
84 achievements
  1. Fallout 4 9 Nov '15

    1 / 50 base game achievements worth 3,816 (2 %)
    1. War Never Changes

      This achievement is hidden. Enter The Wasteland

      97.7 %

      13 Apr '24
      10:13 pm

    2. Born Survivor

      This achievement is hidden. Reach Level 5

      86.1 %

    3. When Freedom Calls

      This achievement is hidden. Complete "When Freedom Calls"

      85.6 %

    4. Future Retro

      This achievement is hidden. Play a Holotape Game

      74.9 %

    5. Commonwealth Citizen

      This achievement is hidden. Reach Level 10

      73.9 %

    6. The First Step

      This achievement is hidden. Join the Minutemen

      71.0 %

    7. Sanctuary

      This achievement is hidden. Complete "Sanctuary"

      68.9 %

    8. Touchdown!

      This achievement is hidden. Get a Touchdown

      65.9 %

    9. Unlikely Valentine

      This achievement is hidden. Complete "Unlikely Valentine"

      63.3 %

    10. Scavver

      This achievement is hidden. Gather 1000 Resources Used For Crafting

      63.0 %

    11. Fix-Er-Upper

      This achievement is hidden. Build 100 Workshop Items

      60.1 %

    12. Semper Invicta

      This achievement is hidden. Join the Brotherhood of Steel

      59.4 %

    13. Unstoppable Wanderer

      This achievement is hidden. Reach Level 25

      58.0 %

    14. Community Organizer

      This achievement is hidden. Ally with 3 Settlements

      57.8 %

    15. Reunions

      This achievement is hidden. Complete "Reunions"

      57.5 %

    16. Ranger Corps

      This achievement is hidden. Discover 100 Locations

      55.1 %

    17. Dangerous Minds

      This achievement is hidden. Complete "Dangerous Minds"

      54.8 %

    18. Animal Control

      This achievement is hidden. Kill 300 Creatures

      54.4 %

    19. What's Yours Is Mine

      This achievement is hidden. Pick 50 Locks

      52.8 %

    20. Taking Independence

      This achievement is hidden. Complete "Taking Independence"

      52.3 %

    21. Gun-For-Hire

      This achievement is hidden. Complete 10 Side Quests

      48.5 %

    22. Hunter/Hunted

      This achievement is hidden. Complete "Hunter/Hunted"

      48.4 %

    23. Masshole

      This achievement is hidden. Kill 300 People

      48.4 %

    24. Never Go It Alone

      This achievement is hidden. Recruit 5 Separate Companions

      48.4 %

    25. Old Guns

      This achievement is hidden. Complete "Old Guns"

      46.0 %

    26. Print's Not Dead

      This achievement is hidden. Read 20 Magazines

      45.0 %

    27. The Molecular Level

      This achievement is hidden. Complete "The Molecular Level"

      44.2 %

    28. Institutionalized

      This achievement is hidden. Complete "Institutionalized"

      43.6 %

    29. Tradecraft

      This achievement is hidden. Join the Railroad

      42.4 %

    30. Lovable

      This achievement is hidden. Reach Maximum Relationship Level with a Companion

      41.3 %

    31. Armed and Dangerous

      This achievement is hidden. Create 50 Weapon Mods

      37.1 %

    32. Legend Of The Wastes

      This achievement is hidden. Reach Level 50

      37.0 %

    33. Wasteland D.I.Y.

      This achievement is hidden. Craft 100 Items

      36.5 %

    34. Prepared for the Future

      This achievement is hidden. Decide the Fate of the Commonwealth

      36.1 %

    35. Mankind-Redefined

      This achievement is hidden. Complete "Mankind-Redefined"

      32.6 %

    36. The Nuclear Option

      This achievement is hidden. Complete "The Nuclear Option"

      29.5 %

    37. RobCo's Worst Nightmare

      This achievement is hidden. Hack 50 Terminals

      28.9 %

    38. Powering Up

      This achievement is hidden. Complete "Powering Up"

