
20 achievements
  1. Fistful of Frags 18 Apr '14

    0 / 17 base game achievements worth 21,674 (0 %)
    1. My Name is Nobody

      Your first kill in a game among other human players

      98.4 %

    2. Frag Robber

      Kill some enemies severely injured by another player, while that player is still close to the victim

      44.5 %

    3. More Dead Than Alive

      Get some frags while your health is lower than 15 HP

      30.5 %

    4. Dutch Courage

      Kill some enemies while being under whiskey's effect

      23.3 %

    5. Level: Rancher

      Complete 25 games

      22.5 %

    6. Hat-Shooter

      Drop 15 enemy player's hat by shooting over their heads

      21.8 %

    7. Best Friends

      Kill a few Steam friends with bare hands

      13.1 %

    8. The Unforgiven

      Kill enemies ending their streak of 7 or more kills

      10.3 %

    9. Kick their asses

      Kick some enemies into water, fire or a large fall

      9.37 %

    10. Overweighted

      Kill enemies while reaching 100% overencumber due weapon accumulation

      8.41 %

    11. Overpowered

      Kill enemies with dual Colt Walkers

      7.24 %

    12. Level: Gunfighter

      Complete 100 games

      6.43 %

    13. Defuser

      Pick lit dynamite sticks thrown by other players

      5.09 %

    14. A Fistful of Dynamite

      Get some kills with explosive chain reaction effect (their own dynamite kills them)

      5.05 %

    15. Robin Hood

      Make headshots with bow from long range

      4.76 %

    16. Detonator

      Get some kills shooting at a lit dynamite

      4.34 %

    17. Level: Legend

      Complete 500 games

      3.10 %

  2. Fistful of Frags — Update #1 6 Feb '23

    0 / 1 additional achievements worth 444 (0 %)
    1. Certified mobile cannon operator

      Complete the mobile cannon tutorial

      29.3 %

  3. Fistful of Frags — Update #2 9 Feb '23

    0 / 2 additional achievements worth 1,283 (0 %)
    1. Sliding killer

      Kill 25 enemies while sliding

      21.1 %

    2. Bouncing around

      Kill 25 enemies by kick right after wall-jumping

      19.3 %