
142 achievements
  1. Ultimate Fishing Simulator 5 Dec '17

    10 / 33 base game achievements worth 15,145 (30.3 %)
    1. Brown Trout

      Catch: Brown Trout

      81.5 %

      11 Jun '20
      05:51 am

    2. Bull Trout

      Catch: Bull Trout

      78.9 %

      11 Jun '20
      05:45 am

    3. Cutthroat Trout

      Catch: Cutthroat Trout

      74.9 %

      11 Jun '20
      05:43 am

    4. Rainbow Trout

      Catch: Rainbow Trout

      74.5 %

      11 Jun '20
      06:33 am

    5. Fish basket XS

      Amount of caught fish: 10

      71.9 %

      11 Jun '20
      06:03 am

    6. Beginner

      Reach level: 3

      71.4 %

      11 Jun '20
      06:08 am

    7. Brook Trout

      Catch: Brook Trout

      66.2 %

      11 Jun '20
      05:49 am

    8. Fish basket S

      Amount of caught fish: 50

      41.2 %

      13 Jun '20
      07:39 am

    9. Striped Bass

      Catch: Striped Bass

      33.1 %

    10. Largemouth Bass

      Catch: Largemouth Bass

      25.5 %

    11. Black Crappie

      Catch: Black Crappie

      25.2 %

    12. Bluegill

      Catch: Bluegill

      25.0 %

    13. Smallmouth Bass

      Catch: Smallmouth Bass

      23.2 %

    14. Advanced

      Reach level: 10

      22.8 %

    15. Pike

      Catch: Pike

      20 %

    16. Channel Catfish

      Catch: Channel Catfish

      18.2 %

    17. Perch

      Catch: Perch

      15.1 %

    18. Baikal Sturgeon

      Catch: Baikal Sturgeon

      13.3 %

    19. Baikal Omul

      Catch: Baikal Omul

      12.3 %

    20. Fish basket M

      Amount of caught fish: 250

      11.5 %

    21. Mahi-Mahi

      Catch: Mahi-Mahi

      10 %

    22. Rainbow Runner

      Catch: Rainbow Runner

      10 %

      15 Jun '20
      07:55 am

    23. Greater Amberjack

      Catch: Greater Amberjack

      10 %

      15 Jun '20
      07:10 am

    24. Whitefish

      Catch: Whitefish

      9.89 %

    25. Zander

      Catch: Zander

      8.38 %

    26. Spotted Bass

      Catch: Spotted Bass

      7.27 %

    27. Blue Marlin

      Catch: Blue Marlin

      6.46 %

    28. White Marlin

      Catch: White Marlin

      5.75 %

    29. Striped Marlin

      Catch: Striped Marlin

      5.35 %

    30. Black Marlin

      Catch: Black Marlin

      4.74 %

    31. Expert

      Reach level: 20

      4.24 %

    32. Fish basket L

      Amount of caught fish: 1000

      2.82 %

    33. Fish basket XL

      Amount of caught fish: 2000

      1.91 %

  2. Ultimate Fishing Simulator — Update #1 18 Jul '18

    0 / 9 additional achievements worth 970 (0 %)
    1. Crucian Carp

      Catch: Crucian Carp

      20.7 %

    2. Mirror Carp

      Catch: Mirror Carp

      19.8 %

    3. Bream

      Catch: Bream

      17.4 %

    4. Chub

      Catch: Chub

      16.7 %

    5. Grass Carp

      Catch: Grass Carp

      16.0 %

    6. Roosterfish

      Catch: Roosterfish

      8.20 %

    7. Huchen

      Catch: Huchen

      7.49 %

    8. Barbel

      Catch: Barbel

      7.39 %

    9. Common Nase

      Catch: Common Nase

      6.99 %

  3. Ultimate Fishing Simulator — Update #2 5 Dec '18

    0 / 5 additional achievements worth 541 (0 %)
    1. Golden Trout

      Catch: Golden Trout

      14.5 %

    2. Sauger

      Catch: Sauger

      12.9 %

    3. Tiger Trout

      Catch: Tiger Trout

      12.2 %

    4. Walleye

      Catch: Walleye

      11.1 %

    5. Yellow Perch

      Catch: Yellow Perch

      8.40 %

  4. Ultimate Fishing Simulator — Update #3 16 Mar '19

    0 / 16 additional achievements worth 2,601 (0 %)
    1. Green Happy

      Catch: Green Happy

      8.16 %

    2. Pink Happy

      Catch: Pink Happy

      7.94 %

    3. Red Breasted Tilapia

      Catch: Red Breasted Tilapia

      7.82 %

    4. African Tigerfish

      Catch: African Tigerfish

      7.38 %

    5. Three-spot Tilapia

      Catch: Three-spot Tilapia

      7.38 %

    6. Kariba Tilapia

      Catch: Kariba Tilapia

      7.38 %

