- Speedster
For this achievement you'll need to complete the game in under 2 hours 20 minutes which is the time they have as the Frictional devs fastest time. There are a few things to keep in mind that make this achievement fairly easy to complete.
Pausing the game or going into your inventory also pauses your in game timer and will not count against your completion time.
You can make saves and reload them to revert your completion timer back to what it was at the time of the save. So if you are making good time and at a certain part or a certain level you mess up and go through too slowly, you can reload your save to redo that part to get a better time to continue the game with. This part is what makes this achievement much easier.
There are a few methods of skipping levels to get your time lower to make this achievement easier also. I made a video going over my "speed run" of the game along with how to do the "Leyden Jar Skip" method to skip the Hunting Grounds, The Catacombs, and The Throne Room levels by bringing two extra leyden jars through the game from the Alchemist's Chambers.This method currently still works for both PC and console versions of the game.
0- Iconoclast
This achievement is for sacrificing everything to cast down a god and end suffering. For this you’ll need to take your daughter with you and inject all 3 side room areas with the poison you got in a previous area. Once all three are done you’ll kill the god and in turn, also kill yourself and your baby. I have also made a video guide going over all of the achievements in the game.
0- Harvester
This achievement is for leaving your daughter in the care of a god, and being reborn. While in the throne room, you’ll need to set your daughter back into the crib and walk out to be turned into a harvester. I also made a video guide covering all of the achievements in the game.
0- Provider
This achievement is for escaping to Paris with a daughter that must now be cared for. This is the best of the endings and is achieved by taking your daughter with you, running to the exit of the throne room, and using the teleporter outside to escape. I have also created a video guide for all of the achievements in the game.
0- Nope, Merci!
This achievement is for leaving when things were getting interesting in Amnesia Rebirth. Just like in The Dark Descent, you’ll need to exit out of the game pretty earlier on since it’s just too darn spooky. As soon as you get to the part in the caves where a fire gets blown out and you ask about Salim, save and quit, and you’ll get the achievement. I have also created a video guide going over all of the achievements in the game.
0- Narcissist
For this achievement you’ll need to gaze at a reflection in the water. On the left side of the fort you’ll find the fountain that you can do this with. Just go up to it and activate it to trigger the achievement. I have also created a video guide going over all of the achievements in the game.
0- Historian
This achievement is for finding an unfinished letter from an archeologist to his sister. Once you get up the elevator in the building where the radio is you’ll need to go up the left staircase all the way up and read the letter in the chest. I have also created a video guide going over all of the achievements in the game.
0- Escape Artist
This achievement is for escaping a cage in the arsenal without setting off a grenade. Once you get into the cage in the arsenal you can break open a hole in the wall on the left side, or you can jump back across into the other window. I have also created a video guide going over all of the achievements in the game.
0- Vandal
For this achievement you’ll need to smash lots of irreplaceable objects. Basically, once you get into the cistern just pick up any breakable vases you find and smash them against the walls or floors. Once you break about 15 of them you’ll get the achievement. I also created a video guide going over all of the achievements in the game.
0- Overlooked
This achievement is for keeping quiet and still, to escape a predator’s gaze. Basically you’ll just need to lay down behind something and hide while a ghoul is hunting you. Once it loses your scent and turns it’s attention away the achievement will activate. You should get this naturally at some point, for me it happened in the cistern. I also created a video guide going over all of the achievements in the game.
0- Can-opener
For this achievement you’ll need to pop the lid on some carefully stored meat. While in the cistern area you’ll need to open up the cover to a pipe and a large amount of blood and meat will pour out. Once this happens you’ll get the achievement. I also created a video guide going over all of the achievements in the game.
0- Trawler
For this achievement you’ll need to find the treasure beneath the water. Once you get to the oasis area you’ll need to go out into the middle of the water, crouch, and pick up the matches from inside of a vase. I also created a video guide going over all of the achievements in the game.
0- Translocator
For this achievement you’ll need to send extra objects through the portal in the Alchemist’s Chambers. To get this you can just grab the cubes from in the room and send those through. You’ll need to send through about 6 cubes and the achievement should activate. I have also created a video guide going over all of the achievements in the game.
0- Lightbringer
For this achievement you’ll need to burn a forest’s worth of matches to illuminate dark places. You’ll get this while playing through the game normally. Feel free to use as many matches as you want throughout the game and eventually you’ll get this. I have also created a video guide going over all of the achievements in the game.
0- Torturer
This achievement is for torturing an innocent to aid an unborn child. You’ll get this for going through the process to create Vitae and heal your baby. Maybe. Who knows what the machine actually does. This is a semi complicated part so I show this in my video guide as well as all of the other achievements in the game.
0- Altruist
This achievement is for sparing an innocent, perhaps dooming an unborn child. This is the achievement for going the other route in the Vitae creating area. Instead of going through and healing your child with it just activate the lift and run out to jump on it. I have also created a video guide going over all of the achievements in the game.