- Bahari's Hand-Wound Birdie
Requires spending 3000 anomaly coins at Bahari's Anomaly Research Lab.
Anomaly coins are granted to you for completing anomaly investigations, and by Bahari for completing his anomaly research requests.
You mainly should be going for quests with triple targets. These can grant very high amounts of coins (up to at least 70 coins for a single quest as of TU3), much more than what Bahari will give you.
As a rule of thumb, higher level quests with harder monsters have the potential to grant more coins, but this doesn't mean they all will. When repeated, a quest will always grant roughly the same number of coins, so you should try various triple monster quests until you find one with a high payout that you can reliably complete, and then repeat it.
Don't forget to lock quests with good rewards so they don't disappear. When you can, try to do triple target quests that match Bahari's request, as it is still a nice bonus.
0- Unbreakable Bag
In Elgado, find an NPC by the name of Pingarh, the Sailor. He is usually stading by the docks. After a quest, he has a chance of giving you a random item.
You need to obtain a total of 20 items to unlock this achievements. It doesn't matter which ones. Simply speak to him after every quest until the achievement pops up.
0- Anomaly Research Report
- Vermilion Amber Essence
Anomaly Research Report requires reaching research level 50.
Vermilion Amber Essence requires completing a level 100+ investigation.
You gain anomaly research EXP at the end of every anomaly investigation, depending on the target monster. Additional EXP is granted for hunting your current research request (the amount is indicated under the name and icon of the requested monster). The amount of EXP is also increased or decreased depending on the quest's modifiers. Quests with additional carts will grant less EXP. Quests with less carts or less time will grant more EXP.
If you're in a lobby with a player who's already level 100+ and they post a level 100 investigation, you will be able to join them as early as level 91. Otherwise, you will need to reach level 100 yourself before you can get the second achievement.
0- Comfortable Sandals
Speak to every character in Elgado.
Here are a few ones you might miss:
- There are 2 NPCs in your room. The housekeeper is obvious, but you can also interact with the painting to reveal Fukashigi the Informant, just like in Kamura.
- There are 2 buddies sitting next to Nagi the Buddy Agent. You can actually talk to them! When facing Nagi, there will be a button prompt to switch targets. Use it to speak to them.
- Some NPCs are only available later in the story. These are Bahari the Scientist, Doctor Tadori, Hinoa and Minoto. Hinoa and Minoto aren't always available, and you might need to complete a few quests for them to appear.