    7. African Catfish

      Catch: African Catfish

      7.04 %

    8. Vundu Catfish

      Catch: Vundu Catfish

      6.93 %

    9. Rainbow Happy

      Catch: Rainbow Happy

      6.93 %

    10. Electric Catfish

      Catch: Electric Catfish

      6.04 %

    11. Kafue Killifish

      Catch: Kafue Killifish

      5.92 %

    12. Large-scaled Yellowfish

      Catch: Large-scaled Yellowfish

      5.81 %

    13. Caprivi Killifish

      Catch: Caprivi Killifish

      5.70 %

    14. Zambezi Bream

      Catch: Zambezi Bream

      5.25 %

    15. African Banded Barb

      Catch: African Banded Barb

      5.25 %

    16. Purple Labeo

      Catch: Purple Labeo

      5.14 %

  5. Ultimate Fishing Simulator — Update #4 7 Jun '19

    0 / 12 additional achievements worth 1,931 (0 %)
    1. Greenland Cod

      Catch: Greenland Cod

      9.35 %

    2. Deepwater Redfish

      Catch: Deepwater Redfish

      9.00 %

    3. Atlantic Cod

      Catch: Atlantic Cod

      8.77 %

    4. Atlantic Salmon

      Catch: Atlantic Salmon

      8.32 %

    5. Lumpfish

      Catch: Lumpfish

      6.72 %

    6. Atlantic Halibut

      Catch: Atlantic Halibut

      6.61 %

    7. Greenland Halibut

      Catch: Greenland Halibut

      6.61 %

    8. Atlantic Wolffish

      Catch: Atlantic Wolffish

      6.27 %

    9. Fourhorned Sculpin

      Catch: Fourhorned Sculpin

      6.04 %

    10. Capelin

      Catch: Capelin

      5.47 %

    11. Goblin Shark

      Catch: Goblin Shark

      5.24 %

    12. Greenland Shark

      Catch: Greenland Shark

      4.56 %

  6. Ultimate Fishing Simulator — Update #5 28 Oct '19

    0 / 13 additional achievements worth 2,240 (0 %)
    1. Piranha

      Catch: Piranha

      7.64 %

    2. Oscar

      Catch: Oscar

      7.64 %

    3. Alligator gar

      Catch: Alligator gar

      6.55 %

    4. Apapá

      Catch: Apapá

      6.43 %

    5. Kumakuma

      Catch: Kumakuma

      6.31 %

    6. Tambaqui

      Catch: Tambaqui

      6.06 %

    7. Silver arowana

      Catch: Silver arowana

      5.94 %

    8. Redtail catfish

      Catch: Redtail catfish

      5.94 %

    9. Peacock bass

      Catch: Peacock bass

      5.70 %

    10. Payara

      Catch: Payara

      5.46 %

    11. Tiger sorubim

      Catch: Tiger sorubim

      5.33 %

    12. Electric eel

      Catch: Electric eel

      4.97 %

    13. Arapaima

      Catch: Arapaima

      4.73 %

  7. Ultimate Fishing Simulator — Japan DLC 1 May '20

    0 / 9 additional achievements worth 1,380 (0 %)
    1. Koi Carp

      Catch: Koi Carp

      8.83 %

    2. Tench

      Catch: Tench

      8.70 %

    3. Japanese Eel

      Catch: Japanese Eel

      8.32 %

    4. Sockeye Salmon

      Catch: Sockeye Salmon

      7.93 %

    5. Spotted Sea Trout

      Catch: Spotted Sea Trout

      6.91 %

    6. Northern snakehead

      Catch: Northern snakehead

      6.40 %

    7. Wakasagi

      Catch: Wakasagi

      6.40 %

    8. Giant Barb

      Catch: Giant Barb

      6.01 %

    9. Wels Catfish

      Catch: Wels Catfish

      5.63 %

  8. Ultimate Fishing Simulator — New Fish Species 18 Jul '20

    0 / 16 additional achievements worth 1,996 (0 %)
    1. Ide

      Catch: Ide

      55.6 %

    2. Pumpkinseed

      Catch: Pumpkinseed

      50.7 %

    3. Burbot

      Catch: Burbot

      48.1 %

    4. White Crappie

      Catch: White Crappie

      14.2 %

    5. Silver Carp

      Catch: Silver Carp

      11.3 %

    6. Flathead Catfish

      Catch: Flathead Catfish

      8.86 %

    7. Roach

      Catch: Roach

      8.59 %

    8. Asp

      Catch: Asp

      8.46 %

    9. Silver Bream

      Catch: Silver Bream

      8.46 %

    10. Giant Travelly

      Catch: Giant Travelly

      7.14 %

    11. Sailfish

      Catch: Sailfish

      6.87 %

    12. White Grayling

      Catch: White Grayling

      6.61 %

    13. Yellowfin Tuna

      Catch: Yellowfin Tuna

      5.95 %

    14. Bleak

      Catch: Bleak

