Recent Games Page 14

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Showing 1,301–1,400 of 1,413 games
Title Unlocked Achievements Ach. % Completion State Earned Points Latest Achievement Duration Playtime Fastest Median Compl. Players % Release Date Steam Review Score
Title Unlocked Achievements Ach. % Completion State Earned Points Latest Achievement Duration Playtime Fastest Median Compl. Players % Release Date Steam Review Score
Desert Thunder00m0019 Nov, 2003
STAR WARS™ Knights of the Old Republic™036h 10m0019 Nov, 2003
Nosferatu: The Wrath of Malachi05h 02m0021 Oct, 2003
Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne00m0014 Oct, 2003
Gun Metal03h 09m0023 Sep, 2003
STAR WARS™ Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast™00m0016 Sep, 2003
BloodRayne08h 07m009 Sep, 2003
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City00m0013 May, 2003
Galactic Civilizations I: Ultimate Edition00m0023 Mar, 2003
Enclave013h 06m0010 Mar, 2003
Post Mortem00m001 Nov, 2002
Hitman 2: Silent Assassin00m001 Oct, 2002
Divine Divinity047h 33m0020 Sep, 2002
Conflict Desert Storm00m0013 Sep, 2002
Syberia00m001 Sep, 2002
Mafia07h 25m0028 Aug, 2002
Grand Theft Auto III012h 19m0021 May, 2002
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind01h 29m0029 Apr, 2002
Dungeon Siege00m005 Apr, 2002
Worms Blast01m0030 Mar, 2002
Blood Omen 2: Legacy of Kain00m0029 Mar, 2002
Heli Heroes00m0030 Jan, 2002
Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 2 (2001)00m0020 Nov, 2001
STAR WARS™ Galactic Battlegrounds Saga00m009 Nov, 2001
Eurofighter Typhoon00m0030 Jul, 2001
Max Payne06h 30m0025 Jul, 2001
Anachronox00m0027 Jun, 2001
Hostile Waters: Antaeus Rising03h 05m0014 Jun, 2001
Half-Life: Blue Shift02h 46m001 Jun, 2001
Gothic 1 Classic023h 05m0015 Mar, 2001
Hitman: Codename 4701h 40m0023 Nov, 2000
Counter-Strike014h 40m001 Nov, 2000
Soulbringer031h 36m0030 Jun, 2000
Deus Ex: Game of the Year Edition00m0022 Jun, 2000
X-Tension00m001 Jun, 2000
Daikatana00m0023 May, 2000
Thief™ II: The Metal Age012h 52m0021 Mar, 2000
Gorky 1700m0031 Dec, 1999
Omikron - The Nomad Soul013h 42m002 Nov, 1999
Half-Life: Opposing Force05h 17m001 Nov, 1999
Septerra Core04h 07m0031 Oct, 1999
Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver00m008 Sep, 1999
X: Beyond the Frontier018m001 Jul, 1999
Worms Armageddon00m0031 May, 1999
Team Fortress Classic00m001 Apr, 1999
STAR WARS™: X-Wing Alliance™00m0028 Mar, 1999
Thief Gold023h 25m0030 Nov, 1998
Half-Life08h 22m0019 Nov, 1998
Deathtrap Dungeon00m0025 Jun, 1998
Unreal Gold00m0030 Apr, 1998
RoBoRumble00m0024 Feb, 1998
Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee02h 02m0012 Dec, 1997
Fallout010h 20m0030 Sep, 1997
STAR WARS™ X-Wing vs TIE Fighter: Balance of Power Campaigns™00m0017 Apr, 1997
Realms of the Haunting00m0031 Dec, 1996
I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream03h 45m0031 Oct, 1996
Pandemonium00m0031 Oct, 1996
The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall01m0020 Sep, 1996
Normality00m0030 Jun, 1996
X-COM: UFO Defense00m0031 Dec, 1993
Litil Divil00m001 Jan, 1993
Gold Rush! Classic04h 52m0023 Dec, 1988
Wasteland 1 - The Original Classic01m001 May, 1988
House Flipper - Workshop Exporter00m00
Conan Exiles - Public Beta Client00m00
Warhammer: Vermintide 2 Closed Test010m00
For Honor - Public Test00m00
Sid Meier's Civilization® VI: Aztec Civilization Pack00m00
Mafia III: Judge, Jury and Executioner Weapons Pack00m00
Unturned - Early Access00m00
System Shock: Classic00m00
Spintires® - Editor00m00
Dead Rising 3 DLC400m00
Dead Rising 3 DLC300m00
Dead Rising 3 DLC200m00
Dead Rising 3 DLC100m00
Earth 2150: Lost Souls00m00
Earth 2150: The Moon Project00m00
Pirates of Black Cove Gold00m00
Commander: Conquest of the Americas Gold00m00
East India Company Gold00m00
Sniper Ghost Warrior 2: Multiplayer Expansion Pack00m00
Killing Floor 2 - SDK00m00
Scourge: Outbreak Fan Pack00m00
Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead Beta (Obsolete)00m00
Jagged Alliance Online: Raven Pack00m00
Max Payne 3 Season Pass00m00
ORION: Prelude Dedicated Server02m00
Dota 2 Test00m00
Hector: Ep 200m00
Hector: Ep 100m00
Back to the Future: Ep 5 - OUTATIME00m00
Back to the Future: Ep 4 - Double Visions00m00
Back to the Future: Ep 3 - Citizen Brown00m00
Back to the Future: Ep 2 - Get Tannen!00m00
MacGuffin's Curse Demo00m00
Medal of Honor Pre-Order00m00
Operation Flashpoint: Red River00m00
Arma 2052h 24m00
Showing 1,301–1,400 of 1,413 games