
88 achievements
  1. Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare 3 Nov '16

    39 / 50 base game achievements worth 6,907 (78 %)
    1. Dominion

      Win 5 online matches in Multiplayer.

      100 %

    2. Rising Threat

      Complete Rising Threat.

      86.8 %

      1 Oct '18
      02:22 pm

    3. New Gun Collector

      Scan your first weapon!

      84.6 %

      1 Oct '18
      02:31 pm

    4. Black Sky

      Complete Black Sky.

      77.6 %

      1 Oct '18
      03:18 pm

    5. Boots on the Ground

      This achievement is hidden. Go 2 minutes without double jumping or wall running in a mission where these abilities are available.

      76.2 %

      1 Oct '18
      01:54 pm

    6. Captain's Log

      Use the computer in the Captain's office.

      74.6 %

      1 Oct '18
      03:31 pm

    7. Gear Up

      Find your first equipment upgrade.

      70.8 %

      1 Oct '18
      04:13 pm

    8. Ante Up

      Get your first kill on the most-wanted board.

      69.2 %

      1 Oct '18
      05:49 pm

    9. Make it Personal

      Load out with a custom weapon.

      69.1 %

      1 Oct '18
      03:45 pm

    10. Operation Port Armor

      Complete Operation Port Armor.

      68.9 %

      1 Oct '18
      05:49 pm

    11. Serious Gun Collector

      Scan 10 weapons.

      66.2 %

      1 Oct '18
      04:17 pm

    12. Reality TV

      This achievement is hidden. Watch a news cast.

      63.1 %

      1 Oct '18
      05:51 pm

    13. Operation Burn Water

      Complete Operation Burn Water.

      58.9 %

      1 Oct '18
      09:57 pm

    14. Fangs Out

      Earn your first Jackal item (weapon or upgrade).

      56.0 %

      1 Oct '18
      07:44 pm

    15. Operation D-Con

      Complete Operation D-Con.

      55.5 %

      1 Oct '18
      06:29 pm

    16. Operation Dark Quarry

      Complete Operation Dark Quarry.

      55.3 %

      2 Oct '18
      09:00 am

    17. Operation Deep Execute

      Complete Operation Deep Execute.

      54.0 %

      1 Oct '18
      08:36 pm

    18. Operation Black Flag

      Complete Operation Black Flag.

      53.8 %

      2 Oct '18
      10:06 am

    19. Operation Blood Storm

      Complete Operation Blood Storm.

      52.8 %

      2 Oct '18
      11:23 am

    20. Operation Phoenix

      Complete Operation Phoenix.

      51.7 %

      1 Oct '18
      07:44 pm

    21. Operation Taken Dagger

      Complete Operation Taken Dagger.

      51.1 %

      1 Oct '18
      07:19 pm

    22. Operation Safe Harbor

      Complete Operation Safe Harbor.

      49.8 %

      1 Oct '18
      08:14 pm

    23. Aces High

      Clear half of the most-wanted board.

      48.7 %

      1 Oct '18
      08:36 pm

    24. Operation Pure Threat

      Complete Operation Pure Threat.

      47.5 %

      1 Oct '18
      08:01 pm

    25. Operation Grave Robber

      Complete Operation Grave Robber.

      47.3 %

      1 Oct '18
      08:47 pm

    26. Targets of Opportunity

      Complete all ship boarding side missions.

      46.1 %

      1 Oct '18
      08:36 pm

    27. Operation Sudden Death

      Complete Operation Sudden Death.

      45.3 %

      2 Oct '18
      08:11 am

    28. Jackal Ace

      Earn all Jackal weapons and upgrades.

      45.0 %

      1 Oct '18
      08:47 pm

    29. Peace to the Fallen

      Listened to all of the death letters of the fallen.

      41.8 %

      2 Oct '18
      11:35 am

    30. Operation Trace Kill

      Complete Operation Trace Kill.

      41.2 %

      2 Oct '18
      09:22 am

    31. Top Gun

      Complete all Jackal-only side missions.

      41.1 %

      2 Oct '18
      09:22 am

    32. Royal Flush

      All SDF Aces and Captains killed.

      40.7 %

      2 Oct '18
      10:22 am

    33. Peek-a-boo!

      This achievement is hidden. Kick open a door, peek open a door, and throw a grenade while peeking a door.

      28.4 %

      2 Oct '18
      04:57 pm

    34. Get Packed

      In Spaceland Pack-A-Punch a weapon.

      26.4 %

    35. Gravity Kills

      This achievement is hidden. Kill an enemy while floating in your own anti-gravity grenade.

      24.6 %

      2 Oct '18
      04:28 pm

    36. C12

      This achievement is hidden. Kill 3 C12s all 3 ways in one playthrough (right rodeo, left rodeo, and self destruct)

      23.7 %

      4 Oct '18
      02:24 pm

    37. Danger Close

      Kill 15 enemies with a zero G grappling hook.

      17.1 %

      2 Oct '18
      11:59 am

    38. You Know Nothing

      This achievement is hidden. Kill Kotch before his speech ends.

      14.8 %

      4 Oct '18
      02:30 pm

    39. The Longest Day

      Complete all Single Player missions on Veteran.

      13.4 %

      2 Oct '18
      11:23 am

    40. The Bigger They Are

      In Spaceland, defeat 5 Brutes in one game without dying.

      13.2 %

    41. Rock On!

      In Spaceland, craft a Weapon of Rock.

      12.5 %

    42. Brain Dead

      In Spaceland, play 30 games and get to scene 10.

      8.53 %

    43. Gun Nut

      All weapons scanned.

      8.12 %

      4 Oct '18
      04:01 pm

    44. Fully Equipped

      Earn all equipment upgrades.