      5.95 %

    15. Black Grayling

      Catch: Black Grayling

      5.55 %

    16. Gilthead Seabream

      Catch: Gilthead Seabream

      5.02 %

  9. Ultimate Fishing Simulator — Thailand DLC 3 Sep '20

    0 / 12 additional achievements worth 2,117 (0 %)
    1. Greyface Moray Eel

      Catch: Greyface Moray Eel

      8.32 %

    2. Pennant coralfish

      Catch: Pennant coralfish

      7.23 %

    3. Copperband butterflyfish

      Catch: Copperband butterflyfish

      7.23 %

    4. Common Lionfish

      Catch: Common Lionfish

      6.95 %

    5. Houndfish

      Catch: Houndfish

      6.54 %

    6. Mangrove snapper

      Catch: Mangrove snapper

      6.27 %

    7. Yellowtail Barracuda

      Catch: Yellowtail Barracuda

      5.18 %

    8. Giant Grouper

      Catch: Giant Grouper

      4.91 %

    9. Malabar Grouper

      Catch: Malabar Grouper

      4.91 %

    10. Indian Threadfish

      Catch: Indian Threadfish

      4.77 %

    11. Great Barracuda

      Catch: Great Barracuda

      4.77 %

    12. Blacktip Reef Shark

      Catch: Blacktip Reef Shark

      4.63 %

  10. Ultimate Fishing Simulator — Taupo Lake DLC 29 Dec '22

    0 / 6 additional achievements worth 990 (0 %)
    1. Chinook salmon

      Catch: Chinook salmon

      7.54 %

    2. Flathead grey mullet

      Catch: Flathead grey mullet

      6.56 %

    3. Giant kōkopu

      Catch: Giant kōkopu

      6.32 %

    4. New Zealand longfin eel

      Catch: New Zealand longfin eel

      6.08 %

    5. Brown bullhead

      Catch: Brown bullhead catfish

      6.08 %

    6. Rudd

      Catch: Rudd

      5.83 %

  11. Ultimate Fishing Simulator — Florida DLC 22 Dec '23

    0 / 11 additional achievements worth 1,225 (0 %)
    1. Black sea bass

      Catch: Black sea bass

      13.2 %

    2. Atlantic tarpon

      Catch: Atlantic tarpon

      12.5 %

    3. Black drum

      Catch: Black drum

      12.5 %

    4. Red drum

      Catch: Red drum

      11.7 %

    5. Little tunny

      Catch: Little tunny

      11.7 %

    6. Spinner shark

      Catch: Spinner shark

      11.7 %

    7. Atlantic goliath grouper

      Catch: Atlantic goliath grouper

      10.9 %

    8. Tiger shark

      Catch: Tiger shark

      10.9 %

    9. Blacktip shark

      Catch: Blacktip shark

      10.9 %

    10. Gray snapper

      Catch: Gray snapper

      10.1 %

    11. Blackfin tuna

      Catch: Blackfin tuna

      7.81 %


Bored of waiting for a bite? Would you like to catch some fish? You're lucky - in Ultimate Fishing Simulator, fish bite like crazy! Spinning, float fishing, ground fishing, and more! Comprehensive fishing simulator that allows using various techniques, in different places around the world!

Very Positive
SteamDB Rating
Release Date
Steam Deck Compatibility


3D 237 votes
America 231 votes
Fishing 227 votes
Simulation 219 votes
Sports 217 votes
Nature 180 votes
Immersive Sim 178 votes
Atmospheric 173 votes
Exploration 170 votes
Casual 163 votes
Multiplayer 161 votes
Singleplayer 137 votes
Realistic 135 votes
Open World 131 votes
Online Co-Op 131 votes
First-Person 120 votes
Relaxing 108 votes
Sandbox 101 votes
FPS 98 votes
Family Friendly 94 votes
3D 31,124 points
America 29,568 points
Fishing 28,011 points
Simulation 26,455 points
Sports 24,899 points
Nature 23,343 points
Immersive Sim 21,787 points
Atmospheric 20,230 points
Exploration 18,674 points
Casual 17,118 points
Multiplayer 15,562 points
Singleplayer 14,006 points
Realistic 12,450 points
Open World 10,893 points
Online Co-Op 9,337 points
First-Person 7,781 points
Relaxing 6,225 points
Sandbox 4,669 points
FPS 3,112 points
Family Friendly 1,556 points




Online PvP
Online Co-op
Steam Achievements
Tracked Controller Support
Steam Trading Cards
Steam Cloud
Steam Leaderboards
Includes level editor
Family Sharing
Full controller support


Pancake Games 13
3T Labs 6
Bit Golem 31


Ultimate Games S.A. 111


Ultimate Fishing Simulator 15
Ultimate Games 30
Fishing Games 4