 %