      7.80 %

      4 Oct '18
      01:59 pm

    45. Sooooul Key

      In Spaceland, recover the piece of the Soul Key.

      6.67 %

    46. Batteries Not Included

      In Spaceland, create an Exquisite Core.

      5.90 %

    47. Hoff The Charts!

      This achievement is hidden. In Spaceland, unlock David Hasselhoff.

      5.35 %

    48. Sticker Collector

      In Spaceland, find all of the quest items and complete the sticker pack.

      5.17 %

    49. I Love the 80s

      This achievement is hidden. In Spaceland, find the MW1 and MW2 songs.

      3.86 %

    50. Insert Coin

      In Spaceland, play every Arcade game at least once.

      3.82 %

  2. Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare — Sabotage DLC Pack 24 Mar '17

    0 / 10 additional achievements worth 4,535 (0 %)
    1. Pump It Up

      In Rave in the Redwoods, Pack-a-Punch a weapon.

      9.66 %

    2. Stick 'em

      In Rave in the Redwoods, earn 100 kills with an upgraded crossbow.

      7.69 %

    3. Locksmith

      In Rave in the Redwoods, recover the piece of Soul Key.

      7.17 %

    4. Ride For Your Life

      In Rave in the Redwoods, ride every zipline.

      6.29 %

    5. Super Slacker

      In Rave in the Redwoods, unlock Kevin Smith.

      5.64 %

    6. Tables Turned

      In Rave in the Redwoods, kill the Slasher with his weapon.

      4.72 %

    7. Rave On

      This achievement is hidden. In Rave in the Redwoods, find the secret song.

      4.15 %

    8. Hallucination Nation

      In Rave in the Redwoods, stay in Delirium for 5 minutes after scene 10.

      4.02 %

    9. Top Camper

      In Rave in the Redwoods, earn all camp badges.

      3.97 %

    10. Scrapbooking

      In Rave in the Redwoods, complete your photo collection and mementos.

      3.27 %

  3. Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare — Continuum DLC Pack 6 May '17

    0 / 10 additional achievements worth 5,258 (0 %)
    1. Message Received

      This achievement is hidden. The end of the longest journey is a single step.

      6.57 %

    2. Pest Control

      In Shaolin Shuffle, recover one piece of the Soul Key.

      6.16 %

    3. Soul Brother

      In Shaolin Shuffle, collect all the newspaper clippings.

      5.99 %

    4. Sliced and Diced

      In Shaolin Shuffle, Pack-A-Punch the final Weapon.

      5.45 %

    5. Exterminator

      This achievement is hidden. In Shaolin Shuffle, defeat the final boss with the special guest.

      3.84 %

    6. Beat of the Drum

      This achievement is hidden. In Shaolin Shuffle, find the hidden song.

      3.66 %

    7. Some Assembly Required

      In Shaolin Shuffle, build all the craftable items in a game.

      3.57 %

    8. Shaolin Skills

      In Shaolin Shuffle, max all Chi abilities in a single game.

      3.21 %

    9. Coin-Op

      In Shaolin Shuffle, complete Skullbuster.

      3.08 %

    10. Book Worm

      In Shaolin Shuffle, find and collect all bios for AJ, Andre, Poindexter and Sally.

      2.77 %

  4. Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare — Absolution DLC Pack 2 Aug '17

    0 / 8 additional achievements worth 4,437 (0 %)
    1. MAD Proto

      In Attack of the Radioactive Thing, assemble the M.A.D. (Modular Atomic Disintegrator).

      5.87 %

    2. Soul-Less

      In Attack of the Radioactive Thing, recover the piece of the Soul Key.

      5.63 %

    3. Mistress of the Dark

      This achievement is hidden. In Attack of the Radioactive Thing, unlock Elvira.

      4.50 %

    4. Belly of the Beast

      This achievement is hidden. In Attack of the Radioactive Thing, enter the bomb codes correctly on first try.

      4.26 %

    5. Unpleasant Dreams

      This achievement is hidden. In Attack of the Radioactive Thing, collect the piece of Soul Key as Elvira.

      3.55 %

    6. Bait and Switch

      In Attack of the Radioactive Thing, restore and use all traps.

      3.55 %

    7. Dear Diary

      In Attack of the Radioactive Thing, listen to all of Willard’s personal recordings.

      2.55 %

    8. Quarter Muncher

      In Attack of the Radioactive Thing, complete Skullhop.

      2.51 %

  5. Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare — Retribution DLC Pack 1 Oct '17

    0 / 10 additional achievements worth 5,466 (0 %)
    1. Double Feature

      This achievement is hidden. In The Beast From Beyond, return to the theater.

      8.31 %

    2. Friends Forever

      This achievement is hidden. In The Beast From Beyond, fully restore N31L.

      6.14 %

    3. The End?

      In The Beast From Beyond, collect the final piece of the Soul Key.

      5.21 %

    4. Encryption Decryption

      This achievement is hidden. In The Beast From Beyond, Pack-a-Punch the Venom-X twice.

      4.23 %

    5. Broken Record

      This achievement is hidden. In The Beast From Beyond, unlock the hidden song.

      3.59 %

    6. Cracking Skulls

      In The Beast From Beyond, complete Skullbreaker.

      3.24 %

    7. Message Sent

      This achievement is hidden. In The Beast From Beyond, send the Turnstile back to the past.

      3.14 %

    8. Super Duper Combo

      This achievement is hidden. When playing Skullbreaker, build a combo of size 10 or larger.

      3.09 %

    9. Failed Maintenance

      In The Beast From Beyond, kill zombies with every trap.

      3.00 %

    10. Egg Slayer

      This achievement is hidden. In The Beast From Beyond, equip the Venom-X.

      2.70 %