      28.5 %

    39. …The Harder They Fall

      This achievement is hidden. Kill 5 Giant Creatures

      27.9 %

    40. They're Not Dolls…

      This achievement is hidden. Collect 10 Vault-Tec Bobbleheads

      27.3 %

    41. Blind Betrayal

      This achievement is hidden. Complete "Blind Betrayal"

      25.6 %

    42. Homerun!

      This achievement is hidden. Get a Homerun

      25.6 %

    43. Nuclear Family

      This achievement is hidden. Complete "Nuclear Family"

      24.8 %

    44. Ad Victoriam

      This achievement is hidden. Complete "Ad Victoriam"

      22.6 %

    45. Mercenary

      This achievement is hidden. Complete 50 Misc. Objectives

      22.4 %

    46. Underground Undercover

      This achievement is hidden. Complete "Underground Undercover"

      20.1 %

    47. Rockets' Red Glare

      This achievement is hidden. Complete "Rockets' Red Glare"

      19.6 %

    48. Prankster's Return

      This achievement is hidden. Placed A Grenade Or Mine While Pickpocketing

      19.2 %

    49. …They're Action Figures

      This achievement is hidden. Collect 20 Vault-Tec Bobbleheads

      19.0 %

    50. Benevolent Leader

      This achievement is hidden. Reach Maximum Happiness in a Large Settlement

      14.6 %

  2. Fallout 4 — Automatron 20 Feb '16

    0 / 5 additional achievements worth 500 (0 %)
    1. Mechanical Menace

      This achievement is hidden. Complete "Mechanical Menace"

      39.9 %

    2. Robot Hunter

      This achievement is hidden. Unlock 10 Robot Mods

      32.1 %

    3. Headhunting

      This achievement is hidden. Complete "Headhunting"

      30.5 %

    4. Restoring Order

      This achievement is hidden. Complete "Restoring Order"

      29.5 %

    5. The Most Toys

      This achievement is hidden. Build 10 Robot Mods

      28.5 %

  3. Fallout 4 — Wasteland Workshop 1 Apr '16

    0 / 3 additional achievements worth 690 (0 %)
    1. Trapper

      This achievement is hidden. Build One of Every Cage Type

      13.3 %

    2. Instigator

      This achievement is hidden. Start a Spectated Arena Fight in a Settlement

      12.9 %

    3. Docile

      This achievement is hidden. Have 5 Tamed Creatures in a Settlement

      12.2 %

  4. Fallout 4 — Far Harbor 6 May '16

    0 / 10 additional achievements worth 1,429 (0 %)
    1. Far From Home

      This achievement is hidden. Complete the quest "Far From Home"

      31.2 %

    2. Where You Belong

      This achievement is hidden. Complete the quest "Where You Belong"

      27.6 %

    3. The Way Life Should Be

      This achievement is hidden. Complete the quest "The Way Life Should Be"

      23.9 %

    4. Close To Home

      This achievement is hidden. Complete the quest "Close to Home"

      23.6 %

    5. Push Back The Fog

      This achievement is hidden. Unlock 3 Far Harbor Workshop Locations

      23.4 %

    6. New England Vacationer

      This achievement is hidden. Discover 20 Far Harbor Locations

      23.2 %

    7. Just Add Saltwater

      This achievement is hidden. Cook One of the New Far Harbor Recipes

      22.9 %

    8. Cleansing The Land

      This achievement is hidden. Complete the quest "Cleansing the Land"

      22.6 %

    9. Hooked

      This achievement is hidden. Defeat 30 Far Harbor Sea Creatures

      17.3 %

    10. The Islander's Almanac

      This achievement is hidden. Collect all issues of "The Islander's Almanac" magazine

      15.2 %

  5. Fallout 4 — Contraptions Workshop 14 Jun '16

    0 / 3 additional achievements worth 546 (0 %)
    1. Time Out

      This achievement is hidden. Assign a settler to a pillory

      18.3 %

    2. Show Off

      This achievement is hidden. Display a weapon on a weapon rack, armor on an armor rack, and power armor in a power armor display

      18.1 %

    3. Mass Production

      This achievement is hidden. Produce 100 objects from your builders

      15.3 %

  6. Fallout 4 — Vault-Tec Workshop 13 Jul '16

    0 / 3 additional achievements worth 399 (0 %)
    1. Better Living Underground

      This achievement is hidden. Unlock all build areas of Vault 88

      27.1 %

    2. Vault Dweller

      This achievement is hidden. Equip Vault 88 suit and Pip-boy on a settler

      23.8 %

    3. Oversight

      This achievement is hidden. Become Overseer

      22.0 %

  7. Fallout 4 — Nuka-World 17 Aug '16

    0 / 10 additional achievements worth 2,052 (0 %)
    1. Taken for a Ride

      This achievement is hidden. Complete "Taken for a Ride"

      27.4 %

    2. The Grand Tour

      This achievement is hidden. Complete "The Grand Tour"

      19.9 %

    3. Power Play

      This achievement is hidden. Complete "Power Play"

      16.4 %

    4. Home Sweet Home

      This achievement is hidden. Complete "Home Sweet Home"

      15.9 %

    5. Diebrarian

      This achievement is hidden. Collect every issue of Scav! Magazine

      14.0 %

    6. Hostile Takeover

      This achievement is hidden. Establish 8 Raider Camps in the Commonwealth

      12.8 %

    7. Eyes on the Prize

      This achievement is hidden. Redeem 100,000 tickets at the Nuka-Cade

      12.7 %

    8. Raiding for a Living

      This achievement is hidden. Complete 12 quests for any Nuka-World Raider Gangs

      12.5 %

    9. Beverageer

      This achievement is hidden. Create 20 different flavors of Nuka-Cola

      12.0 %

    10. All Sugared Up

      This achievement is hidden. Defeat 40 Nuka-World Creatures while under the effect of any Nuka-Mix flavor

      12.0 %


Bethesda Game Studios, the award-winning creators of Fallout 3 and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, welcome you to the world of Fallout 4 – their most ambitious game ever, and the next generation of open-world gaming.

Very Positive
SteamDB Rating
Release Date
Steam Deck Compatibility


Open World 9,844 votes
Post-apocalyptic 8,665 votes
Singleplayer 6,822 votes
Exploration 6,748 votes
RPG 6,251 votes
Adventure 5,138 votes
Atmospheric 5,074 votes
Shooter 4,883 votes
First-Person 4,441 votes
Story Rich 4,314 votes
Action 3,750 votes
Sci-fi 3,701 votes
FPS 3,690 votes
Action RPG 3,300 votes
Sandbox 3,289 votes
Great Soundtrack 2,996 votes
Survival 2,931 votes
Third Person 2,928 votes
Third-Person Shooter 2,328 votes
Character Customization 1,373 votes
Open World 9,436 points
Post-apocalyptic 8,964 points
Singleplayer 8,493 points
Exploration 8,021 points
RPG 7,549 points
Adventure 7,077 points
Atmospheric 6,605 points
Shooter 6,134 points
First-Person 5,662 points
Story Rich 5,190 points
Action 4,718 points
Sci-fi 4,246 points
FPS 3,774 points
Action RPG 3,303 points
Sandbox 2,831 points
Great Soundtrack 2,359 points
Survival 1,887 points
Third Person 1,415 points
Third-Person Shooter 944 points
Character Customization 472 points




Steam Achievements
Steam Cloud
Remote Play on Phone
Remote Play on Tablet
Remote Play on TV
Family Sharing
Full controller support


Bethesda Game Studios 74


Bethesda Softworks 240


Fallout 22